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Far Cry Movie


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Jack, the reason why the law seems so stupid is because Internet law is still in its infancy. We still define digital property in physical property terms even though we all know it's not the same thing (I know IP lawyers on both sides of the debate). I'm taking Internet Law this summer and Copyright in the fall, so I hope to be more versed on these issues.


I've seen this happen before, the MPAA isn't as sue happy as the RIAA. You don't need to consult a lawyer just yet. Just keep your head low for a little while, don't share anything (you get busted for sharing, not downloading), and don't take any measures like completely wiping your hard drive (active measures like that are circumstantial evidence that you knew you did something wrong and are trying to hide it). Make sure you secure your router, if it isn't already; the unsecured router claim doesn't fly as you could still be pegged with secondary infringement.


Usually these letters from your ISP are a heads up to cool it and not an actual notice that you will be sued, so don't freak out.

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This is what the Verizon letter says:


Dear Customer:


This is to notify you that Verizon has received a deposition subpoena requiring the production of records associated with the following IP address:




Verizon has no information as to the purpose of the deposition subpoena or has the nature of the action or investigation being undertaken. Any questions you have should be directed to the party who issued the deposition subpoena.


Please be advised that, unless Verizon is served with a motion for a protective order or a motion to quash by 12:00pm on May 13, 2010, Verizon intends to produce the records by the date specified in the deposition subpoena. Motion papers can be served upon Verizon via fax number xxx-xxx-xxxx




Seems like Verizon will give out the information if I sit on it and lay low =[.. I'm stressed at this point because I called several law firms near my area and they said they cannot help me out with this particular case. What kind of lawyer would I have to hire to defend against being sued?

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Your complaining because you illegally downloaded a movie and now are being sued? Am I the only one here who see's nothing wrong with this?


It may be a bad movie, but you can always just rent it at blockbuster or not watch it at all.

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Your complaining because you illegally downloaded a movie and now are being sued? Am I the only one here who see's nothing wrong with this?


It may be a bad movie, but you can always just rent it at blockbuster or not watch it at all.



I agree. But it still sucks. What about people who are technologically inept and don't know how to secure a router. It really isn't fair. They should concentrate on the suppliers.

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Or.... producers should stop using lawsuits to try and make up for the losses they sustained funding a crappy movie that no one paid to see. If they want people to pay for their movies, they should work to create movies that people are willing to pay to see. If it's worth the admission price, I will pay to see it in theaters. If I really like it, I'll buy it when it is released on video.

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I honestly thought the movie wasn't half bad o_O That being said, pirating is pirating and I'm just glad they haven't sued me :P


Also not the most sensible of posts ever made. :rolleyes:

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Make sure you don't say anything to incriminate yourself to them. remember if they are asking, they don't know.


depending.. have you ever gotten a cease actions letter from your isp before?


if they want to have you go in and make a statement, or talk to someone, play the ignorance route before you say anything.

it's crucial you know what they know before you go blabbing about all the little things you have downloaded.



in the end, just remember 90% of the time people self convict themselves or settle out of court in fear.


be one of the many to stick it to the man!



-edit- i wouldn't have internet today without a lawyer, so don't think it is un-imaginable to have to get one, normally these companies have big pockets and costs very little to send the company lawyer out


btw - i would change the way you DL movies immediately. the second they have that letter for information verzion is going to make a cute and quick little portfolio of you :)

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You could pay a small fee and just go...ya know....buy the movie what can they say then :P


A small price to pay for what you've done


dig deep at Walmart's discount dvd bin, I'm sure it's there

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Howdy from a guy that used to do a ton of overclocking back in the day (anyone remember dual celerons?). Anyway, I happened upon this discussion while frantically googling for some help. I got nailed by suddenlink with a letter saying they had been subpoenaed. The kicker is that I recieved it only 4 days before their deadline and that was on Tuesday of this week! I finally got them to send me a copy of the subpoena and sure enough, they think I downloaded "Far Cry" - which I hadn't even heard of till tonight.


I actually think this may have happened when some neighbors were freeloading on my new wireless router late last year - the dates sure seem to line up (yes, I have since secured it and I know I am retarded for not doing it immediately). So, I am in the same pickle as the above folks, but with an even tighter deadline. I've already contacted a couple attorney's, but they all seem to think there is not much I can do in the allotted time and Suddenlink contracted help at "Neustar" is NOT being helpful at all. Any advice? I'll let you know what I find out.



Edited by ctexas

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