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Everything posted by ravix

  1. Lol, this thread is full of the overclocking/modding spririt. I have left my window wide open on a day when it was snowing out just to see how much cooler I could get. (my mom wasn't very pleased when she opened my door and could see her breath )
  2. I think the way to go is to avoid setups like that at all costs. You can save so much money if you pick out your watercooling parts by hand. Plus, you can have more fun with it. If I am going to invest more than $100 for a project, I want it to keep me entertained for awhile.
  3. Yea, I think bishop was being sarcastic. I noticed that too asus.
  4. I am asking for an AIW radeon 9600. We'll see if the parentals come through
  5. I think its an awesome idea. Wooden cases look very nice in certain environments. For example, a wooden case would look great in our living room. If I were you I'd head out to a computer store and take measurements from one of the cases there. That'll give you a good place to start.
  6. ravix


    Does your user have administative priviledges? I think you may have to be superuser to setup.run MBM.
  7. Sorry you got stuck with a pally At least you got a 1700+ and not a 2000+. I'm pretty sure they'll reach the same speeds.
  8. I was just curious how many of you have screwed up your computers overclocking. If you did break a component, please tell us what it is.
  9. You can make your own extensions look pretty nice with a soldering iron and some heatshrink wrap. I've had to do that with some of mine. Just DONT forgot to plug in your processor fan after you extend it. I left mine off for about 10 seconds after turning on my computer. (luckily, it was fine)
  10. I think its basically unanimous: Buy some of the cheapo white paste from Radio shack until your Arctic silver comes in. You don't want to be known as the person who burns up their processor using an slk-900, do you?
  11. Yeah, I'd say the zalman is good enough. That particular heatsink is VERY quiet.
  12. I agree with the above man. there is no shame in Modding a dell. My friend has an HP that he and I have modded quite a bit. It looks nice, and very professional. Good luck!
  13. Can someone with a sandblasted window post a picture? I'd like to see what this looks like.
  14. SVC.com has the best ccfl prices around. I know you specifically said they must accept paypal, but you still might wanna check them out. Their prices for CCFL's are amazing. for example, I just checked and you can get two 12" UV ccfls for 7 bucks.
  15. Unless you cut off all the wires un-necisarry for the Pelt. but that means your psu will be fully devoted to a pelt. :shrugs: your choice.
  16. Wouldn't things be pretty screwed up with 16v's on the 12v line? I bet it is a misread. Also, screw the 30k rpm fan, I want fan #3, its run at 67.5k.
  17. Not like the warranty means much to us at OCC though.
  18. hahah, thats funny. But sad. Have you guys ever skipped school to do something computer-related?
  19. I say get the $20 one. You can't go wrong with a $20 psu! (well, if it's REALLY crappy, I guess it could take out other components...)
  20. I don't mess with OS beta's unless I am on the testing team. :shrug: And, I am going to stick with smaller upgrades for now (probably a 2500+ next) until pci express comes out. And then I'll upgrade my whole system with the hope that it will remain the standard for some time.
  21. Dont worry man, when did you order them? I ordered them months ago (september?), and I finally recieved them in the mail today. It was just three Athlon XP badges, but hey, they were free. (I'll post pics when I find my usb cable )
  22. Video cards will give artifacts 99% of the time before they are at dangerous levels. As long as you take it up slowly, and test often, you should be fine. But the moment you see artifacts, drop back a little and either stop OC'ing or get better cooling.
  23. I'm a strong believe in Sapphire and ATI. And no, there isn't anything better than the 9600xt for your money.
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