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Everything posted by ravix

  1. Just remember, don't freak out (crackhead! ). Computers are sometimes unpredictable, and often frustrating, but the key is to isolate the problem and be patient! Are all of your fans running? It could be overheating 5 seconds after being turned on. One step to diagnosing a problem is taking into consideration what has changed. You changed the heatsink, and now the mobo either won't boot or won't stay booted. This happened to me one time when I replaced my waterblock, it wasn't making full contact and my computer wouldn't boot. Fortunately NF7's produce a mad caucus when they overheat, and I was able to turn of the computer ASAP. If you could describe the "humming" a little better, we may be able to help you more.
  2. The dual-core processors are going to cut power consumption, and thus heat, nearly in half.
  3. When you buy an OEM product, its up to the retailer to supply a warranty. They can choose to waranty it for 2 days or 2 years. The point is, the manufacturer basially washes there hands of the product, leaving behind any responsability. That said, I still buy OEM products all the time, but only from reputable companies like newegg or frys.
  4. This is a really great mousepad at a great price. I bought two in order to have them around for lan-parties, and one ended up replacing my ratzpad. Very smooth surface. Also, kobalt was easy to work with.
  5. Its not hard, but it let me take my AIW 9600 pro from 400/325 to 525/380.
  6. Could you give us some highres pictures of a single block and a ballpark figure of what you are asking? Thanks.
  7. I built the engine myself, its a fun car to drive around. I also built that sub box.
  8. I got a 1340 sophomore year, and a 1460 junior year. I never took the ACT's
  9. My friend and I were bored the other night, so we went around he neighborhood taking some pictures. This is my favorite, what do you think?
  10. I am a huge logitech fanboy. I have a logitech keyboard, mouse, speakers, and a wireless ps2 controller. I respect the time they put into designing comfortable, practical, equipment. That said, the mx510 roxxorz my soxxorz.
  11. I'd say its the PSU. 1.) I don't trust soyo. 2.) 16a on the +12 is very weak. You should clean out your case with compressed air, ensure that the video card is making good contact and is screwed in, and get a new PSU from a quality manufacturer (antec, enermax)
  12. What option do I choose for this?
  13. Did you take an A+ Cert class through high school? This sounds like a post coming from someone who can read a book, but doesn't have much experience. If I were you, I wouldn't parade around relying on your A+ cert in order to gain respect. A large percentage of people here have it, and an even larger percent know how little it actually means.
  14. I've never used the RBX, but I use the TDX for a cleaner look and it works great. I had a maze4, and it was good, but wasn't quite up to par with the rest.
  15. sorry, I should have specified, I want at least pc2100, preferably pc2700 or pc3200. thanks.
  16. What kinda timings does it run, and can you tell me how much shipping is to the US?
  17. Are you willing to sell sticks individually if you can't work out a trade? If so. how much do you want for one of the 512mb sticks of samsung memory?
  18. I want to complete a folding rig. All I need is an xp processor (preferably 2000+ or above), 512mb of memory, and a small hard drive. lemme know what you have, and give a price. If you think its fair, chances are I will too.
  19. If you take your time, solder well, and get the right sized heatshrink, you won't even be able to tell. I guess your other option is to pry it open :shrug:
  20. I have that type of connector, too. I just cut the wires and resoldered them. There is probably an easier way, but soldering isn't so dificult.
  21. And another thing, that RBX won't work with any decent sized pelt, it is too narrow. Get a maze4, they are basically designed for a pelt setup.
  22. First off, I apologise for the low quality pictures. I am currently in the market for a new digicam, and I promise the final thread and my submission to the case gallery will have MUCH nicer pictures. But, even with sub-par photography, I think you guys will appreciate the work I have put on this case. I was finally able to install the hardware a couple days ago, and I feel great about it. The watercooling is performing GREAT! WAAAAY better than my last setup, so I am very pleased. Anyway, words are boring, here come the pictures... Here I am about to put in the processor for the first time. Note the fillport I added on top. VERY handy and well made. Look at those sexy tubes in the front. The new TDX paired with my new fans and rad allow me to run great temps. I am getting about 26 degrees at stock voltage, 32 at 1.8v and 36-38 at 2.0v. Not bad at all. (all temps were with folding and prime95 running) As I installed components I found that I had a large amount of copper in my system. I bought a copper vantec chipset cooler to match the theme. UV dye is pretty. Sorry for the pic quality. After installing everything I found that it wouldn't boot? So I did what every good OCC'r would do and built another computer to test the components indivually. After testying EVERY component, I found that the reset switch is somehow fubared. The computer would only work with the reset switch held in. :shrug: After unplugging it everything went great. I still have alot to do. Including: More wire management!!! Mount case feet again. Cut window in side panel Install cathodes much more... But this is a big step and I thought I share it with you guys. Comments?
  23. How old is your system? It sounds as if you might have an AT motherboard..
  24. I'd definately buy it if it wasn't red sleeving. The sleeving job looks great and the power supply is a good one, just the color doesn't fit my theme. Good luck, and congrats to whoever gets it.
  25. for a 19", I'd definatetely suggest DVI. I've seen both side by side and on 19's it is definately noticable.
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