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Everything posted by ravix

  1. Now that I have my laptop, I am thinking of selling my computer. My laptop isn't as good for gaming, but the only game I really play is warcraft III anyway. I'd like to try to sell it to local shops, but if anyone here is willing to pay shipping I'll sell it here. I'm mostly interested in getting a decent asking price for it. How much would you charge? Samsung 712N monitor Infinity Ultra B Motherboard Mobile 2500+ good for up to 2600mhz (though I obviously can't guarantee speeds) 1 gig OCZ pc3200 EL, runs 200mhz at 2-3-2-6 Leadtek 6800nu able to unlock all six vertex shaders, and overclocks very well (don't remember exact clocks, I am on my laptop now ) Seagate 120gb SATA hard drive Audigy 2 ZS enermax 460w power supply (over 30a on the +12) Custom DangerDen watercooling with a 2x120mm radiator, a hydor l30, TDX waterblock, dangerden fillport, and tygon tubing. Its a great system. Its rock stable and everything is responsive and fast. I get around 10k in 3dmark03, without much work. I've never had the patience to go for a high benchmark because I think 3dmark is boring to watch The case is still a w.i.p. Since its my own design, and I am not done, I may purchase a new case before selling it. You'll notice the tubing in front, and the interior painting. I try to keep it as clean as possible. note: desk, keyboard, and mouse not included Feel free to make on offer on individual components, but I ask, if you make an offer, please make a suggestion for the price of the whole system, whether or not you plan on buying it. This will help me build a fair asking price in the future. I'll provide reference on request. Sorry, but I have not used ebay or heatware enough to generate feedback. I have dealt with some reputable members of this forum, however. Gimme a PM, and MAKE OFFERS!!
  2. My friend got a 700m at the same time that I got the 6000d, and he LOVES it. The screen looks amazing on it, the glossy surface really brings out the colors (not sure I like the glare though..) It runs just as fast as mine, provided it can't game at ALL. Keep in mind, also, that the keyboard is very small, and will take a lot of getting used to.
  3. Yeah, its easy to run into that. There are enough people in the world who think that they know a lot about computers or would like to know a lot about computers that it is necissary for people to be skeptical. I know a LOT more than any typical high school student, but I still have to prove myself before I get any respect. Either way, I have a policy that I don't touch other people's computers. I'll give them all the advice they need, but I know that computers can be fickle, and somethings things don't work they way they should. I try to protect myself from being on the recieving end of someones anger when their computer breaks down. Perhaps its better he doesn't want you touching his computer.
  4. I was folding for a little over two years, but I finally stopped folding for OCC. My username didn't match my name here, so I never got access to the forums. It was frustrating to support the team for so long and still not be able to feel included. I am going to start folding under the name 'ravix' soon, but another team has won my wu's Its for a good cause, and I don't see any reason to stop in the summer. :shrug: http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/use....php?s=&u=36953
  5. pfft. I'll never buy a dell desktop, but I don't mind building a prebuilt laptop, because, frankly, building one is rediculous. The price is right for a dell, so whats wrong with it?
  6. I got it, and it really seems to zip around in windows, and can hold its own in most games. I didn't get it as a desktop replacement (my desktop is still better), but its still nice to have portability. Thanks for the input.
  7. I used my dremel for the entire thing, and I cut a perfect circle into my case. My process: 1. Apply masking tape to the entire back side of the panel 2. Use a compass (or other template) to draw the design on the back 3. Cut out using dremel 4. File 5. Sand with increasingly higher grits 6. Cut acrylic to the approx. shape of the window, leaving about an inch of room around all sides 7. Apply 3m industrial strength double sided tape to the case and attach the window 8. enjoy (sorry I don't have any closer pics atm)
  8. I don't think grounding/earthing is necesarry with ATX power supplies. They have plently of ground wires in the ATX plug. I know I've run a few mobos in cardboard boxes, and I've always been fine.
  9. thats the thing: its not just a key re-mapper. People write all kinds of utilities with it. And autohotkey scripts can even be compiled into stand-alone *.exe files. Here are some example scripts from the help file: I think you get the idea. The functionality is amazing. Just give the help file a runthrough and I think you'll like what you can do (especially with a little knowledge of programming)
  10. http://www.autohotkey.com/ Probably the most useful freeware program I have ever used. This (opensource) program allows you to remap any key on your keyboard, as well as manipulate many of the features of the windows OS. What really cool is how you do it, the program allows you to create scripts using a C++ like language that can be used to automate many repetitive tasks. For instance, I was bored one day and created a script to open warcraft.exe, log me into battle net, type in my login info, and join a channel, all at the click of a button. Don't be afraid of the scripting, either. Its extremely simple, and the help file is very detailed and friendly. some sample commands: This will send the text "hello world!" to whatever window is in focus when one hits ctrl+h This physically moves the mouse curser to the start menu and clicks Given that the scripts also allow variables and flow of control (if, else, loops, etc), you can imagine the flexibilty this program gives you. So, wether you just want to remap some keys, or create scripts to automate simple tasks, autohotkeys is a great, non obtrusive program. Try it out, its simple and a functional tool.
  11. I just ordered my graduation present: dell i6000D, 1.86m, 1 gig 533mhz, 80gb hard drive, WSXGA+ 15.4" screen, ati x300 128mb video I ordered the RAM seperately from newegg, to insure I'm getting the good stuff, and I will soon replace the dell hard drive with a 7200rpm 60gb, then use the original as external storage. I used the $800 off $2000+ coupon from dell, and overall I spent $1500. I don't think that is bad considering the specs. I'll recieve the laptop in a couple weeks, at which time I'll be sure to post a pic or two. edit: this is a longshot, but does anyone else have the i6000 that would like to recommend a carrying case for it? I tried searching for "6000 case" at the notebook forums, but I didn't seem to find much.
  12. I enjoy 311 and I also really enjoy incubus, especially earlier incubus stuff (fungus amongus). While they aren't that alike, they both use different beats and styles, so I have them categorized similarly in my head.
  13. No one seemed to notice when I told them how well my 9600 AIW pro overclocked. I was easily able to achieve 525/385 from a stock 400/325 without extra cooling. Once I added the vga silencer, I got even higher (530mhz, I think). And, I got almost 4k in 3dmark 2003. However, in the future I won't be buying AIW cards, because the extra cost of the TV tuner isn't worth it to me. A smart option is to buy a TV wonder pci card ($50) and have it for the rest of forever. That way you can buy any video card you want, and you only have to pay for a TV tuner once.
  14. heh, the ONLY site I regularly go to that is still up is this one. I feel so cut off from the world. I was going to order my new laptop from dell today, too. edit: does anyone know of any reliable dns servers I could use while comcast is on the fritz? I'd google it, but that isn't an option at the moment.
  15. Sorry guys, I sent him a PM and I just sent the money out. Can't wait to try it out.
  16. How much did you pay? The site looks a little ritzy.
  17. I would never cheat in on an online game, but I swear 7 in every ten people that play DotA (wc3) use maphacks. <_<
  18. 1.) I built my first computer without using standoffs. 2.) My brother plugged a floppy power connecter into the "jumper" pins on a hard drive. Fried. (taught me not to leave him alone with even the most simple tasks )
  19. haha, I can see my sig on your monitor Nice desk, what is that on the 2nd shelf?
  20. Is a password half as cool as a fingerprint device? No. Can it do what he is asking, and prevent the computer from turning on (like an ignition)? No. Does a password have the oh-so-sly james bond quality? No. Are you acting like a jerk? Probably. Sorry, but I really don't see the point in joining a modding community to make enemies and start fights. If you can't see the originality and inginuity of an idea, maybe you don't belong here. :shrug:
  21. I don't know where you come from, KB, but I know that Washingtons labor laws wouldn't allow you to be a dishwasher. In Washington, 14 and 15 year olds can work, but under severe limitations. They must always be in sight of the customer, and can only work mid-day shifts for most of the school year. I recently quit my job and have been applying at some local businesses. I've been putting "minimum wage" as the desired pay because I live in Washington, and we have the highest minimum wage in the country. At $7.35 an hour, there is no way any local businesses can afford to start newcomers at above minimum. I'll wait a couple months, work my butt off, then see about a raise.
  22. my first time posting the workspace. mx510, logitech keyboard, samsung 712N, and my case.
  23. well thats handy, I might be interested in the gt4, but not the PS2. It'd be helpful if you named some prices..
  24. Send me a pm explaining exactly what would be involved, including the time I'd be waiting for the $300 check to arrive. I might bite.
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