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Everything posted by ravix

  1. You have to be pretty serious to run a forum like the one here. Its a serious investment of time and money. If you got one off the ground, I'd at least check it out. And, about domains. Just because you pay the monthly/yearly(about $100 a year?) fee for a domain doesn't get you a server that will support a high traffic forum. You'll need to sign up for a fast server, or find a way to get yourself on a T1 line or above.
  2. I disagree, the UV cables look incredible! Especially if they are evenly lit all the way through. I really like the look of orange, red, and blue UV cables, and all of them fit with a blue theme. Good luck, post pictures!
  3. But the fact still remains that the sp-97 doesn't solve this guys problem. At over 500g he is still going to be nervous about installing it without a shim. Granted, the screw install will help, but its still a very heavy heatsink. Plus, no one wants to go buy a $50+ heatsink when the one they have already works... Kelly, sorry, but I don't live in VA. I'd suggest just opening the yellow pages and calling around. That is how I found my favorite local mod shop. Also, while it is nice to be able to get your products the day you need them, nothing beats the prices and selection on online buying.
  4. Congrats man! Have fun with that beast!
  5. Apparently the West has had more snow in the last few days than it has had in years. Our city (vancouver) has six inches, and before now I've never seen it snow here! THis is so exciting! Also, I hear there is a bigger, badder, storm expected to hit on sunday. I might be tired of the snow by then... *frolics in the snow*
  6. I use mirc to talk to people from here, and Aim to talk to local friends.
  7. Look through the settings for vsync, and if you find it turn it off. Your fps are currently running at your monitors refresh rate. But heck, anything above 70 is greedy anyway.
  8. I basically just picked Ravix out of the blue one day. I thought it sounded cool, and I have used it since By the way, it is pronounced: ray vix (as in sun-ray)
  9. Its pretty easy to fill up a hard drive nowadays. I got a 100gb, and I am constantly having to rearrange/delete files. Your mom is awesome man. Have fun.
  10. Yeah, there are a lot of resources for this type of stuff. No one wants to sit around an write you a report about hard drives. try www.howstuffworks.com, they'll give you some information, plus they have great links at the end of every article.
  11. Yeah, I'd trust it as well. No worries man. tell us if it breaks though, so I can stick my foot in my mouth.
  12. I currently have two video cards for sale, a geforce 4 mx 440 (agp), and a geforce 4 mx 420 (pci). I can only sell either one or the other, as I am giving the remaining one to my parents. I still have the drivers cd for both, and the box for the 420, I can also round up the powerDVD disk that came with them. The AGP card has dual monitor support, and the PCI one has a tv-out. I never throw things away, so I can probably round up the box for the 440 as well if you really want it. Anyway, I am starting the price at $35 + shipping for either, but I'll take the best offer. I live in Washington State, USA. The zip code is 98665 if you want to calculate shipping. (pictures upon request) Thanks.
  13. Soyo kt333 dragon mobo 300w power supply cd-rom I kept it down this year. Frys was nice enough to replace my motherboard, even though 30 days had passed and I didn't purchase a warranty. (they won a few return visits )
  14. I play my bass guitar alot. And talk on the phone, or just hang out with friends at the mall/theatre/starbucks. And I am looking for a job.
  15. http://www.overclockersclub.com/gallery/ Its right at the top of the main page.
  16. I got to spend a lot of time with family members I don't get to see often. My cousin is just getting to the age (5) when he'll see me and actually remember me next time we meet. He calls me "bubblemonster" It was a terrific christmas season. Now, on to quantifiable things... Radeon 9600 AIW (I think it is going to arrive today, every time I hear a car go about I jump to the window) Starbucks card (coffeeeeee ) Blockbuster card 3 dvd's $170 (Which I'll be spending in about 2 weeks) a LOT of clothes A car safety kit (flares, air compressor, light, etc) for when I inevitably break down on the side of the road One of those bags you carry your toothbrush, razors, brush's, etc in when you travel. A minifridge from a friend (modding potential? Heck yeah!) I feel like I made out like a bandit. I can sit here, playing ut2003, and sipping an icy-cold vanilla coke from my new mini-fridge
  17. Merry Christmas. *looks at clock: 12:51* <_<
  18. I don't have any temp probes on mine, But since I only have 1 hard-drive, and its seperate from all other drives, I'd imagine the temps aren't getting too warm.
  19. lol, we are overclockersclub,com, if your worried about warranties, your in the wrong place. That reminds me of our school computers. The school staff goes through so many measures to keep the computers locked in every single way, including BIOS passwords. Well, one day I turned on the computer with a book over the keyboard, and it displayed "sticky keys, press F2 to enter setup" and poof, BIOS came up. I didn't do anything, I just thought it was funny.
  20. Why not... ? Nice computer Kalu! I'd like to have that for my own, I am sure she'll be thrilled.
  21. Right on the Border between Washington and Oregon. Its nice to be able to go down to Oregon and avoid sales tax. (west coast, for all your geographically impaired )
  22. I am particularly fond of this project, I love that you bought all the parts yourself, and jerry-rigged some of it. Its proof that a nice watercooling doesn't have to cost a fortune. Kudos. How much was the final bill for all the materials.
  23. Yeah, I've seen it a few times. Was it drunk driving in new mexico? I don't remember...
  24. Well, devil, it actually says "tested on all leading motherboards, chipsets, and CPU's". Depending on your definition of leading, that may be true. Funny review. I like people with a sense of humor. (at least I HOPE that was a sense of humor. :-p)
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