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yep i had similar problems with WarRock cudn't start the game BUT......


..........Overlord LMAO comic action adventure reminiscent of balders gate in someways unique gameplay where you play (can you guess?) back from the dead Overlord in charge of growing minions to create an evil empire sound serious far from it the dialogue alone will keep you playing a destined classic albeit for the little clumsy controls 5/5

the demo url again is



onto my next demo

quake4 (cant wait)


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i generally avoid multiplayer games unless they are co-op because I got tired of cheaters and 14 year olds that tell me 132 different ways to shag my mother...


Ignore is one of my friends in Wow:P

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i generally avoid multiplayer games unless they are co-op because I got tired of cheaters and 14 year olds that tell me 132 different ways to shag my mother...


There's still a lot of fun to be had with some multiplayer games even with those 9 year olds playing on daddy's PC. Doesn't take much to either disable text or flat out ignore them. As for cheaters, there are always other servers :)


yep i had similar problems with WarRock cudn't start the game BUT......


..........Overlord LMAO comic action adventure reminiscent of balders gate in someways unique gameplay where you play (can you guess?) back from the dead Overlord in charge of growing minions to create an evil empire sound serious far from it the dialogue alone will keep you playing a destined classic albeit for the little clumsy controls 5/5


That reminds me of a game called Dungeon Master or something like that. It's an older game where you create and control a small army of demons somewhat similar to this Overlord title.

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There's a program for cs1.6 (I don't know if it works for source) called DemoFreak. You can take demos of people playing, playback the demo with this program and it'll tell you what cheats they've used. Not certain, but it may only work if you've got admin on the server though.


afaik the only things that will tell you in-game what hacks other people are using are hacks themselves which will obviously get you banned.

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I was playing yesterday and some guy had got himself banned from 46 servers in 3 days... ll he did was spin and shoot, and was lightning fast... before you could finish buying he had already killed everyone on the map, including his own team, lol... after a few minutes he was spawn attacking so he'd take 1 person out and get killed... it was actually fun to watch, lol I didn't really have the energy to play anyway... working too hard at the moment... feeding ROTC kids in their Summer Leadership Camp or whatever they call it... it's fun watching them get yelled at and have to square up when they eat, lol

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DuTcH's favorite game for the last three months has been ARCHLORD. He has become an expert at it and accordingly has grown quite tired of his unbelievable knack for playing the game :)


If it has "lord" in the game title somewhere he is probably playing it! :)


Anyhow, I'm still plugging away at BF2, BF2 SF and BF2 Project Reality. The cheating really is getting out of hand though on most of the larger servers. I mean seriously some players manage a squat and single shot to kill you, while I can blast 100 rounds through someone ten feet away before they die.


Company of Heros has some real potential, but it is a serious RTS game and you've got to be thinking all of the time. Right now I'm just playing single player games trying to get the hang of it before I go embarrass myself on a public server.


I'm not much into slash and hack, but the couple of hours I've spent with Dark Messiah of Might and Magic has been pretty enjoyable. The physics are pretty awesome.


DuTcH, I read a fairly glowing review of Overlord here recently and was actually thinking of purchasing the full version.


Did you have any luck getting WarRock to run?




I always enjoy it when you stop by to visit our thread. Thank you for giving us a place to socialize.


To everyone else, remember to patronize the sponsors that make DIY-Street possible. If you buy be sure to click the links for your purchase.

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That reminds me of a game called Dungeon Master or something like that. It's an older game where you create and control a small army of demons somewhat similar to this Overlord title.


Dungeon Keeper.... both I and II were AMAZING RTSs. I miss them muchly. NOW.... I think we need to turn our sights to the newest and most amazing game around.





The most realistic game to date and fun to boot! SOOOO much better than CSS or AA.

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That reminds me of a game called Dungeon Master or something like that. It's an older game where you create and control a small army of demons somewhat similar to this Overlord title.


Yep I still have that title (the original) there are similarities and it was definately a classic, but if you play the demo you'll understand by the unique gameplay aspect lots of fun(not just for gamers keen on gaming titles ending in LORD :P )



If it has "lord" in the game title somewhere he is probably playing it! :)


Company of Heros has some real potential, but it is a serious RTS game............





Company of Heroes has been on my list for a while now will have to get round to it, BUT no demos as far as I know :(


Any one else play it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are top ten clan games has had a bit of a switch around if anyone wants to suggest any titles they believe to have a 100 hours+ total gaming time on?


And 60 members as we creep up to our first anniversary too. Well done all!

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