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The Unofficial Battlefield 3 Thread


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I just played my first round. It's okay so far. It's obvious it's in beta. That, or it's going to be just like MOH, and sucks epicly. I hope it's the former.



Hopefully this game improves a great deal between now and the actual release, I never MOH but I can't imagine it's any worse than this. So far this game isn't anywhere close to living up to the hype that's been put around it. I'm pretty disappointed, more than I have been in a very long time with any game.

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Hopefully this game improves a great deal between now and the actual release, I never MOH but I can't imagine it's any worse than this. So far this game isn't anywhere close to living up to the hype that's been put around it. I'm pretty disappointed, more than I have been in a very long time with any game.


believe me, its MUCH MUCH MUCH better than MoH!


And idk, this is Rush played on a smaller map. So its not really battlefield. Wait for 64 player Conquest Maps. From everything I've heard, its a completely different experience. Amount of awesomeness that rivals BF2

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Played a few more games at a higher resolution.


What can we do to make BF3 better?



Add in smoke grenades (Maybe its a later unlock, idk)

Add in leaning (it will greatly improve this game's playability)

Add in a first person cover system (loved this in RO2)

Add in crouched sprinting (loved this in RO2)

Add in no clip through teammates (nothing like getting stuck behind a soul train or pushed around because teammates are colliding with each other)

Add in repercussions to players shooting RPGs in-doors


Allow sprinting to break out of toggle ironsights (might be a PS3 only issue)

Allow weapon customization through the default class screen instead of going into loadout screen

Allow the ability to skip killcam

Allow the ability to adjust chat box (it resolution is low enough it will disable you from clicking on items in the menu if its overlapping)


Remove windows facing defending team's spawn at the last objective on Operation Metro (just a spawn killing fest)


Tweak flashlight/laser from blinding players when an enemy isn't aiming exactly at their eyes (100% encounters always blinding and I'm sure they aren't all aiming at my head every time)

Tweak flashlight/laser from blinding your own teammates (playability/fun factor > realism || It's even a BF3 Dev motto follow it :P)

Tweak flashlight/laser to have reduced effectiveness in broad daylight at ranges.


Tweak font colors (use red instead of blue, why? because mcom screen is blue and so is the message telling you to press a key to arm/disarm it)

Tweak messages so they don't block out your screen at a mcom (I saw reload message, pickup weapon message, and disarm message all at once almost overlapping and all in the same font color)



I can probably think of more things, but it's sleepy time.


If RO2 and BF3 made a baby, I'll adopt it as my own.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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believe me, its MUCH MUCH MUCH better than MoH!


And idk, this is Rush played on a smaller map. So its not really battlefield. Wait for 64 player Conquest Maps. From everything I've heard, its a completely different experience. Amount of awesomeness that rivals BF2

It wasn't the game mode or map size, it was mainly the feel and speed of the game. I felt like I was playing America's Army 3, everything felt really clunky, it was like I was playing a robot, not a human being. Felt like there was a latency between my mouse movement and the crosshair movement as well. Whenever I'm trying to aim down my sight I find myself setting up a bipod instead or if I'm trying to setup the bipod I'm simply aiming down the sights.


The unlocking of weapons and gadgets is just plain silly, why the army feels like I'm responsible enough at level 2 to use a shotgun but not a flashlight is beyond me. I guess they figure I'd be likely to use the flashlight to tell ghost stories.


Also, the graphics are just wonky, there are times where I spawn and it keeps the dark blue tint on the screen, so I can't see crap until someone kills me. I can't see any of the enemies, all I see are dark shadowy figures running around. The motion blur is out of control, I just had to turn that off completely, apparently the people at DICE have never made a 180 degree turn, because it doesn't do what happens in the game.


I don't quite understand why when I hold down the shift key I end up jogging, I was kind of hoping I would sprint, that's usually what that key does.


Also, there's no way to see what your ping is, or if there is, they put it somewhere silly.


I think this game really focuses on pointless stuff as well, I remember watching someone else play it earlier and they were shooting at a tree, and they were amazed at the fact that the bullets affected the tree and made the leaves move. Really? Why does it even do that? You aren't supposed to be shooting at trees, that's a really stupid feature.


As much as I want to believe this game will be better after it's released, I really can't. I mean that's not even all of my thoughts on the game, there's literally too many for me even remember it all. I guess it's just after all the praise everyone has given it, I thought it would be god-like but it feels so mediocre now.

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BF3 has Marines and not Army, just wanted to clarify that. The unlocks based on rank are ALL KITS and not CLASS unlocks. Weapon attachments are unlocked by using that specific weapon not by ranking up.


Shift key moves pretty fast to me. This game's speed is by far the fastest paced BF game ever.


No you aren't suppose to be shooting at trees, but say if an enemy was hiding behind a tree or standing near one. Bullets and explosions should effect the tree for visuals.


This game is like RO2, it ain't a shiny gem right now with all the bugs. But once they get fixed, It'll be awesome. Bolt action rifle gunplay alone in RO2 sends shivers down my spine.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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BF3 has Marines and not Army, just wanted to clarify that. The unlocks based on rank are ALL KITS and not CLASS unlocks. Weapon attachments are unlocked by using that specific weapon not by ranking up.


Shift key moves pretty fast to me. This game's speed is by far the fastest paced BF game ever.


No you aren't suppose to be shooting at trees, but say if an enemy was hiding behind a tree or standing near one. Bullets and explosions should effect the tree for visuals.


This game is like RO2, it ain't a shiny gem right now with all the bugs. But once they get fixed, It'll be awesome.

Doesn't matter if they're marines or army, it's multiplayer, all it needs is two names, they could call the teams Gary and Twinkle and that would work just as well, just need two names so people know which team they're on. Not that it matters, people seemed to kill their teammates by accident still.


I know how the unlocks work, what I said was that it isn't believable, it doesn't make any sense. Why would someone trust me with a fully automatic gun, but not a flashlight?


I think BC2 was much faster paced, only on the largest maps did I feel like BC2 was slow at all. Maybe I just need to get more familiar with the map in this one though, so far it feels really slow to me though.


Visuals on a tree are pointless, you aren't supposed to be looking at trees at all, you're in a war, you should be killing enemies and doing objectives.


I don't really feel like this game is even up to RO2 standards myself, I really enjoyed RO2, not enough to want to play it but for a short while it was a lot of fun. RO2 just feels much more straightforward to me though, it feels like all it wants to do is be a shooter. BF3 feels like it's trying to go in too many directions at once when really all it needs to be is a shooter.

Edited by Deathmineral

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I'm a little sad Its not more like BF2 but hey things have to change. also is there no voice chat in the beta, I cant bind keys to my mouse (g15), I'm not to big on the whole not being able to customize weapons while I'm dead. also being able to customize on battlelog would be cool also.

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Doesn't matter if they're marines or army, it's multiplayer, all it needs is two names, they could call the teams Gary and Twinkle and that would work just as well, just need two names so people know which team they're on. Not that it matters, people seemed to kill their teammates by accident still.


I know how the unlocks work, what I said was that it isn't believable, it doesn't make any sense. Why would someone trust me with a fully automatic gun, but not a flashlight?


I think BC2 was much faster paced, only on the largest maps did I feel like BC2 was slow at all. Maybe I just need to get more familiar with the map in this one though, so far it feels really slow to me though.


Visuals on a tree are pointless, you aren't supposed to be looking at trees at all, you're in a war, you should be killing enemies and doing objectives.


I don't really feel like this game is even up to RO2 standards myself, I really enjoyed RO2, not enough to want to play it but for a short while it was a lot of fun. RO2 just feels much more straightforward to me though, it feels like all it wants to do is be a shooter. BF3 feels like it's trying to go in too many directions at once when really all it needs to be is a shooter.


So.. Nothing should look good, be interactive or immersive? Seems like you might do better playing CoD.. Or nothing at all.


And for the record I find the unlocking system fine, a separate progress bar for your rank, class and the weapon you're using.


Edit: Maybe not be so quick to judge the pace of the game, seeing as you've played for about half an hour in which you played mostly sniper? (guessing so, can't really tell by the wonky colorscheme they use on Battlelog)

Edited by Heeron

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