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Everything posted by ravix

  1. I purchased the hard drive, can't wait for it to arrive. Thanks cyberpc.
  2. Oh oh! I got it! on line "cout << "Hello world!":" the : should be a ; This code segment initializes and array and reads off its values, what is wrong? (note: I am leaving out the headers to prevent redundancy, that is NOT the mistake). int n; int dog[6]; dog[1] = 1; dog[2] = 2; dog[3] = 3; dog[4] = 4; dog[5] = 5; dog[6] = 6; for (n = 1; n < 7; n++) { cout << dog[n]; } this is fairly elementary, no hints, and a rating of 1 again.
  3. I got my answer from the abit-forums, and I thought you guys might be interested. It worked like a charm.
  4. I got a bios savior last week so I can experiment with some third party bios's for my nf7-s. Its awesome, and it works perfectly, except for one small oddity. Every time I boot from rd1 (the bios savior memory), my ethernet doesn't work. I have no internet and no lan. This is regardless of what bios I have installed on the rd1. In fact, if I have the EXACT same bios on the original chip and the rd1, the original will have internet and the rd1 will not. I am flashing the bios with awdflash.exe, from the abit webste. And I am using onboard ethernet from my nf7-s. Specs are in my sig, but the 2500+ is actually a 2500+ mobile. offtopic: Now that I have tried the tictac bios's, I am a true believer. Instantly, I went from a stable 225 -> 235fsb. It truly opened up my nf7.
  5. I've noticed that the vga silencers are actual worse than stock at their low setting. The only tiem I've ever seen artifacts from my card was when I had the silencer or 'low'. On high, it works like a dream. I've overclocked my core from 400mhz to 525mhz.
  6. It will be unlocked. By definition mobiles have to be unlocked, it helps them stay cool in laptops. However, I would say 2.6-2.7 is far from guaranteed with a mobile processor. 2.4-2.5 seems to be the going rate.
  7. LoL, nice try man.. nice try. No really, the mods here are pretty freaking cool. They're fair, and seem liek alot of fun. Kudos guys.
  8. Also, keep in mind: One characteristic I've found many Linux users share in common is a willingness to help. We've all been beginners. If you have any questions, bring them up here, or at another board, and I am sure you'll be pummeled with good information. Learning to use Linux takes time, energy, and perseverence. But if your the type of person who likes the type of work that goes into linux (like me. ), it is all worth it. edit: Oh, and one last suggestion: Go all out. Create a partition for a distro like mandrake, and ban yourself from windows for at least 2 weeks. Much like learning a new language, you have to envelope yourself in the OS to truly learn it.
  9. The problem is your pagefile. If you create a static pagefile then I bet your problem will go away. Set the minimum and maximum to the same value (1100 should be fine).
  10. Bits 'n' Bytes The Computer Guys Circuitboard express
  11. I have about 30 unlabeled cd's on my desk, all complete with data. /me needs to invest in some sharpies.
  12. :shrugs: Do you need it for something? Does it have an 80mm fan you can salvage? I am a packrat, so I have 3 psu's that no longer worker and 1 spare working psu.
  13. Well, I know for a fact that the computer won't boot if you forget to put the jumper back in. On the nf7's it doesn't do damage, it just won't boot. What I am unsure about is wether or not it will hurt my computer to turn it off accidentally while running. I hear of people hotflashing bios's all the time. For those of you who don't know, this is when one boots up a motherboard using a functioning bios chip, then after it is booted, removes that chip while the computer is still on, replaces it with a faulty one and flashes the faulty one. Its a great way to save bios chips that have failed. So I think there is a chance of ruining my bios chip by flipping the switch, but it isn't significant. EXPECIALLY if I turn on bios shadowing. But, heck, I am not gonna be the one to try.
  14. BTW: you probably want to use NTFS if you have the option.
  15. I tore my room apart and finally found my solder. It took all of 5 minutes to complete this mod, and the results are fantastic!! I tried it and it works perfectly. I can clear my bios without ever opening my case. The only thing I am worried about is a switch sticking out the side of my case that could potentially ruin my bios chip. I guess it wouldn't be the end of the world if I had to replace my BIOS, but it still makes me nervous. Although I prepped everyone in my family, its a cool looking switch, and I could picture someone pulling a "what does this do" on it. Ah well, I am going to order either a second bios chip or a bios savior for my mobo. I want to experiment with third party bios files on my motherboard, and I know that is a foolish risk to take without a backup. Final Review: Awesome Mod, works great, looks awesome. As soon as my bro finds the family digicam I am going to write a guide.
  16. I didn't make it very obvious, but that was my plan. Great minds think alike
  17. Yeah, I have one laying around that I'm gonna install tonight. I'll let you guys know how it works. edit: can't find my solder I'll do it tommorrow after a run to Radio Shack.
  18. You know what I think? I think your friend has too much money But yes, that is a good system. However, I think I'd recommend a 6800GT at this point as well. Time will tell, but it seems to be the better card.
  19. Hey guys, if your anything like me, you've had to clear your bios and start over MANY times in the course of your overclocking lifetime. It used to be that I wouldn't mind removing the jumper to reset the bios, but after installing watercooling my case is CRAMMED. The water pump sits directly in front of the jumper, and it takes a good 10 minutes of fumbling to clear the bios and get everything on again. I know about holding INS during startup, but it doesn't seem to work for me if I can't post. :shrug: So what I want to do is essentially take a power switch from an older computer and plug it in to where the jumper goes. Will this work? I'd be awful nice to be able to simply flip a switch, wait about thirty seconds, then flip it back and turn on the computer. While I wouldn't have the balls to test this, I think it'd even be safe to flip the switch while the computer is running. Heck, if people can hot swap bios's, I don't see a broken connection at that particular point being a problem. Anyway, I need some opinions before I do this. I just want to make sure I am not overlooking something incredibly blatant. Has anyone else done this? Do you think it'll work?
  20. They don't allow that here unless the ETA has passed. Basically, its a priviledge to have something to arrive early, not a right. Thats okay, I live in Washington and 9/10 times it reaches me in 2 days.
  21. ravix

    5.1 / 6.1

    Like many others I have the z640's and am very impressed. Coupled with an audigy 2 zs, I am very happy with the performance. Call of Duty in particular benifits alot from surround sound. Its nice to hear the explosions coming from where they belong.
  22. For those of you who don't already know, I am an avid folder as well. Have you ever wondered who 'esorenson' was creeping up behind you? Yeah. That was me.
  23. PWNINATED I made a string of 10, missed one, then made a string of 8. If only I didn't miss that one!
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