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Everything posted by ravix

  1. Also, you might just have a crappy chip. What are your temps?
  2. Yes, higher temp generally means better OC's. Of course there is a limit a chip can reach, but low temps help a lot. Also, low temperatures keep your components alive longer. If you case is being cooked at 40c constantly, don't be surprised if you lose a component every few months. But most importantly, a system that can stay 30c under load makes for good bragging rights.
  3. Well, the slk-900 accepts 80mm too, why don't you take that route?
  4. I promise you you'll get better scores with a 9600 pro than with a geforce4mx. The MX series make up some of the worst cards out there. Good luck with a 9600 pro
  5. ravix

    Matrix Themed

    http://zmatrix.sourceforge.net/ Zmatrix is a really cool desktop background program that creates a moving matrix for your background
  6. This site has an upload feature, so you don't need to get them hosted. Just look for the attachment box in the reply page.
  7. Thanks for the heads-up! Its always nice to know when to avoid a product. I don't know what I would do without zip-ties. HAha, the radiator of my car is held in by zip ties.
  8. I just got two pics of my computer and I'd like to show off. Any ideas/comments? Sofar, I have: Sleeved the PSU with automotive sleeves Replaced the Power-on led with a superbright blue LED Installed a fan controller Sleathed the Cd-rom drive Added 6 superbright led's to the interior Cut a window into the top and installed a fan up top with 4 blue LED's Installed Rounded IDE cables And a few other mods I have talked about before, that you can't see in the picture.
  9. I'd like to take my computer from 256mb pc2100 (boo) to at least 512 megabytes. I'd be willing to pay $15-20 for a 256mb stick of pc2100, and $25 for a 512mb stick. Also, if you have 256mb or more of pc2700, make me an offer I can't refuse.
  10. As long as it doesn't freeze indefinately you should be fine. Congrats on the OC!
  11. I stay around 42 under full load with my 2000+ at 2200+, I've had it like this a few days, I think I could fairly easily take it up more. And that is with my fan at 2800rpm. I can take it up to 5400rpm if I need.
  12. It looks cool man! Is it gonna be an AMD? j/k What are some of your plans for this thing? Is the second power supply for a pelt?
  13. I really like this mod for molex connectors. I haven't done it yet, but I will soon. http://www.metku.net/index.html?sect=view&...light/index_eng
  14. http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/space/10/28/s...lare/index.html http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/hotshots/X17/ I think it might be worth taking a few precautions for. The article mentions that this is the third largest solar flares on record. The 1989 storm that hit and disrupted power grids in Canada was rated an X15. The storm set to hit tommorrow is rated a X17.2 (higher is more powerful). Nothing is probably gonna happen to your computer, but you might want to check your surge protectors, etc. You should be specially careful if you live in canada, because that seems to be where most of the warnings are for. Bah, its 12:30am and I have to get up at 5:15.
  15. Also, it may be a driver problem. I would try reinstalling drivers, and making sure they are the correct ones.
  16. Who says there is a catch? He is wanting to trade a 120 gig hd for two hd's that equal 120 gig.
  17. You may not be able to. Heat is not the only issue when dealing with overclocking. All chips are unique. Some are great overclockers and some can barely be overclocked at all. If you already have a zalman/fan on there, I doubht you can get much more out of it.
  18. If you want a hole for a 120mm fan just trace around a cd. Cd's make a perfect fit for them. Also, how much money can I expect to spend on a hole saw? I've heard they are mighty expensive....
  19. I agree completely, that looks awesome! I hope you'll be posting a guide for this.
  20. They have some pretty wierd auctions. The most distrubing one I've seen is the people who tried to sell their baby on Ebay. If that was true, it's very sad. Oh, and Mr Anderson: Very nice avatar.
  21. Yeah, that is what I heve heard. The only thing is, they are kinda hard to come across.
  22. My volcano 9 keeps my temps at around and average temp of 38 degrees @ 3000rpm's on full load. Granted, on warmer days it does climb anywhere up to 45. I'd love a new heatsink, but I simply can't afford one right now. I have so many things that need my money right now, my computer has to sit out a few upgrades I've been hoping for. For instance, I just put a dent in my parents van that is going to cost me at LEAST $500 to fix. Bummer.
  23. Yeah, that looks really nice. And if you mess up it is $50 out the window, not $500.
  24. Well, that usually doesn't mean much, because if your heatsink isn't seated properly, it will cause high temps and the heatsink will remain cool. However, I think there is something wrong with your sensors. Go to wal-mart and buy a small temp sensor and stick it near the core. Then, if you see a significant difference between that reading and the temps from BIOS you know there is a problem with your motherboard. Also, as many other people have mentioned. Flash your bios. It is just a good thing to do.
  25. well, to each their own. I LOVE linux, and yet I still get sick and tired of fellow users praising it and bashing Windows. Let me choose my own operating system. Sure, I love advice and news about an operating system, but saying "Windows is very unstable, slow, expensive and insecure." without backing that up does me no good whatsoever. In my personal experience, windows xp is very stable, secure, and fast. So, what are you going to present to me to change my mind? Also, for the majority of people here, I personally feel windows is the way to go. People usually beef up their systems for Gaming, not browsing the internet. And, lets face it, even though you can often play games in linux, they NEVER run the same as they would in a windows system. Overclocking system components to get an added edge to your gaming is pointless if your Operating system is holding performance back. Basically, I think Linux is AWESOME, but not for everyone. If you are the type of person that likes tinkering with stuff, check out linux. It is awesome, and pretty stable as well. Also, you can have a very spiffy-looking GUI if you so choose. If you are fairly traditional and don't like change, stick with windows. If you are a hardcore gamer, stick with windows. Windows is tried and true, and with the release of Windows Xp/Win2k it is just as stable as linux ever was. Or, like me you can dual boot and have the best of both worlds. -Proud user of Slackware Linux, Mandrake Linux, and Windows XP Pro
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