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Everything posted by ravix

  1. I have a vantec "ion" 400w power supply. It has a normal wall-outlet type plugin on the back for extra accesories. If I plug something into this, will it draw power from the psu, or from the wall? I am interested in plugging my water-pump into this, so I won't need to purchase a relay, but I don't think the power supply can handle the pump and everything else in the case. It would seem foolish to have the plug-in draw power from the psu in any way, I just want some assurance its a safe thing to do.
  2. Read the instructions sly You can't turn it upside-down, or spray it at much of an angle, or it will shoot some liquid. However, the liquid is not very harmful, and evaporates VERY quickly.
  3. No, v-core often adds stability. If you aren't convinced, try running it with a high vcore at 242 and see if it is, indeed, the higher voltage causing the problems. However, I am willing to bet either your memory or your cpu has reached its potential. You shouldn't have to raise a v-core that high when you overclock (what kinda cooling do you have!?).
  4. LOL! I just realized that this is coming from a guy with "Claymeow pwns j00" for his avatar. haha, no harm intended, just poking fun claymeow.
  5. Maybe not, I just voted for 'OCC|' also, all we need is five more votes! Come on guys! We want to look professional, not like "kiddies". Lets impress people with our skills, not our name. -OCC|ravix
  6. And a local site to find cool ideas at: http://www.overclockersclub.com/gallery/ seriously, the best inspiration comes from seeing other's work.
  7. This computer is for my parents and will not be overclocked. I already have all the components but the motherboard. I'd like a stable mobo (onboard video is nice, but not required) I can put in their system. Let me know if you have anything to sell.
  8. That is still only 1% out of spec (6% from 3.3v). Unless you are noticing adverse effects (such as instability) I wouldn't worry much about it.
  9. Ditto. I only go as far as being with them when they overclock, and giving them advice for hardware.
  10. Actually, devil, Hick was right. Gmaz wanted to know about a 2004, week 8 processor, which is undoubtedly locked. I think the picture is from his current processor. Btw: stick with yuor current processor, its a beast!
  11. lol, no. but we'll need more info to help you diagnose the problem.. What motherboard do you have? Processor? Where are you reading the 128mb? What type of memory is it? Have you checked the memory to make sure its the right stuff? What slot is it in? Basically, give us all the details you can. THEN we can try to help. Of course, if all you needed answered is that question, then: NO.
  12. I'll give you twenty for a broken video card. I'd like to test out some mods on it.
  13. w00t, I'm in the quotes. Its a good review, it sums up the game very well.
  14. Hehe, unfortunately its nearly impossible to sleath a floppy (and after 10 years they do seem to get nasty :-p) but, that is a nice looking mod! Very proffesional!!
  15. Yeah, I'd say those are definately safe temps, don't worry about them much.
  16. A bios password should not really be used as a security measure. Anyone who knows anything about computers can just use the jumper on the c-mos battery to circumvent it. If you are truly worried about security, your best bet is to enforce passwords on your OS login screens. It won't protect someone from sneaking into your bios, but it will stop people from accessing your files.
  17. Yeah man, good find! Give them some grief after they send you the real 9800 pro, its people like us that can expose theives like them. Good luck with getting a (real) 9800 pro!
  18. I was wondering if any of you have put a new fan on any of the AIW series cards, particularly the AIW 9600 pro. I am worried about getting one because I don't want the TV tuner box (the silver thing) to get in the way. However, I need a new fan, because this one has an annoying buzz, like it is going out, and I want an even better overclock. Anyway, any help is appreciated. I'd really like a suggestion of a nice one to order.
  19. The stepping reads aqzfa0402, and from what I see at the overclockers.com database, they have some very nice overclocks! I got it up to 3200+ speeds without a hitch last night (without raising voltages!). So, yeah. I am stoked. I can't wait to see how high I can push it with some decent cooling.
  20. I like UT2004 a gripload more than I liked UT2003. Without the vehicles UT2003 was just an average fps with fantastic graphics. UT2004 has the best of both worlds: great graphics with some depth to back it up. The vehicles give everyone their own "job" to do on the battlefield, which brings out a plethora of strategies. Onslaught aside, however, and you still have your old boring fps (imo)
  21. Bah, the rent-a-modding here is getting annoying! Its one thing to nicely suggest something to someone in addition to adding something to the topic at hand, but its another thing when your entire post consists of a one-line rent-a-mod. The OCC staff is capable of running things. that said, I almost doubled my parents 533 celeron's clock speeds. And I am hoping to get a nice OC out of my barton 2500+ that will arrive in the mail today. Those mobiles sound amazing!!! I'm interested in seeing the benchmarks!
  22. Usually a card will show artifacts long before the limit, the rule of thumb is to (slowly!) increase the clock speeds by about 5mhz until you see artifacts, and at that point drop it down 3mhz and see how it fares.
  23. http://forums.overclockersclub.com/?showtopic=20700
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