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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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i have a brand new cacje 0604 in the box ready to go.


BUT ITS NOT MINE!!!!! arggghhh!

its a customers that got delivered to my house instead of the company. if i can get info on it being better than my current one(cab2e 0545) then sure i will swap it over. then drop mine into the customers system build. not like there will be a difference when its running at stock anyway.


just need someone to tell me something awesome like ' yeah Paul, just put this stepping in 3 days ago and its priming at like 3.05Ghz on stock volts for 10 hours as i type'.


ok, a little wishful thinking there but hey. so any info would be good, but i havent heard anyone get a stepping this up to date for a while so im not hopeful

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Just built a new system with a 165 dual core. I didn't have much time to tinker, but I did manage to get it (at least over 2 hours worth) prime95 stable at stock voltage & cooling to 2.43GHz. Not too shabby, I'll say!

Now if he wasn't moving out of town (the person I built it for), I'd have given it a tiny bit more voltage and seen how far it'd go!

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For whom who think 8 hrs stable is enough ;)


My Opty 175 can't be stable after 9th hour. (10x265) in Prime95



Now I am running 262x10 1.525v 102% for 24hrs of Prime95 (each core using 920MB for testing)


If ya wanna test Prime95, I suggest you test it for 24 hrs to make sure that's stable



I got an error after 9th in Prime95 :drool:


So sad that my Opty 175 has poor o/c potential.


I will put my sig after I found the stable rig.


Opty175 + Expert + OCZ DDR500 GXT (2GB) 2.8v 1:1

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mursaat - cheers for that thread its awesome. loads of results to compare to and set out real easy. i think i will stick with my opty now tho. i cant be bothered swapping the chips over on the off chance that i get an extra 100 or so MHz. its too much hassle stripping the whole thing down and recable-tying etc.

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Just curious, you say you have an Expert and that you'll soon put it into your sig once it's stable. Would you be nice enough to let me know in advance what BIOS your running on your Exeprt please? I also have an Expert and I've trying to learn as much as I can about different Expert BIOS, pros and cons! Thanks

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