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Everything posted by ravix

  1. I think right now you should focus on cooling. 55c is way to high of a base temperature before you overclock. Until your memory arrives your basically stuck anyway. Put in some case fans if you need them, buy a nicer heatsink, and ensure there is good airflow, so when it does arrive you'll be good to go. it sounds like you are strapped for cash, but xoxide occasionally has a set of three rounded cables for $9. 2 IDE, and 1 floppy. They are UV reactive too. If you want more performance, and less bling, you can buy regular IDE ribbons at a local computer shop for almost nothing (my shop gives them to me for free..). And then work on cable managment. Other than that, I highly recommend upgrading your heatsink if you want to overclock. SVC has a great deal on the SLK-900(a) at the moment. I am guessing it will be about $25 shipped. It is one of the best heatsinks available for aircooling.
  2. I've always been plagued by this problem too! The discouraging thing is that I have upgraded my soundcard, motherboard, cpu, ram, and video card and still have it. Thus, I am lead to believe it is either a hard drive issue, or unclean power to the outlet my computer is plugged into. Someday soon I'd like a new hard drive. I have a feeling it will help. This isn't an IRQ conflict. IRQ conflicts are painfully obvious, like you explained, not a subtle "flicker" of nothing.
  3. I hear that Best Buy, the chain, and Best Buy.com are actually seperate companies. The website simply rents Best Buy's name. Oh, and Newegg > all.
  4. Guys, I think your all a little too skeptical about this. After all, its says in big letters it will "BOOST MY PERFORMANCE". I dunno about you, but I want a performance boost. VROOM!
  5. kudos man, you sound like a good guy.
  6. I actually left the passenger side door unlocked. I am good 99% of the time, but, you know how it goes. The one time you screw up is the time it bites you.
  7. I woke up this morning, jumped in my car, and *gasp* my deck is missing. Someone stole the deck out of my car. I am so mad. I just don't understand why can't people work for their stuff. I've been dedicating my paychecks for the last 6 months to making my car the way I wanted it. I fixed up the interior, cleaned up the engine bay, replaced some speakers, bought a new deck, and recently bought a new sub (thank god it isn't installed yet). And here comes joe shmoe and feels he has the right to take it without any elbow grease or sacrifice. Its not that hard to get a job!! They also took a (very small) jenson amp I had laying in thew far rear of the car. Luckily, they didn't find my cd's, which are hidden between the door and the drivers side seat. Apparently they were in a big hurry. Speaking of hurrying: you know what is the best/worst part of this story? The cd player won't even work anymore. They ripped the wires out of the back of the cd player, from deep inside the internals. Basically, instead of unplugging 3 wires, they ripped the soldering out from the circuit board. Idiots. I am so mad.
  8. So, I am strapped for cash, needing to fix my car (emission testing ), and starting to wonder why I signed up for an MMO at a time like this. I like the game, I just can't keep up with the payments. If anyone is interested in mm city of heroes game, I am letting it go for $35 plus shipping (no more than $4) or best offer. Paypal is the prefered method of payment. It retails for $45, at newegg, which was basically the cheapest I could find it. http://www.newegg.com/app/viewproductdesc....-197-101&DEPA=6 Its a good game, and I need the money. PM me with ANY questions.
  9. I have City of Heroes for sale.The account is no longer activated, so you can start from scratch. I couldn't keep up with the monthly fee's, because I'm trying to save up to fix my car. I am interested in a trade though, mist, are you interested in City of Heroes?
  10. Mist, how much do you want for the WC3 Collectors edition?
  11. In all honesty, buying a refurb is a pretty big risk. If your buying a refurb because you can't afford the retail version, then its probably a poor choice.
  12. http://www.academicsuperstore.com/market/m...l?PartNo=714540 its even better there. only $19.95!
  13. And yet you fold, overclock, and use a volcano 11. Please, tell us your secret! do you live in siberia?
  14. rev 3, not much difference this time, just a few small visual tweaks. This is my final entry, which I assume will be judged tommorrow.
  15. Yeah, I have a few cd-rom's laying around, but.. Thats about as easy as option #3, which is something I really want to avoid. I am 99% sure I'm stuck with it though. Basically, I want to avoid opening up my case for a makeshift hardware change every time I want to boot to cd. I do alot of OS tweaks. Oh well. Shame on abit for leaving out such a rudementary feature. (I have seen several low-end mobo's with the featurte. rawr)
  16. rev 2.0. once again, all done by myself. Here is the only image I used from the net:
  17. HELLO GOOGLE PEOPLE! I'm #1!!!!! Well, I have an external cdrw drive, due to space constraints in a fairly small computer case. Its a tdk, and it works great, and looks awesome. When I bought it, I was worried about being able to boot to cd's using it, but I figured my nf7-s was a modern motherboard that would surely have the option to boot to usb. Wrong. I checked the abit forums, and the nf7 is, indeed, usb-boot devoid. So now I sit here, with slackware 10 cd's fresh in hand, ready to go, and I have no way to boot them up. As far as I see it, I have 3 options: 1.) Try to find a 3rd party bios for the nf7-s that supports usb booting. 2.) Find a 3rd party program/emulator that allows me to boot to this thing. I have heard of usb drives that have drivers included that allow them to be recognized as zip drives, something like this would be ideal. 3.) Put the hard drive in the family computer, install linux, and then put it back in mine. I'd rather avoid door #3, as I often boot to cd's and would hate to transfer my hard-drive every time I needed a quick boot. So, if any of you have some experience or ideas for the first two options, I'm all ears. Thanks. *I didn't know what forum to put this in, (motherboard? storage?) so I just put it here as a catch-all.
  18. More importantly, maybe you should post a warnign when linking to a site ridden with hundreds of sketchy porn and hentei ads. Just a thought man.
  19. seems pretty amatuer. I mean, its cool, I guess, but its more of a "hello world" project than a group forum project. :shrug: neat?
  20. Thats what I do every time. I like the feeling of turning on a computer after an hours worth of work and getting right into a windows install. As long as you take your time, building a computer is pretty cut and dry.
  21. I am not a big photoshop junkie, but I figured a shot at an amd gift pack was worth it. If you are interested in it I'll touch up the rough spots a little. These are all done by me, from scratch. The only outside source I used was a 2d opteron logo. Edit: I was waiting for someone else to post to update, but I guess this will do.
  22. Yep. Especially since it sounds like you'll be able to blow over the video card and the processor. Make them both intake.
  23. I'm with a couple others, why not save the trouble and go with lilo or grub? A dual-boot system is pretty dang easy to configure now-days. There should be no hardware tweaks involved..
  24. I have an AIW 9600 pro I am thinking about selling. While it isn't "powerhouse" it does perform well in games, and it overclocks very well. It easily goes from a stock 400/325 to 525/360, with no problems whatsoever. I still haven't tried to push it further since putting on the vga silencer, because, frankly, I haven't needed to. What is included with the card? A vga silencer, remote wonder, all the included connectors, and the original drivers (with pinnacle studio 8 for movie editing). Let me know if your interested. And give me an offer.
  25. Is it just me or are reviews on the net getting more and more flakey? I think OCC and [H]ardocp are pretty good about "keeping it real" but it seems like so many places tend to suck up to the manufacturer. I can understand the compulsion to give the company some kudos for supplying a product (heck, I'd love to get some products in the mail to test) but sometimes laying it down on a company will do them more good than harm. If a product is pointless, ugly, faulty, annoying, or otherwise defunct, LET THEM KNOW! Today I read a review about vantec's PCI/memory covers. (read it here) . I felt as if a piece of me had died. I was so angry! look at these things! its rediculous!! They are bulky, flamboyant, cheap, nearly useless and ugly. It shamed me to be reading such an unjustified plug for such a stupid product. Reviews like this help no one. They encourage companies to release shoddy products, and lead people into getting ripped off. So what do you guys think? Am I totally off-base here? Was this rant in the wrong? Or do you often see reviews in which the author sucks up to the supplying company?
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