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I know. It's sad. I've been a member for a very long time.  Seems that computer building has  slowed to a crawl.  PC's are so much more powerful and last so much longer.  There was a time when I would do one too two builds a year. And this is where I came for advice. 

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Might be a combination of things. People moving on with other aspects of their lives; fewer needing advice; maybe also some moved to other platforms for more social communications. Don't know, but it certainly has been a long time since I've seen a flood a reply notification hit my inbox.

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I will admit I have had alot going on the last 4 or so years building a house getting married losing 6 family members across 1.5 years from everything from diabetes to old age and everything in between but thats life now I am on vacation in Ruidoso NM for a few days then going to Colorado springs for a few more then back to work

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I usually check in most every morning. I am not on daily during the day like I used to be. I dont think the admins here are keeping up with the times of spam protection and everyone's lives have changed in one way or another.

I doubled down in my construction business after a bad business adventure (never help friends with businesses ;) )  In the free time I've been renovating our home (moved), taking free time to enjoy life and sadly lost quite a few friends and family this year including my father. Been a rough year or so. Things are just different now.

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I am just waiting on RTX series to drop to MSRP, then definitely showing off a new build :D But yeah as one of the other threads mentioned, overclocking has become a matter of "auto-tuning" and most of the components are factory-OCed or already at their limit where overclocking wont give any sensible gains, so not too many people are even interested in overclocking them.

It surely is nice to hang out here, I always have OCC open in one of the tabs and following Jim's news posts on gaming etc. 
@Guest_Jim: I miss the posts "sorta-related" to PCs like quantum computing or meta-materials with a potential to be used in the future computers, those were very informative and fun to read!


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you would have thought that because PC's really jumped in numbers during covid that forums would have also increased in traffic. Sadly it hasnt happened. Many lives have taken a different path. I say that as i type on my laptop because I dont currently have a PC. 


I really want to do a new build but because I have ditched windows 100% it just doesnt seem logical. I'm rooting for steam games to go full linux compatible and then I'll probably do a build. I'd still like to do a Ryzen 5700g build or something comparable.

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I miss writing those more science-y posts too, but between having various projects to take my attention and the service I used to get them "updating" to no longer offer topic-sorted feeds, I don't see so many any more.

As far as the "death of overclocking" as I'm sure someone on the Internet has put it, the game has changed. Now instead of directly trying to get the highest clocks, the goal has shifted for some to best supporting the boost algorithms. I actually have what should work as a fair example from one of the projects I've been working on for months. (This, another article, and a book have all been my focus for quite a while and is why there haven't been many game reviews of late.)

Hist - Frequency.png

I've made some improvements to my GPU Thermal Testing Scripts and so collected data across my GPU collection. Anyway, this is the RX Vega 64 running stock and the graph shows the distribution of the GPU frequency.

Hist - Frequency.png

For this graph I have it using the Auto-Undervolt feature in the drivers, a literal toggle that significantly improved the frequency distribution. The dashed lines are the stated base and boost clocks for the GPU, 1276 MHz and 1560 MHz. CPUs can also benefit from undervolting or tuning other values all so the algorithms do a better job of getting the most out of it, I don't have graphs to really back that up though.

It is going to be a while before I finish editing that article but I also have data (though not with an undervolt) for my GTX 770, GTX 980, GTX 1070, GTX 1080, RTX 2060, and RTX 2080. Because of all of the new data, I intend to publish that portion of it here as I do think it is interesting to see the boost behaviors, especially across so many NVIDIA generations. (I doubt the sections that document the scripts will be as interesting, so I'll keep those separate.)


Anyway, since we're talking a little about future builds, though what I have is going strong, I would like my next desktop to feature a Threadripper with DDR5, maybe also PCIe 5, and at least 24 cores, so it's an upgrade there; two or three NVMe drives with one for the OS, the others for everything else, and then some large HDDs for media storage like the review playthroughs I capture; 64 GB of RAM, so it's an upgrade; and whatever the newest generation of Radeon GPUs are available. (Hey, I really like Chill, the driver interface, and the tuning capabilities like the Auto-UV I mentioned earlier.) Probably before that though I will upgrade/replace my aging laptop. It still works well, but is showing its age/4 GB of RAM and 4 threads. Initially I was thinking something built around one of the higher core count Ryzen Mobile processors, but depending I'd give an Alder Lake CPU a try.

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Hello everyone, I'm still checking this site a few times a week.

And I do miss all the overclocking threads, and also Guest_Jim_*'s science-y posts. 

I just started a new RL build today, waiting on some custom cooling parts to arrive from BARTXstore. https://bartxstore.com/

I received memory kit F4-4800C17D-16GVK B-die, Samsung 980 Pro, and the new Z590 DARK today,.. vary sweet looking board.



Edited by Braegnok

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I still try to drop bye and visit at least once a week or so.... share a build now and then and keep up with what's going on in the tech world... I know there are other sites that are out there that have larger readership and differing focuses but this has been with me since June of 2008 so I guess I'll just hang on for the long haul... I've seen where I was compromised thanks to T-mobile and other hacks and have had to change to new passwords more than once, I've seen this site get bombed with spam-bots and garbage and pretty much every other kind of internet nuisances but still there is a core of longtime membership and capability and friends that keep me coming back... OCC is da shizzle !

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Yeah its a lot of spam bots these days. I was deleting them everyday before but now I have duties elsewhere.

Some of you may know already that I left my review position here recently. Now over at TPU reviewing motherboards and Memory. I was checking these forums daily but not many posters. Good to see people still active!

I'm still rocking a Threadripper 1920X for my main computer/workstation. Its getting a bit dated now. I am just waiting to see what Intel new 12th gen is like or what AMD does in 2022. I doubt AMD will have another threadripper after the 50000 series comes out (Which is based on the Zen 3 desktop version) for a long time. Probably looking at 4-5 years before the next Threadripper with DDR5 support.

Either way I'm going DDR5 and at least 128GB of ram.

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