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SLI-DR Expert with SLI causes Game Crashes

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Crash is a black screen where the sound loops like the OP mentioned.


Sometimes the looping sound will be slower and the game will come back after 30 seconds like nothing happened. One time is has CTD with an error message. It always seems to happen when entering doors


I used O&O defrag so my hard drives never get above 15% defragmented.

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black screen doesn't sound so good .....

I've been just getting a looping sound and frozen graphics...soemtimes the system is recoverable.

I've done two things....Installed the latest drivers and also enabled sli-antialiasing

But instead of changing that, I went to amds site and installed the x2 winxp driver so we'll see how that pans out and i'll post back.

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Did you get the out of range frequency crash before you flashed to the 11/02 bios, because that is the cure at the moment.The 12/07 bios is not quite right for SLI in some machines but there is no common denominator.If you are getting the out of frequency crashes with the 11/02 bios you will be the only one, it has cured it for everyone else.Maybe you could check and make sure it flashed properly, i have not had a frequency crash for over 2 months now since going back to the 11/02 version.


I was getting the problems with the 12/07 BIOS, switched to the 11/02 and all of a sudden no more problems... Running 3DMarks without a hiccup (on the 12/07 would sometimes freeze at the lake sequence on 3DMark06) I am only getting a screen freeze with the BIOS switched during character creation and only when defining the eyes of the character.... If I skip that, works fine. I also played Fable the Lost Chapters and Indigo Prophecy with no probs... At any rate, is much more stable with the 11/02 BIOS. Is the 84.25 a Beta Driver? (I have the 84.21...?

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Just a FYI.


I have a SLI-DR which has been problem free for 4 months. Not too long ago I was flashing my video cards bios' and found that I was experiencing the same black screen on my LCD which would then search for either a DVI or analog signal and eventually go into standby mode. My sound would also repeat (loop) while the black screen was being shown. Occasionally the video signal would return but most of the time, I would have to reset. I was also experiencing cold boot issues as well. I attempted completely reinstalling OS, different drivers and different setting in both the vidcard CP and the MOBO bios, which didnt fix the problem.


I did fix the problem however....


The SLI bridge that came with my SLI-DR is black in color and has LanParty written along one edge of it. I found that turning the bridge 180' so the LanParty logo was on the left hand edge of the bridge,(with the L in the bottom left and the Y in the top left solved all issues.


I would have sworn these bridges were reversible, but for me, a simple half rotation and I was back in the game, with out the black screens and sound loops.


Hope this helps someone.



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Just a FYI.


I have a SLI-DR which has been problem free for 4 months. Not too long ago I was flashing my video cards bios' and found that I was experiencing the same black screen on my LCD which would then search for either a DVI or analog signal and eventually go into standby mode. My sound would also repeat (loop) while the black screen was being shown. Occasionally the video signal would return but most of the time, I would have to reset. I was also experiencing cold boot issues as well. I attempted completely reinstalling OS, different drivers and different setting in both the vidcard CP and the MOBO bios, which didnt fix the problem.


I did fix the problem however....


The SLI bridge that came with my SLI-DR is black in color and has LanParty written along one edge of it. I found that turning the bridge 180' so the LanParty logo was on the left hand edge of the bridge,(with the L in the bottom left and the Y in the top left solved all issues.


I would have sworn these bridges were reversible, but for me, a simple half rotation and I was back in the game, with out the black screens and sound loops.


Hope this helps someone.



That was one of the first things i tried, but it was a no go for me.They should be reversable though

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In regards to Oblivion, I have noticed that no matter which SLI mode I select, single/multi/AFR/AFR2/Split Frame my minimum framerate stays the same. I havent really tested for maximum frames as I am not as concerned with max fps.


Bethesda could have coded this game a LOT better. It is the only game in my aresenal that gives me problems. Though I no longer have crashes I still have low framerates no matter which combination of settings I choose. Awesome game, horribly coded.

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I had the issue with a couple of games LOTR Battle for Middle Earth II...AOE III, COD2....but it seemed to do it more frequently with LOTR and AOE....so I try a few things and then after patching the games, and going to the Beta Bios I was error free....However, I only experienced crashes after long periods of gaming..It seems there isnt a solid fix for everyone and its more of a fix it with what works...


If a new Bios fixes it cool...if some Bios setting fixes great...if you just turn it on and it seems to fix itself awesome....


I think thats kinda what its going to be because it seems that no one thing is a certain fix

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So far, I've only suffered a single black screen/sound loop problem (Painkiller) since getting this eXpert going using the BIOS 12/7 BUT I'd like to see if anyone else has experienced or knows of this problem.


I'm using a Viewsonic VP2030b LCD (20.1" 1600x1200) monitor via the DVI-I connector. If I turn the monitor off and then back whilst in Windows, it seems that it won't sync properly. It will display for about 2 seconds and go blank (repeating the turn off/on will repeat the symptoms). This also happens when installing nVidia display drivers - I'm currently using official 84.21 WHQL necessitating a reboot after the second card is detected... no signal.




Forgot: I've done the obligatory Prime95 & MemTest86+ tests - all pass without a single error.

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