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Everything posted by ravix

  1. L35 is a beast of a pump. you'll enjoy it
  2. If you don't enjoy using a console, then linux probably isn't for you, swifty I think the best way to familiarize yourself with linux is to swear off windows for at least a month. like d'vorak typewriting, it is impossible to learn if you can fall back on an easier approach every time you get frustrated. Once you learn the ins and outs of the operating system little things like configuring a network or installing a printer become much easier. I've used slackware, mandrake, suse, debian,and redhat (back in the day) and they all went pretty smooth for me. Slackware gave me some grief with an old no-name video card, but nothing a few hours of sifting through documentation couldn't fix.
  3. I literally don't care how slow or old it is, so long as it works. I am going to be doing some bios hacking on my old nf7-s, and I need a processor that will let me boot into linux and do some basic editing. Also, I could use some cheap ddr memory. A perfect setup would be: 128mb cheap pc2100, oldschool duron processor. If anyone has anything like this, I'll pay fairly. Thanks!
  4. maybe, it is alot larger than a 120mm fan though, if that is what you are thinking.
  5. Not at all, I have a fillport at the top, I just unscrew it and add some. Thanks for the tips guys. I feel better now.
  6. I am very slowly losing water in my watercooling setup, yet I can't find where nay water is leaking, and I have tightened all the the hose clamps. Any ideas? I am asking this because I am approaching the point where I need to add more water, and I know this can't be right. It is an extremely slow loss, around 1 tablespoon every three weeks.
  7. Pictures, PM to go further, please
  8. I'd want the 430. Let me get a picture, just a sec.
  9. I can make the trade for a 120mm radiator. Its a DD heatercore, you interested? edit: it also has a fan-mount and shroud.
  10. Was this review in maximum PC on an extremely high-end system? I wouldn't be surprised, considering the source
  11. I use my sony minidisk player. I like how it fits perfectly in the palm of my hand.
  12. Do you have a screw on heatsink, or a clip on? If it is screw-on you are probably putting too much pressure on the heatsink and I would relax it a little, if not, then I would check the standoffs as ccokeman said. If neither of those solutions solve your problem, I wouldn't worry about it. Its one of those things like temps > 50degrees, a lot of people don't mind it, but I try to avoid it because I like things perfect.
  13. No, but that sounds like an interesting idea. Can you explain exactly what you want to do a little better, please? Now that I have a working nf7-s, an infinity ultra 2b (both nf2 mobos), and a bios savior, I really want to get into bios hacking, I've been checking out tictacs forums, and I think I have a pretty good idea how to do some basic editing.
  14. I think this is a marketing gimmick. I believe that the more useless accessories a motherboard has, the more things can go wrong on it. This mobo presents a prime example of a useless accessory. Once you get past the thrill of "oh boy, I can switch to an AMD processor by simply adding an expansion card, moving my memory, and adding a different processor", the flaws of the design start reveal themselves. For one thing, look at the size of heatsink they have on that sempron. People are afraid to put massive heatsinks on video cards due to the possibility of snapping the card off the mobo. Well, I hate to break it to you but this mobo has the exact same problem and processors produce a lot more heat than video cards. It
  15. I went from low 40's to low 30's when I went from a single to a dual rad setup. HOWEVER, I also changed my cpu block and rad placement, so it certainly wasn't a controlled experiment. That said, I would never downgrade rad's, just buy a bigger pump.
  16. Western Washington is just as agreeable as Oregon. I live right on the border of the two states and I love it. You get a little bit of everything, but never any extremes. <3
  17. vmware runs with a sacrifice in performance and has compatibility issues. That, along with being dificult to setup and expensive (last time I checked), makes programs like winex a better solution, IMO. Dual boot is the best solution, though
  18. Cold heat doesn't work on sensitive equipment, so don't plan on doing any volt-modding
  19. Atreyu - Interlude Atreyu - Bleeding Mascara
  20. Still though, the performance should be significantly better than that of a 9800pro. edit: you may also be able to unlock a vertex shader
  21. but whats the fun in that? Good job nuclear, can't wait to see it. Will the video card and chipset both be watercooled?
  22. Its exactly the same brand speed and specs. But thanks for the input guys, I think mobo and cpu are my next upgrade.
  23. My sig is very outdated, heh. Sorry for the confusion.
  24. I think I have a pretty balanced computer, so this may be a little difficult. Maybe not though :shrug: edit: .. sorry guys, my first thread in polls. How do I make this a poll? For now: Infinity Ultra II B 2500m @ 2600mhz 1 gig OCZ pc3200 EL (2-3-2-6) Leadtek 6800nu w/ unlocked vertex shader enermax 460w
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