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Everything posted by ravix

  1. If you must see it, you can click on someones profile.
  2. Welcome to OCC. Check in your soul at the door, because you now belong to the club.
  3. Guys, try to use some more original work! While its nice to see the fan logo being used, it is growing boring quickly. Start experimenting with different fonts/ideas/logos. For instance, I like roadkills background, but I can't help but be dissapointed that it is just someone elses work with an overclockersclub logo/text thrown in. I don't mean to pick on him out of everyone, its just a good example. I just think the best backgrounds are unique, not just cut/pasted pieces of other peoples original work. Anyway, they all look nice regardless. Kudos
  4. I've just been using photoshop. It takes time, but looks nice, and I know it well.
  5. All winamp 2 skins work with winamp 5. It is a fairly basic skin, I am just recoloring/editing some of the windows/buttons. Heres a preview: I am obviously not finished. I am going to make the buttons look nicer and more unique (I just changed the color quickly before making a preview) and finish with all the original black/orange and green leftovers. This is just to give you an idea of the direction I am taking. Any ideas?
  6. I am working on a winamp skin, just to let you guys know. As soon as I have the main screen done I'll post a screenshot for critics
  7. The camaro is mine, I dropped the engine in the car myself over the summer. The jeep is my brothers. I take alot of pride in his ride though, as I have put many hours helping him with the custom lift.
  8. One thing you can count on at OCC: All conversations lead to folding. f@h = god
  9. Thats a great idea! I especially like that the window can open independantly from the case panel. Its awesome.
  10. I had the same experience. Good luck man, its frustrating when things don't work as planned. and good luck with the OC once you get xp running.
  11. 1.) I really hope you don't think I am "exploiting" children. This is supposed to be a nice way to bring people to folding, not any type of exploitation. 2.) Because children can't really defend themselves, as you stated, its our duty to look out for them. Not everyone who wants to "save the children" is bad. Its a cause that should be praised, not looked down upon. Look guys, I didn't mean to make anyone angry with this, and frankly, I think your taking it a little too serious. It is all meant in good taste/fun. It was something I whipped up in a few minutes when I was bored and when I wanted to bring more people to folding. Sorry if you take offense to it, but for me folding isn't about the points (like I said, am I really going to win?) Its about having some healthy competition with friends, and more importantly, about helping people (including children!). I would never have agreed to putting my computer under full loads 24/7 if I didn't think it was going for a good cause, but I can somehow rest easier at night when I hear my computer fans and know that good work is being inside my case. I just wanna share that with other people.
  12. Actually, I don't feel it is misleading at all. I got the picture from a site about an African Tribe that is in no way impoverished or needy. I know that folding@home isn't about feeding the children, which is why I avoided a picture of a child that look malnourished. The point of the image is that Folding@Home actually helps people, including children. The fact that you see African children and jump to conclusions about their medical treatment is out of my control. I'm sorry if the image offended you in any way, but I don't think you have reason. Am I going to win in the folding contest? (no). I just want to bring new people to the cause, and in the process rack up some points for OCC. edit: you'll notice the girl on the left is smiling.
  13. Send it to anyone you want, just be sure to give them a link to our folding page, and a link to LinuxProX's installer.
  14. if you wanna see burnt hardware, check out this site: http://www.twistedhardware.net/ And for those of you too lazy to click the link, here are some highlights (just a couple for those 56k'rs out there) This is supposedly from a PSU going bad. Funny thing is, the hard-drive still functioned and was readable. This guy forgot to turn on his watercooling setup. Thats why we use relays.
  15. I didn't post this in the folding forum because it is generally aimed at the people who don't fold. Anyway, I was bored a few nights ago, and I found out one of the people who had been folding for me quit. So I created this image to try to win him back. I thought I'd share it with you guys.
  16. My case cae with that. It looks pretty nice. Unfortunately, I scratched the window, so if I want black lights in my case I have to replace it as the black lights bring out every imperfection.
  17. Your chip could be at its limit. If your memory is already at 2.7-2.8v, then I'd say your stuck, unless you want to loosen the timings (which is probably a bad decision). a 2256mhz clock speed for a 1700+ is very nice though, you should be happy.
  18. That's a nice avatar claymeow. /me is still in shock that devil doesn't have his blink avatar.
  19. I am a junior in highschool. I also just started a job at papa murpheys.
  20. That looks great man! Sounds like a good investent if it helps you sleep at night.
  21. Don't worry about it much. Its better to take your time and produce high quality posts than to go into a posting frenzy and spam up the boards with crap. Take your time and post meaningful stuff, and you'll get respect among the members and a shiny new title ocassionally to boot.
  22. Haha, nice oc man! If only we could all reach 2000fsb speeds.
  23. I am usually okay, as long as I keep my realtime protection on. However, I always turn it off for games, and forget to turn it back on. I've had a few virii, including one that wiped out ten gigs of programs/storage stuff. But sofar, I've been pretty lucky for how much I download.
  24. Maybe you should look for some new alternatives to fixing your problems. Do you have any hardware/driver conflicts? Or maybe it is hardware. Windows 2k isn't that bad, no one should need to reisntall that many times!
  25. What kind of timings were you running on that value ram? It doesn't OC well, so it could be a major drawback. Also, did you increase the voltages on the memory? You might get better luck with 2.7 or 2.8v. As for the summer heat, its a killer. Many people have to drop down their OC's in the summer. My best recommendation is to get an AC unit in your room and keep the temps steady. But that obviously won't work for everyone. Also, what were the temps at?
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