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Everything posted by ravix

  1. Well, since everyone else has a fancy image in this post, I gotta have one too! btw: robAP, I am just joshing, but you can honestly find the answer to this pretty easy with a search.
  2. I went and bought some RCA speaker wirde and some couplers and made myself some extendors. That way, I didn't have to cut my precious speakers. I haven't noticed any difference in sound quality, but I don't really consider myself and audiophile...
  3. Those are good oc'ing chips. Alas, if only they had more than 128 l2 cache. Still, those are some great overclocks, can you guys give me some sandra benchmarks?
  4. I agree with eva, you might as well leave yourself open for upgrading. For $30 more than most of the mobos you mentioned, you can get an Abit nf7-s, It'll easily last you through your next upgrade, and will overclock that duron nicely. http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc....-127-166&depa=0
  5. From what I hear, the mobiles are basically normal bartons, which have been stressed and tested to see if they will run stable at the lower voltages. I assume this means that they'll work just as well at higher volts. However, a voltage above 1.8 with these things doesn't seem to produce much (if any) increase in clocks, so it is probably an unwarranted risk. Raar. Can't wait for my paycheck this friday, thefirst thing I'll be getting is a mobile 2600+.
  6. Hotmail isn't really subject to "brute force", which is basically a thing of the past. Brute force was big back in the days of earlier unix and linux systems, when the password file wasn't shadowed, and could simply be downloaded and cracked using a program such as jack the ripper. The reason it worked then is that everything was done locally, which is not the case with hotmail. In order to "brute force" hotmail or yahoo, you'd have to send thousands of login queries a second. This would a.) be flagged by the servers and b.) be incredibly slow due to network bandwidth limitations. Basically, this guy either got onto your friends computer (anything is possible if you have local access), guessed an incredibly simple password off the top of his head, or installed a key-logger or some other type of malware on her computer. Have her run a virus scan, and change all her passwords to something hard to guess (ie: 1e3rta), and she should be fine the future.
  7. My guess is the watercooling stopped working.
  8. Yipes. Sorry man, thats a downer. I use the maze 4 myself, and am planning on going with a pelt in a few months. didn't you have any cpu shutoff temps enabled? Sorry man.
  9. *cough* cpu-z *cough* But yeah, I don't think magnetic screw drivers are harmful to mobos or processors. They contain VERY weak magnetic potential, and as far I know, magnets are most dangerous near hard drives and floppies, not processors and IC's. That said, I'd say your best bet is to find an alternate chip and try it out in the mobo. My guess is your friend hit the processor die a little too hard and damaged the processor. But, without having been there, who knows?
  10. Yeah, either use electrical tape or zip ties. Duct tape has strands of metal running through it.
  11. "I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it! I'm about to lose control and I think I---" *ahem* ..yeah. Good luck with the processor man! But be careful with those high voltages. I don't care how much cooling you've got on a processor, 2v is pretty risky. And remember, higher volts don't guarantee higher overclocks. Either way though, good luck!
  12. Well, with your memory you are going to have to use a divider, and loosen the timings some to get a decent overclock. I'd suggest a 5/4 divider to start with. Other than that all of your components make for a mean overclocking machine. Just start slowly upping the fsb and see how far it will take you, upping the voltages as needed. It sounds like you already have a pretty good idea of what to do, now DO IT! Good luck man. :-p
  13. Thats a good setup, but if you have a lighter pocketbook I recommend the volcano 12. Its a well-balanced heatsink that cools well, looks decent, has an acceptable cost, and doesn't sound like a jet plane.
  14. *ravix centers his crosshairs on the target. BANG. I voted for claymeow, because I was supposed to send sly_c a heatsink, and I never got around to it. :-p
  15. I only buy from ebay if the person has a gripload of good references. If thats the case though, ebay rocks.
  16. I still think its your PSU. A bad psu can cause a gripload of problems, and gateways ARE known for having bad psu's. btw: I laughed out loud (literally) at this, because we can all relate.
  17. Lol, I am spacey. After looking at your post, I was like "what the heck, he just recommended the same monitor as me!!". Then I realized you fixed my stupid post.
  18. That's very high for that processor. Are you sure the heatsink is seated properly? What is the vcore at?
  19. That one always looked good to me. The 16ms response time will virtually eliminate ghosting.
  20. Oops, my mistake. Of course I have a radiator (as I said in the post, heat core + shroud + 120mm fan), I just accidentally said no rad instead of no res. Thanks for pointing that out.
  21. I just got my watercooling setup complete, and before I go into any details, I'd like to thank a few people who helped me along the way: Nuclear, Exeter Acres, Will Smith, and Fanatic. I owe you guys one. I got a maze 4 waterblock, a heatercore/shroud/120mm fan and a hydor l30 pump. I'll get pictures to you guys as soon as possible, but I lost the charger to my digicam. I had to cut out two drive bays to fit the radiator in, but it works nicely because it rests right under my fan hole on the top of my case. You might notice that I didn't purchase a resivour. I was running low on cash, and a friend of mine suggested building the system and then installing the final component (the waterblock) conpletely submerged in a bowl of water with the pump running. It took a little finess, but I have a perfectly bled system with no resivour and no t-bracket anywhere. It looks great. Now, for the meat and potatoes, the temps. Right now, I have my barton at 1.75 volts and it is running at 28degrees idle and 32-34on load. I am pretty dang stoked with this performance, and it hasn't even passed the break-in period of the arctic silver. Now I can't wait to fold and overclock this beast. :-D
  22. wow, that picture is a little spooky. It looks like you have a dead hand laying on your desk. the frosted side window looks nice though, good job. Welcome to OCC
  23. Also, when you install a motherboard, make sure you have the right number/positions of the brass stand-offs. I've seen more than a few motherboards killed when someone put one where one shouldn't be. Research the parts you buy, and save up until you get the parts you REALLY want. Take it from me, if you buy a slightly less expensive part to save a few bucks you often end up with parts your dissapointed in. now I am NOT saying to buy the nicest stuff out there, just take your time and make sure your getting what you want. My best advice is to decide what to buy, get everything ready to order, then wait a full 24 hours before ordering. Anyway, good luck!
  24. Like many people, I am jumping on the mobile bandwagon. I just got some watercooling, and would like to see how insane of an overclock I can get. This was a pretty split-second decision on my part (I just bought my 2500+ a week ago) but its something I really want to do, so I am selling my current 2500+ The chip is literally only a week old. I have it running at 11x200 right now on stock voltages. I bought it retail, so I can also ship the heatsink, certificate of authenticity, and warranty information (and a cool case-sticker ) to the buyer. Here are the stepping codes from the processor: axda2500kv4d t836337a41343 aqzfa0402wpaw Seeing as this is only a week old, and a great overclocker (ideal for a cheap 3200+). I feel $50 is a good asking price. I live in washington state. If anyone is interested, lemme know. You can either pm me, post here, or gimme an email at [email protected] I am also interested in trading. Particularly for cd burners, power supplies, or a motherboard with onboard video.
  25. haha, I know how you feel, being a washintonian myself. its actuall very nice weather right now though. /me hops on mirc. its 65 degrees here.. perfect.
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