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Forum Wars Summer 2008 Discussion Thread


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Just tried downloading from my wife's computer to my usb drive then transferring to my desktop and opening there but same results invalid file.



At this point in time I would find some one with a PC and see if you can download the program and take your thumbdrive and download it there....


something is definitely not right...either with your whole network or something....it's just weird everyone else can get it working but you...?


all I did was download it to my desktop and right clicked extract here (winrar) and it loaded the .exe right on the desktop....then I ran it...



just to make sure I ran the 32M bench....50.32sec....

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Right, for all of you wondering about score submissions I just took a quick trip over to the TRP scoring thread, which turned up a very nice example of how to post a score.


Note that it is not a requirement to have all of the thumbnails in there (you can get away with just the score links for each benchmark).

The screenshots do give a nice example of the kind of thing that is expected though (you'll need these types of screenshots for hwbot submissions) and actually exceed the minimum requirements in general.




Stock scores!


hokiealumnus - TRP


abit IP35-E

E4400 (2.0Ghz* stock) w/ Thermaltake Big Typhoon + 120x38mm freight train

2x1G OCZ Platinum (Rev.2) DDR2-816* (4-4-4-15-2T)

EVGA 8800GTX 576/900/1350

Corsair 450VX

Windows XP Pro x86, SP3


3DMark01 - Stock - 35,844 3DMarks





3DMark05 - Stock - 12,579 3DMarks





Aquamark - 114,993







HWBot SS - http://www.myalbumbank.com/albums/userpics...re_SS-hwbot.jpg


GeekBench - 2,378





PCPitstop Test -

CPU: 1,646

RAM: 978





SP1M - 27.687sec





WPrime32m - 40.859sec






Total Stock Score: 276,877


*Note - abit applies a default overclock of 2% on their boards. This results in an FSB of 204MHz, leading to CPU of 2.04GHz and RAM at 408MHz/DDR2-816. This is the stock speed of this system and it won't operate properly if you try to down-clock it.



Basically, if you submit your score in a similar fashion, then the cops should have an easy time of verifying it for you. :D

Edited by jammin

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Hey how does it work if I downgrade after the stock scores are submitted ?


Also, is a E7300 consiered a downgrade from a E6750 ? It has 1mb cache less and only a 1066Mhz FSB compared to 1333Mhz.


I'm sure you've read the rules, where it states unlimited downgrades per team. :)


As for if an E7300 would be considered a downgrade, that is something that would need to be discussed with the judges I reckon.

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Just a reminder on how to submit scores...


#1 Sign up for an HWBot account:


#2 Sign up for a futuremark account:


#3 keep this link handy for your verification URL's for your HWBot submissions



((This is an example of what your posted score should look like))

Raymo - TRP

QX9650 (3.00... @ 3000mhz)

HD 3870 X2 (single)

DDR2 6400

No Crossfire

Water cooled






Aquamark-157334 (invalid... see below)




PCP Overdrive-CPU 4768-RAM 1545


Super Pi-16.344 (invalid... see below)


wPrime 32m-14.390 (invalid... see below)




For the Orb (Futuremark submissions)

Edit your name-forum... change to Public... copy link.





Aquamark3 (screenshot submissions)As of the 15th May 2008.

You MUST have 2 screenshots submitted at HWBot

The Required Screenshot "Of the score"

AND... a 2nd screenshot of the submit page scrolled down to the bottom and must also have GPU-Z and two CPU-Z's open. The 2nd CPU-Z will have the mem tab open, also a (Timestamp) just place your curser over the time in your taskbar indicating the time and date on your 2nd screenshot... this SS needs to be hosted "imageshack?" and the URL placed in the verification box under your 1st SS upload box..... Got it? I hope so... because my score is invalid because I didn't have the 2nd CPU-z or GPU-z on my SS.

You can read about it here http://www.hwbot.org/hwbot.post.do?postId=872


Super Pi (Screenshot submissions at HWBot)

As we already know, ver1.5 must be used, again it needs two CPU-Z's with the 2nd one being the mem tab.

All of the above is not a big deal, as 90% of everyone who will take part in FW's should already be doing it.


wPrime (Submissions at HWBot)

Submissions/scores should be done online as it auto updates hwbot, a screenshot could be added when posting there hwbot link here.

Also, ver1.55 must be used. No other can be used on hwbot.

If a screenshot has to be used (on sub zero no internet) to post it on howbot it must show, the wPrime box and two CPU-Z's the 2nd one must have the mem tab open.If you click on the above hwbot wPrime link you will see it says (invalid) I'd say he was not using v1.55 . Older ones are to easy to cheat on, or give you a higher score.


This way takes a little longer for the players, but were all tough and want to perform.

Doing it this way takes alot of the burdon off the cops for verifying scores and makes it easy to read and streamlined in the forums.

This actually took about 2 hours with my slow 56k HELL that I live in... your times may vary!




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i haven't been on much due to drama in my life.

but i said i would and i will get everything prepp'd and posted on here within the next 2 days


time for me to see if i can melt this chip :X

i doubt it, considering the other day i gave it the max my mobo would let me.


i dont have the best chip to OC, but it sure as hell doesn't die even when given ridiculous voltages i love it



kitfit, wheres that LN2? lol

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I'm sure you've read the rules, where it states unlimited downgrades per team. :)


As for if an E7300 would be considered a downgrade, that is something that would need to be discussed with the judges I reckon.


Obviously I read the rules. I know that there is unlimited downgrades, but what I don't know is how does that work. Do I need to declare it somewhere or to someone, or I just do as if I never downgraded ?


Because there is pretty good chances that I'll get an E7300, but maybe not before the 19th.

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Just make a note of any changes when you post your scores.


I'll make an enquiry with the other judges as to whether they consider the E7200 and upgrade over an E6750 or not.

Obviously if it is considered an upgrade and you can't get hold of it before the 19th, you wouldn't be able to use it.

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OHALP, wprime no works...

Try to get it from the homepage, not a mirror.


The version forum wars needs is luckily listed in red as the latest stable build even though there are like 2 newer, so it is easy to get the right one.


The dwnld I got from the wprime homepage works fine, even if it scores crappy with my lowly dual core :(:lol:

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