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Everything posted by ravix

  1. I'd DEFINATELY reccommend mandrake linux for what you want. Its easy to use and install, and loosk great too. Its a perfect transition for someone fed up with windows. Also, it comes with a great software suite, and is the easiest distro to install (imo). It has a built in partition resizer/creator in the installation that will guide you through the process of installation. And, the looks of the system depends on which windows manager you use (think of it as a shell). Most people use KDE though, so I'll try to find a picture of a KDE desktop. Here is the barebone kde desktop, keep in mind there is a LOT of room for improvement and customization.
  2. In the case of the AIW radeon 9600, they up the memory/clock speeds to compensate. Also, They generally overclock VERY well, so I wouldn't worry about it.
  3. My computer has been running painfully slow lately, especially anytime I have to access the hard-drive. About the time this loss of perforamnce started a window came up in my ati-tv screen saying DMA was not enabled for my hard-drive which would cause significant performance loss. I don't know what caused this lack of dma, but i need it back! Moving files from one place to another is killing me (it takes SOO long!). I have a 100gb WD with a 2mb cache. I know its slow, but it is normally much faster than it is now, something is definately causing it to run slower than normal. I have already made sure the "dma, if available" is checked on my hard-drive in the device manager, and I have checked my bios up and down for something I may have turned off on accident. Any ideas what is causing this?
  4. I thought it was 180 days, and no post count requirement. :shrug:
  5. I have seen guides to make a ps2->serial and ps2->parallel before, but I don't think I've ever seen a ps2->usb custom adapter. I'd say your best bet is to buy it online.
  6. Thanks for the new system staff! Its nice to know wether or not I am on your good side. *watches as the meter redlines. *
  7. woohoo! I inspired someone! Go for it man, make my dream come true! hehe ps: Nice fishies.
  8. I voted for andrusk. Why? Because he was the only one without a vote.
  9. ravix

    My Wishlist

    I just ordered them, and, with my luck newegg had them on sale for $10 off today, its like they read my mind! I'll let you guys know how it sounds.
  10. ravix

    My Wishlist

    Well, I didn't get a chance to deposit my paycheck, but as soon as I can I am gonna purchase this mofo. New speakers/soundcard is going to be great. thanks!
  11. Never underestimate the resourcefulness of stupid people wanting to do stupid things. from www.twistedhardware.net : "Hello, I bought some RIMM here yesterday, and it didn't fit in my mainboard. I cut out the correct nodges, but then I discovered that the RIMM's don't work. Can I exchange these against some working RIMM's...."
  12. ravix

    My Wishlist

    Right now I only have a 2000+ at stock speeds. I have 512mb of pc2100 @ 133. Is that enough? I always thought the point of a soundcard was to take away some stress from your cpu, and create nicer sound. I plan on upgradeing to a 2500+/pc3200/new mobo in a couple months, but I'd be pretty dissapointed if my computer ran very slow until then.
  13. ravix

    My Wishlist

    Sorry, it should work now. And if it doesn't, I'll give the links to the specific soundcard/speakers: http://www.newegg.com/app/viewProductDesc....-102-158&depa=1 http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc....talog=60&depa=1 What do you think?
  14. Up until now I have never had the money to spare on a soundcard, there were always things I felt were more important, and I could never justify the cost. But, I've decided to buckle down and order one, and some new speakers to boot. Right now I have some crappy 4.1 wal-mart speakers and horrible onboard sound. It plays music okay, but it always sounds very bland, and doesn't have ANY crispness to it. Also, I've never noticed good sound in games. What I have now is definately sub-par. Here is my newegg wishlist, I am hoping to buy it tommorrow. Can you guys tell me if its a good setup? http://secure.newegg.com/app/WishList.asp?...=VIEW&ID=612474
  15. I wonder what could be behind the clock? mwahaha I didn't take that, I just saw it posted at a forum awhile back.
  16. Well, it seems you already found your idea, and this seem a little grandoise for what you want to do, but I'd like to see a computer built in an aquarium. Basically, it'd be a watertite (clear) container for the components in the midst of water and fishies. With correct lighting it could look great. I was thinking UV lighting would be cool, especially with some fish that respond to UV light.
  17. Bosco, because sofar everyone else has been choosing him. What can I say? I am a sheep. BAAA.
  18. Yeah, the PSU is definately holding you back. Get at LEAST a 350, and only get a 350w if it is brand name (ie Antec).
  19. I second that, I had to restart my computer when a crude away message popped up repeatedly in aim and windows wouldn't stop opening. Also, I agree with what most people have said. Your dell is as good as it will ever be now. Its sad, but there isn't much you can do to OC it. Just enjoy. ps: save your money.
  20. What do you mean by "not working"? Is the light showing up at all? Does your computer recognize it? If the light is still showing up, I'd say you either need a more powerful blue light, or as others have recommended you can piggyback 2 led's. Lesson learned: Don't mod if you can't afford to replace it.
  21. Also, you can pick up a seperate pci video card for one of the monitors. THis is often the route people take to avoid getting slower performance, but with your video card it probably isn't necissary. However, if you wanted a third monitor, that would be the route you'd have to take.
  22. If anything, try be be more like yourself. Despite what you might think, adding 'deeply' in front of your words does not make you sound and more convincing. I think the sentence: "I was deeply disapointed in your decition to not cancle school on today Friday, Feburary 6th 2004." would be more effective without the 'deeply'. Just try to write natural, and show him some respect. The quickest way to get anywhere with adults, particularly adults with authority, is to show them the humilty and repsect they deserve. Ask, don't command. Remember, this guy has been through a lot to get where he is. Don't imply that his decision is wrong, just ask him to reconsider politely. Oh, and with spelling like that you belong in school. j/k
  23. If you copy-paste the adresses into your browser it works fine. The games are: Midnight Outlaw, illegal street drag Total Immersion Racing Commandos: Beyond the call of duty, Behind enemy lines (+ platinum) Extreme Paintball 2 Flanker 2.0; combat flight simulator Starfleet Command: Gold edition Roller Coaster Tycoon
  24. I really like syk's sofar. I think it goes best with the existing f@h and seti icons.
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