Hey Damian how you doin'
With regard to your lead-in yes I think the industry has changed a good deal but much has remained the same...
By that I mean there are fewer DIYers building and overclocking stuff but prices for premium cutting edge hardware have continued to rise along with the newest most fastest clock speeds and capabilities...! Things are just getting faster and more expensive and that tends to keep us builder folks from doing as much... I keep up with all the newest stuff (Intel and AMD) but I haven't upgraded in several years and there are a number of reasons why...
Back in 2018 I went thru a late in life divorce and restarted everything at age 60, then Covid 19 hit in 2020 and that really messed thing up for everyone, Also in 2020 My Biological father person asked me to relocate back to Texas. Due to Covid Dad needed help with things, so that happened and meanwhile my computer and building upgrades all took a back seat to rebuilding a new life and regrouping in a new location...
Back to what you were saying,
Intel is still making 10nm CPUs that can clock really high numbers and AMD is taking 5nm CPUs to the next level, and Nvidia and AI systems aredoing amazing things in the computing world and there is just a whole world of new and exciting tech coming and some has already arrived... It's just amazing !!
I still check in here several times a month just to see what's going on and there are a few others who drop by occasionally and a few who've never left. but we still keep an eye on what's new and amazing on the horizon and still dream about building the fastest gamer ever someday... (well I do) Several of our former members here have migrated over to TU-PU Tech Up Power Up https://www.techpowerup.com/ and they are still in business and going strong, (I drop in there once in a while too) but I wish you the best on your quest !!
I hope you are able to stay connected and stay on top of the industry and the newest changes and enjoy it all ...
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