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Everything posted by ravix

  1. You seem to be doing everything right. I think you are correct in the PSU diagnosis. I assume you have already done this, but have you unplugged the psu and let it sit for a minute or two before trying to power up again? This has done the trick for me in the past. Do you have a PSU you can swap in?
  2. Nice work! Looks awesome! Where do you get your copper board material?
  3. Thanks for the kind words. I use a Canon 20D with a few lenses and a couple of old Nikon Flashes. (That way I hopefully get along with camera fanboys on both sides ) On those particular images I didn't do any post processing other than a little cropping and sharpening. However, I have no problem going to town in photoshop if it creates a compelling photograph. I consider the stuff on my site art, not photojournalism. Jammin- I just sent you the full-res pictures.
  4. Done, thanks for the suggestion.
  5. I just got done spending a day updating my photo gallery, and I thought ya'll might want to see the results. http://www.esorensen.com/ Responses/Criticism highly appreciated. And a few of my favorites for those of you too lazy to click (probably all of you ) Use them anywhere you like, let me know if you want higher-res versions, but please give credit where credit is due. A lot of hard work went into these. Cheers!
  6. Mine Has lots of my pretty pictures. By my friend (and the graphic's designer for my sites) has a pretty cool flash Myspace page HERE
  7. Well you are tied for first, because I got 88.9% as well. I used my nice headphones for this, I wonder what kind of effect speakers have on the results.
  8. People who either can't spell well or don't attempt to. My computer pet peeves are: * People who install useless software and complain about their slow computer. (ie: 3 Different toolbars in IE, and the Creative sound driver window that slides onto the desktop) * People who abuse USB ports (violently plug in and unplug peripherals) * People who hold my laptop by the screen, leaving the base to dangle underneath. * People who ask me to install software for them, then insist on reading the Terms and Agreements and ask me to "slow down" during the whole install. (I turn down 99% of the people who ask for help, nowadays). * People who touch my monitor.
  9. It looks particularly cool on pages with a line of vertical images. This is a shameless plug, but if you look at one of my sites: AZ Game Cheats. The icons at the bottom look cool.
  10. It seems OCC puts a space in between "java" and "script". Take that space out and the code works well.
  11. http://musicplayer.sourceforge.net/ That one is well-coded and open source. You should be able to adapt is as necessary. You can see it in use (everything default) at http://www.myspace.com/logiceye
  12. If you are willing to increase your budget quite a bit (~$200), I own these and I HIGHLY recommend them. Its worth it if you listen to a decent amount of music. The difference is definitely there.
  13. My dell i6000 has a lot of marks like that around the perimeter of the screen. I've decided to just ignore them, because I think fixing the problem is going to be more hassle than its worth. It will, however, effect my purchases in the future. Somehow dell is unable to seal the edges of their lcd's. :shrug:
  14. You've gotten some ideas down on the paper. Now set it aside and rewrite it. From scratch. It doesn't flow and it doesn't impress. Your better off starting again. Luckily, it'll be much easier the second time. Good luck.
  15. I don't know if your camera supports the RAW format, but if it does you can make an HDR from one exposure and limit the blur induced. Just push the raw file in each direction and export to tiff. As long as you didn't blow your highlights too badly this works very well.
  16. I have the same monitor as you, only the Sony version. http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=952788 That is a great thread for information on the monitor. Lots of people hooked it up to their nintendo 64's and playstations without problems, and it will work on the xbox360 as well. I love my fw900 for photo editing and screen real estate. Although I much prefer my laptop lcd for reading text. I also have a BEAR of a time getting my screen aligned with the CRT. Oh, and you really gotta see this monitor to understand its size. its 97lbs!!
  17. It worked the other way for me. I got a job so I could AFFORD a car and insurance.
  18. http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper/resolutions.php?w=1440 that site has TONS of high resolution desktops for free.
  19. I am not on a set schedule at work, but I work between 30-40hrs and have 12 credits at school. Its busy, but not impossibly so. The worst days for me are thursdays where I almost always work this schedule: 4am-noon @ work 1pm-3pm @ "research" class 3pm-4:30pm @ physics 430pm-6:50pm @ sociology luckily, I usually have at least one day a week totally off both work and school to relax and focus on homework.
  20. Sounds like it would make a good home server or Linux box. Too bad I don't have the money for it. Good luck selling it, you seem like a great guy.
  21. ravix

    Nfs Mw

    512mb is pretty limiting nowadays. Try disabling background processes and guaging the effect is has on performance. Of all the upgrades I've ever done to my computer, nothing was as noticable to me as going from 512->1024 :shrug:
  22. I'm really sorry to hear about the five. Hopefully, we'll all learn from their deaths. This really hit home for me today because we had a log fall out of the fireplace when we were all upstairs. None of the downstairs smoke detecters caught it, we only discovered it when the detecter in my room went off. At that point, there was already some damage to the floor. If my detecter didn't go off, there is a good chance I'd be spending the night in a shelter tonight. I consider myself very lucky. And you'd better believe we'll be upgrading all of our equipment in the next couple of days. Thanks for sharing xinul, and thanks for what you do.
  23. Its really not hard to build it yourself though. You'll get a lot more for your money that way.
  24. I like overclockersclub.com as much as the next guy. But chances are it won't even be around in 30 years when your kids look at your yearbook. Don't you want to choose something more profound and meaningful for your quote?
  25. http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/input/7727/ All black keyboard with different resistance in each key so that the keys your little finger hits are much easier to push than those of the pointer finger. I think its a waste of money, but it seems to fit with the converstaion.
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