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Everything posted by ravix

  1. I'd say your best bet would be a new PSU. What type of psu do you have, and what is it rated at? Please give a brand as well, there is a big difference between an antec 400w and a generic "550w" power supply.
  2. THe biggest consideration in this is the response time. 25 miliseconds is typical and will only slightly ghost in ganes (though it will still be noticeable, albiet barely). Anything 20 and below is perfect for gaming. I wouldn't recommend anything above 25ms, however, if you want to play games or watch fast-paced movies.
  3. Thats from the front page: http://www.overclockersclub.com/newscommen...article=7918116
  4. Well, you can leave your monitor at 60hz if that is all it supports, but I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND getting a new monitor. 60hz is very bad for your eyes. You can also try lowering the resolution of the monitor and seeing if you can increase the refresh rate then. If you must stick with 60hz, be sure to take a 10 minute break from your computer every hour or so, and the moment you start getting a headache, take a break. Also, you may try installing more recent drivers for your monitor. If I remember correctly, the default plug'n'play drivers only support 60hz at any resolution to prevent hardware damage. What type of monitor do you have?
  5. I am going to hook up a switch for all the lights in my computer soon. I am getting tired of a 2' x 2' night light.
  6. I use the cats. I tried the omegas and hated them. All around (obvious) performance loss, and I didn't notice any better image quality. And yes, I installed them correctly before everyone insists I didn't un-install the cat's first.
  7. I'd like to hook up my bass guitar to my soundcard and record a few songs, can I? I have an audigy 2 zs soundcard. All the connectors on the back are 1/8" connectors, but I am hoping I can get a 1/4" -> 1/8" adapter and hook it up... Will this work? What port should I connect it to?
  8. 3 things: 1.) Box fans are generally bad for computer (especially monitors) because most of them create a magnetic disturbance. 2.) No matter what, the performance of air-cooling is proportional to the ambient temps. If you are cooling your computer with air that is already 77 degrees, its gonna get hot. I'd invest in an AC unit before anything else. 3.) 5 tornados seems overkill for case cooling. I am willing to bet you'll get the same temps if you take two or three out.
  9. exeter_acres, once again because he was the only one without a vote.
  10. ravix

    The Ultimate Desktop

    I like my themes to be simple and practical. Functionality takes the #1 role on my desktop. The quicker I can work, the better.I use a mozilla theme for my desktop, it is cool looking and sci-fi, but it works well.
  11. w00t! Justice has been served
  12. I felt the same as all of you about episode 1, but episode 2 was a very decent movie!! I felt it stuck with the starwars spirit and was worth my time.
  13. You wouldn't want a multiplier of 20x even if your could. Generally speaking, mutliplier increases don't help as much as pumping up the fsb. However, don't lower the multiplier all the way just so you can raise the fsb, I find a happy medium works best.
  14. Check and see how hot your southbridge is. If it is causing your problems, you may be able to slap on a passive heatsink and keep your current onboard sound and OC. Anyway, buying a new soundcard will only avoid the issue of sound, you still have to face the fact that your southbridge may be overheating, which will eventually cause problems elsewhere. Of course, this is all assuming your southbridge is the problem...
  15. I guess I'll email logitech. If worst comes to worst I'll do a proffessional solder job (but I'd still rather avoid that).
  16. How much do you want for the above items? (controller/devil may cry)
  17. Your dad probably bought most of your computer anyway. Don't be an ingrateful son and do anything behind his back. If you are interested in his processor, ask him for it like a responsable person..
  18. I voted for Kevin. I am a follower, baaa.
  19. If you are willing to sell things seperately I might be interested in a controller (or both) and your copy of devil may cry.
  20. How much are you selling it for paranoid?
  21. Maybe I am off-base here, but if your going to invest that much money in hard drives can't you just buy some extra ram and eleminate the need for a swap/pagefile?
  22. PCI-express is just around the corner, if money is tight, I'd definately wait.
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