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Actually your post is , you state no argument as to proving it was not


Just checked what he did again , it turns out 5.5GHz was on air and his magic 5.7GHz chip was on water cooling before moved to LN2 for benching Vantage.


Heres his 5.7GHz on WC run : http://hwbot.org/sub...600k_6sec_485ms

Perhaps you should google him Drdeath , his name is Vivi and he is the number 2 LN2 overclocker in South Africa. Heres an article on him : http://cde.cerosmedi...ccf46d30650.cde - Go to Page 6 & 7


The LN2 guys here go through a process of binning 2600k's . You buy one , stick it in your mobo with its stock cooler . Set voltage to 1.55v and multi to 55x .

If it boots you take it over to water and see how far it can get .

Once you dial in on its best clock you take it over to LN2 for world record benching .

If it doesnt boot at 55x or its max clock is too low then you sell it and buy another one and the process repeats until you find one capable of 56x or higher (57x is usually the most desired).

Usually takes about 5 chips to find a decent one .


Nearly every LN2 oc'er bins a chip for 5.5GHz on its stock cooler because if it doesnt get loaded by games/prime 95 the temps stay in safe limits .


Bulldozer hasnt even been released so how can we even compare BD oc's to SB oc's ?? Its all speculation and probably photoshop .

When BD is released we will see how it does .

well I will be a horses butt..

Edited by Drdeath

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Vivi's 5.721GHz score (2600K):

6sec 485ms


El_Capitan's 4.8GHz score (2600K):

7sec 931ms


Just for shoots and giggles - El_Capitan's 4.0GHz score (1090T):

17sec 929ms


A 19.19% increase in Clock Speed (talking about Vivi's 2600K overclock compared to mine) for a 18.23% increase in the SuperPi benchmark. Pretty nice.

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ill have to 2nd the whole awesome for an hr or 2 before it starts to fail.. ive got a snap shot here somewhere of my system on 4.41ghz @ 1.6v... 1.6v doesnt even get to me past 4.2ghz anymore.. infact, i need 1.575 just to sit at 4.12ghz.. degradation is quick too.. this has been since the 2011 forum wars.. and it was only for those benches.. funny how things fail so quickly :)


BD cant get here fast enough.. i want a new chip already hahah

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Dead curious if bulldozer is gonna be able to keep up with Sandy Bridge and 9xx-x Cpus. I doubt it but no doubt in my mind that bulldozer will be a great bang for the buck and thats exactly what amd prides themselves on.

as with my current intel rig i encode video almost 2x as fast as my non oc'd 1100t build.

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