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Everything posted by ravix

  1. Yeah, those are the frequencies of the buses. Expansion cards tend to get finicky really fast if you OC the pci/agp buses at all though, so if I were you I'd either leave it on auto or 66.66/33.33.
  2. You can't play the voided warranty card here. hehe. Basically everyone here has voided at least one warranty. I don't see anything wrong with flashing your bios, the extra voltage can be great for getting some extra power out of your card. The problem I see is when people buy SE's expecting a guarantee'd flash. Many times it won't work out, its just luck of the draw. And if you are going to flash your video card, make sure you have another pci video card you can use the flash it back to it's original speeds in case things don't work out. All things considered.. I think your best bet is with the 9600 xt. Its a great card that you'll be able to OC well and have fun with.
  3. I think the reason you aren't seeing more increase in games is because it takes a pretty substantial overclock to notice a difference, no matter what card you have. It is hard for the human eye to tell the difference between 22 and 25fps. Also, remember that anything about 30fps appears identical to us. You simple CANNOT discern the difference between 60 and 70fps. For me, overclocking helps most in keeping the framerates from dipping below 30fps in intense moments of the game. Nothing is worse than missing a headshot in ut2003 because your system lagged. also, I don't think your overclock was enough to warrant that kinda of improvement in 3dmark2001. Where you running anything else in the background?
  4. I think the most untapped space to hide wires is under the motherboard. As long as your careful, you can fit alot under it, including the ide ribbons. Round ide cables look great, but they have nothing on IDE cables that aren't even visible. Also, you can do like I did, and remove the wires from your PSU that you aren't going to use. I removed the intel-specific wires from my psu and hid the ends inside the psu. Of course I saved the wires/plugs, so if I ever go intel I can solder them back on. Here is a picture of the process:
  5. In my my experiences, intake in the front and the side and exhaust on the top/back is ideal. I got the best temps that way. Also, I decreased the dust in my case tenfold when I had more intake cfm's that exhaust. I don't know the reasoning behind it, but I don't care, it works.
  6. From those two, I'd get a 9600xt. I've seen too any people buy an SE hoping to get a good OC out of it, and finding the components are too crappy to get anything done. With a 9600xt you have a much better chance of getting an OC. Granted, you won't be able to flash the bios, but its already got the voltages you'll need for a nice overclock.
  7. DSL modem is connected to port 1 here is the back of router [uplink] [1] [2] [3] [4] [WAN] #1-modem, #3-computer 2.4c, #4-computer 1.0AMD (WAN, uplink, #2 are empty) the way it should be is: #1 - computer 2.4c #2 - computer 1.0AMD WAN - dsl modem and the rest empty. That might be the source of your troubles (its strange that it is working at all for you with the current setup). I think what might be happening, is that the router is acting as a bridge between the modem and the xp computer. And then the xp computer is somehow passing the connection the the second computer. Regardless, try my setup,a nd re-run the connection wizard, and see if it doesn't work.
  8. I agree. I reinstall every time I change a component, just because it makes me feel like I am getting the most out of it, and I like the feeling. To make it easier on myself, I have made 3 paritions on my hard-drive. So I can copy all the storage to one, and have windows/program files on the other. The third is used to keep ISO's/any programs that I might need for troubleshooting. The first two are obviously NTFS, but I have made the third fat32, so I can use my old win98 boot disks (custom tailored to my needs) to access it. Its a system I've aquired after many, many reinstalls, and it works great for me.
  9. I use my desk too, it works much better than most mousepads. I bouth a squishy thing for my wrist. I'd like to get some teflon tape, and a nice performance mousepad I can windex, but sofar I haven't been able to justify $30 in mouse-purchases.
  10. Yeah, that is extremely professional looking. Kudos on the great case! (now get it folding )
  11. The original speeds for my video card is 400/325. I run it at 525/385 without ramsinks and with stock fan, and it doesn't heat up much.
  12. Its all about you man. Do what you think is cool. However if your drawing a blank, most people start by putting windows in the sides, then install lights and take it from there. It sounds like your on the right track already, just keep adding your own personal touches, and before you know it you'll have your own case to be proud of.
  13. Here are the voltages of a PS/2 plug: 3 is a ground and 4 is +5v. You would have get a ps/2 wire (they sell ps/2 extenders at stores) and use that as a power cord. Oh, and here is the picture of plugging in a usb cable you asked for.
  14. Yeah, I am a little lost too.. could you tell us the path the water takes? To me, it looks like there are 3 tubes connected to the pump, with two going to the rad and 1 going to the cpu/video card and back to one of the other tubes. I dunno, hehe. Help me out.
  15. Basically. They just loosened the timings to allow for it to run faster. I'd buy the cheaper stuff. Let us know how it works out!
  16. Don't worry man, it happens to the best of us. If it makes you feel better, you can probably OC that beast to a cpu that would have cost you over $150 anyway, and this way you are guaranteed its unlocked. Good luck!
  17. The point is, he couldn't figure out why it cost so much until he saw the quanity. And he wanted to share his moment of insight with us. .. i think.
  18. Yeah, like its been said above, a hacker is a particularly talented programmer/computer techy. Being a 'hacker' doesn't even entail you are good with computer security. I consider John Carmack a hacker. Crackers are the ones who break into computers without permission. The people who continually deface the RIAA website are crackers.
  19. It depends on what you do. If you are contantly having to access your pagefile with 512mb of memory, then you should go with the value ram. However, if 512mb is sufficient, you'll like the speeds of the nicer 512. Good luck, you'll enjoy it either way.
  20. haha, those are some great temps. Nothing like being bundled in front your your computer playing ut2003 in your snowboarding outfit.
  21. I think 128 megabytes is the ideal setting, but if you have above 512mb and you run high-res games, you might as well go with 256.
  22. ravix


    For the home user, its basically pointless. oh, and:
  23. Good luck man! That is quite an investment, I hope it works out for you. *crosses fingers*
  24. An update: Its still snowing, and earlier today when it let up I managed to get a good picture.
  25. /me pulls out his wallet. .. dang.
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