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How Many Of You Dont Oc Cuz Your Poor?

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Humm that's odd, I OC BECAUSE im poor.  I cant aford the latest and the greatest s instead of buying a 3500+, I bought a 3000+ and OCed it.  ok saved $$ there, as for video cards, I was using my 9600 Pro and OCing it to get every last FPS in games like Farcry, now im a little more content with my 6800 @ or near stock speeds, though I still like to boost performance a little every so often. 


Last tiem I check the real reason for OCing is to buy a $150 part and get out of it the equivilant of a $200 part :D


or you could buy the latest and greatest and oc it and endup with something faster than the fastest out if that makes sense.


im poor but even if i fry a part, i have so many other rigs i can sell to buy that part back its not funny lol.

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I modded my brand new A64 939 board the minute I got it. Didn't even put it in to see if it was DOA! I didn't have the money to get a replacement if I screwed it up either :P


Therefore, I think I must overclock because.... I am......stupid?!? :)  :thumbs-up:  :ph34r:  :unsure:


Lmao. :lol::lol:

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I overclock because I am addicted to benching. I love it when you are on the front page of orb and you know that you have one the fastest comps out there. Also I love beating people that have xtreme cooling, and more expensive parts.

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The entire basis around overclocking is to run at higher speeds with what you have rather than shell out the money for something you don't have- it is a poor person's way to get by and a rich person's sport.

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Heh, the hardcore mods and other big projects are what seperate the casual overclocker from the true oc'ers :D. Its just another step...if your hardware cant overclock anymore, physically change it to fit your needs :lol: . And it *is* great to be on the first page ;)

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ive got a steady stream of cash now so im not exactly poor...but yeah..i hate burning out parts and i can understand where you guys are coming from...im just addicted to oc'n and saying "youve got a 4000+?, my 3200+ runs faster than yours buddy..." (aside from the 1mb cache) im also addicted to benchmarking, so the overclocking helps...man i need phasechange cooling

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I only overclock parts that are a bottleneck to the rest... makes sense to me...


Like my GFX card now...

Geforce 4 MX 440 (64MB) paired with an Athlon 64 = GFX card bottleneck :lol:

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My problem is finding the time. I got into folding and after seeing 4ghz and having a peltier meltdown killing a P4C800 Deluxe and a ATI AIW 9800 Pro now I just let 3.2EE fold 24/7 on just water cooling at close to 3.7Ghz along with the rest of my machines and everyone that will over clock is overclocked and have been that way for some time.



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I dont overclock much because at the time being i dont have a job and i dont want to risk torching my system. I will overclock a tiny tiny bit (raise the fsb by 5) but i dont really want to risk destroying my system (because it would be a while before i could get a new one) so i dont do any serious overclocks.

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