Basically what sticknstone said. Bluetooth sound devices (to my understanding) are treated as-if they were their own sound device, meaning you don't even need a soundcard. Just check the BIOS for bluetooth capability or get a dongle. That is, unless you plan on using a cord thats included with the headphones (from what I see on manufacturer's website), then you can plug them straight into your soundcard.
A bit surprised that $200+ headphones don't have a dedicated dongle included as it was the case with all of my Bluetooth mid-range preipherals
...and I would like to apologize for a late responce, but sometimes the feed gets spammed by bots and its easy to miss a legit question. Don't ever feel dumb about asking questions, as my Sensei used to say, the only dumb question is the one you've had but never asked.
Glad to see OCC still has new blood flowing in. Lets make this place great again!