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Behind The Names


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Actually we've already had a thread like this so I knew some of this....but for you new people...I thought I came up with my name all by myself...but evidently there's an old game called Celtica....I just used it because of my celtic heritage and the FLM are my initials..I also like any and all things celtic....and btw...thats a hard c...pronounced kelticka :P


Celtica and Xani are 2 names I use often on the web.

Edited by CelticaFLM

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mine started out as a gaming thang, too. I was never a multi-person gamer until i started a job at an ad agency, and one of our creatives was heavy into Quake 3:arena. He convinced a bunch of us to try it, and we installed it on our comps and started staying after work and playing on our LAN.


My pc desktop was pretty crappy, and couldn't run quake, and my mac hadn't come in yet, so I was sharing a buddy's mac. Sometimes he would play, sometimes I would. Generally, I played decent and he stunk, but when we were playing, people didn't know who they were up against. Hence, it was a "BiPolar" machine. Well, I guess schizophrenic is more like it (one box, two personalities), but I took it more as sometimes i kicked butt (manic) and other times I was fodder (depressed and slow).


That, and BiPolar kind of has a cool ring to it...in my opinion.

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I thought mine up back when i was about 6 or 7, we just got our first computer and the internet, it just happened to be AOL :ph34r: . Back then I thought I knew everything, my head was pretty big. So I was going for ComputerGenious, that was too big. So I took off most of genious, added another e because I thought it looked cool :P. So it ended up being ComputerGee. For those of you that say Computer Gee, like in McGee, its actually pronounced computer jee. Just wanted to clear that up.

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ahh I remember one of these threads :D.


Wow...I've been using "Puck" for a good 9 years. What I hear most often is if its from that old cartoon Gargoyles...the answer is no, but I did like the name more after that show came out ;). Im pretty sure I was searching around for a new name and was at first looking at objects for a name - I used to be into hockey, so checked out "Puck". After a bit of research, I found it was way better then I thought, and took it for a whole other reason - a magical shapeshifter with unlimited power! How cool is that??? That put the icing on the cake, so I began to use the name of Puck to signify the magical trickster(Midsummer nights dream, Faust, Gargoyles, and various cultures through human history). The actual origin of Puck isnt known, and it depends on the history you are following, but I prefer the Celtic/Norse shapeshifter-trickster-prince of faeries version over the christian/old english evil demon Puck("Puk") - dang puritans made everything look so bad :lol: (j/k(kinda))


**edit** Computergee you should change your name to ComputerG :lol: **edit**

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  • 3 weeks later...

kinda dead, but...


i've had my name for a while, don't remember when i got it, but i used to be big into command and conquer tib sun, and i thought i click fast, and fast is nanoseconds so ill call myself nan0click, it's a pretty stupid name, but i cant find anything else to use so it sticks... and everyone knows me as nan0click from back in my UAF days to now in my TAW days

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it was when the origonal tribes came out (98-99??)and i needed a new nick... i was alawys top in kills and i was useing the sniper rifle.. so bionicsniper


Tribes! What a hilarious game- more hilarity than any of the battlefields in my opinion. Good times.

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I hate my name acctually, I really wish i could change it. The name i use most is Schmead, pronounced Smeed. I went camping one day with my friend and all of a sudden i was called Smeed so it kinda stuck.

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Yeah what the hell is a nocbrute you ask?

Nocbrute wasnt my name to tell you the truth. This all taked place on Battle Net, originally Starcraft, yeah thats how old it is. This name is notorious to oldskool people on Bnet. First my name was Killa - I was young...., then i changed it to Noc., and i got mocked for doing so, i saw the program NocBrute, and i decided to use it. The program was a cracking program or specificly it was used to steal accounts by guessing peoples passwords, supplied by proxys it was unstoppable lol, anyway so i saw that the original NoCBrUtE was a newb, newb newb newb - bnet wise, so i used his name AFTER he retired, later i got the name NocBrute, then Noc, and NocList --- FBI HitList i think or something like that. so out of all of them i use NocBRute now.

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well thunderchicken came from my dads friend who was a trucker and goes by ThunderChicken so i took up the name thought it was cool and it just stuck. My clan kinda has strange names [onk] ThunderChicken, [onk] Chairmonkey, [onk] Dr Landluver, [onk] Modarius P Smitt, [onk] Boombatower, [onk] lolhi



as you can see some "Stranger" names


as a joke i came up with ThunderChickens natural habita which is a tree, and a thunderchicken has thunderthighs*which is not true abou me im very skinny well not to skinny*

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Well i was playing on B.net and i needed a name that showed my strength and sounded cool back then (i was like 11) and its stuck to this day.


Now my other name is Crazy4life and its more self explanitory (if you no me in person). Im just a crazy kid and i literly do some pritty crazy stuff all the time and constatly.

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