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Everything posted by ravix

  1. Awwww, poor guy got jipped.
  2. Unfortunately, he did cheat. Check out this link: http://www.twingalaxies.com/forums/viewtop...smb3+11+minutes Apparently, this guy used a program that automatically creates thousands of save states, making a jump back to literally any point in the game easy. He has also used this on other games, most notably a speed run through megaman 2 in less than 30 minutes. It is a very entertaining video, but I was pretty disappointed to find out it was a fake. And, btw: Twingalaxies is know as "The worldwide authority on Player Rankings, Gaming Staticstics, and Championship tournaments.". They are a great source to find out about these things.
  3. Yeah, I checked out the 3d model. I was just saying a picture would have been nice for the people who don't want to download a plugin. It is a very cool-looking keyboard though.
  4. I think most of the scores are there with little or no artifacts. The fact is, most people don't like ruining video cards. And *most* people are smart enough to know that artifacts are a sign that you need to lower clock frequencies.
  5. Yeah, we are like the guys who work to make their cars as fast as possible. It isn't needed, but heck! Its fun!
  6. Man, that is some crazy weather. We don't get much snow here in Washington, but it doesn't bother me much. I can't drive in the snow with my car, and if i miss school, I'd just have to make it up later. I am sure I am not the only one that sees the potential of a ducting mod that goes to the outside air. Can you say -20C ambient temps?
  7. That is not only cheating, but will often ruin your video card. Its funny when people are willing to risk a lot of money and cheat, just for the satisfaction of gaining a few 3dmark points.
  8. I think OCC needs an ignore list, like other forums. That way, I could simply click on the 'ignore' button next to this guys name and never have to read through one of his posts again. Stocknotclocked: It is one thing to post a joke that isn't funny. But its entirely different to do it with absolutely no correct grammar. How old are you? 10? However, AMDOCuser has a point, and a useful contribution to this post. My room is definately the warmest in the house, and I rarely need to turn on my heater. This is GREAT during the winter, but it gets pretty warm during the summer.
  9. Yeah, spybot is a great program. I noticed some of my games were running slower than usual, so I ran spybot, and 30 trojans/spywarez later my performance increased drastically. Highly recommended (even over ad-aware)
  10. Thats a cool matrix keyboard. Although a picture would show it just as well, and keep us from having to download a plugin. Can't wait to see the finished product!
  11. Yeah, and those are probably only the ones worth mentioning. <--- is amazed at those scores, but is going to try to avoid the 'creaming of the pants' talk. Its nice to see that the new set of chips is overclocking friendly.
  12. I've read about 2.0 celerons being able to clock up to 3.3ghz, but the temps were never that low. Still, no matter how high you get them, the l2 cache is really gonna hurt performance. It is too bad sandra won't work. Do you have the latest updates? I've love to see your benchmarks!
  13. Happy birthday man! Have a wild time! \ Hope you don't see too much of this:
  14. I would just replace it if the noise bothers you, or if you are worried it will die soon. http://www.svc.com/chipsetcoolers1.html There is a list of coolers you can get from Svc (good/cheap online store). I recommend the Crystal Orb. Its a good fan that will keep your chip nice and cool. And, if you choose to OC it will make it easier. Don't give in to the temptation to run it without a fan. Video cards have a tendency to run warm, even with stock cooling and clock speeds. So, there is no doubt your card will run extremely hot without a fan at all.
  15. People who cheat in onlines games, including, but not limited to: Warcraft III, Neverwinter nights, and Vice City online (mod). People in computer stores that think they know something about computers. These are usually the people that tell me "thermal paste isn't important, it is just a marketing gimmick" Drivers who drive to slow/fast. There is a happy medium: stick to it. Honda Civics. No offense to anyone who has one. They just make me angry. Warm Pillows. I hate sleeping in the middle of a night on a warm pillow. If only someone would invent a self-cooling pillow. <_< honorable mentions: Car alarms on any car but my own Pepsi and their blatant rip-offs of coke products (ie: pepsi vanilla) Computer cases with more than 4 different colored lights in them (again, no offense)
  16. Well, I forgot to mention a few things. 1.) I have a sound activated blue ccfl that is sound activated. It is currently right behind the drive bays, so it creates a very nice glow. If you guys want I'll post a small movie that shows it in action, it looks amazing. 2.) My cd-rom drive isn't even hooked up or functional. I took it out to buy another computer, and hadn't noticed that it wasn't in all the way. Thanks for pointing that out. 3.) Here is a closer picture. I have the other two at very large 3.1mp resolutions. But I figurered I'd spare the 56k users. Thanks for the comments and ideas guys! Its nice to have a community to show this stuff too and get inspiration.
  17. And zip ties Now, my biggest concern is, if you try to shove all the air from a 120mm fan into the heatsink through a tube or converter, won't that make it louder? It just seems to be that all the resitance on the walls would increase the noise. Of course, I am not a sound or a ducting expert, and I have never heard a tornado, but that is what first ran through my head
  18. I am very heavily involved with Armageddon Games Network. I've been at their forum for 3 years now. They specialize in recreating the old classics, and creating soe new games of their own. AGN's trademark is a program called Zelda Classic that is a complete remake of the original Zelda, but soooo much more. It allows you to create new 'quests' or zelda games. It is an really great piece of software. Check it out if you want. but be warned, it isn't necisarily as friendly as this place is. It isn't horrible, it just doesn't quite have the same 'family atmosphere'. www.armageddongames.net (my name there is gdorf) I also spend some time on various IRC channels, including #occ and #agn.
  19. Hardware: Linksys 4-port router Software: Zone Alarm. I like zone alarm because it basically runs in the background. The only part of it I usually see is the meter that goes on my taskbar, and that looks pretty cool. While my router blocks virtually all incoming packets with ill-intent. I like ym firewall because it tells me every time a program sends packets out without my permission. I've caught more than a few trojans this way. I also like it because I can block everything to and from Internet Explorer. I don't trust that beast.
  20. Yeah, I would definately upgrade. I did some research into win98's resource problem and there isn't really much you can do. Some programs claim to free up the resources, but they don't really work. If you want a stable operating system that you don't have to constantly restart, check out win2k pro or winxp pro. They are both exceptional operating systems.
  21. Now all you need to do it get some tubing and construct a duct straight from the AC to the computer. Congrats on the temps!
  22. I agree with you 110% that 40c isn't bad for a cpu, mine runs around 42-44c. But if my CASE was always running at 40 degrees, I'd expect the life of my components to lower. Also, I didn't mean that it would all-out fry your hardware, just lower the life-span. I don't know why that got you so hot and bothered
  23. I like the crystal orb better, but it's really up to you. btw: let me know if you want to sell the zalman.
  24. Dualies aren't know for their overclocking. Mainly because they heat up faster. However, if you think your power supply might be holding you back, try to get a hold of a friends and try using it, or try disconnecting the cathodes and any other useless accesories and see if you can get a higher overclock.
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