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The ULTIMATE MBM 5 Settings/Help Thread


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Let's start with a brief rant :)

Motherboard manufacturer's SUCK, all of them.

1) They are so secretive that they refuse to share date so all the guys that are working on software monitoring utilities must get feedback from users since they can't get it from the board manufacturers.

2) look at the prices of the latest boards and they still can't give us easy to access test points to make measurements with a DVM. WTF?

3) they incorporate the latest low-cost sheet sensor of the month into the boards and it seems neither the sensor or the software work correctly until 6-12 months after release.


It's really no wonder that none of them are profitable as they don't want to listen to end users OR deliver a finished product.

(Caveat emptor - Buyer Beware)


Thanks for posting the info Chris, at least we have a decent starting point.

Alex Van Kamm DID release an "Update 2" http://www.majorgeeks.com/Motherboard_Moni...te_2_d5261.html

can't say if it will be better or worse but It WON'T have Core Temps in it.


Update 2 & 3 DO operate differently that the 5.370 version used for MBM5 boards.

The addition of CoreTemps also killed the ability to use _xhp_'s nVidia Plug-in v7.22. Kris (FCG) is working on it but there is SO LITTLE data on the latest sensor/mobo combos it's like peeing into the wind.


Are there any options in the Dashboard settings under Voltages>voltage configurations.ie, Winbond 83627DHG Voltage configuration 1, 2, 3, 4 - have you tried them all. The -5v and the -12v could be Vdimm and something else.


Surprized you are NOT getting GPU reading.

Are you using ATITool?

Have you sent the ATITool reading to MBM5 sensors 5 and 6 and set them to custom in MBM5 settings.


Big tip of the hat from me and everyone for hosting the mirror to the DFI Config files. (Bows deeply)

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(w/ driver signature disabled) :)


Yeah I ******* hate having to hit F8 everytime I reboot. And from what i've read there is no way to easily disable it from within Windows. So far this is the only gripe I have about Vista.

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Hi carl ,

Thanks as usual 4 helping m8:D

Sorry am getting gfx last 2 on right of my 1st pic.


Install was

1) Install MBM - mbm5370.exe

2) Install MBM5370_3 Patch

3) Install coretemp_mbm5plugin_winxp_11 - see readme for more info.

4) Install P5B Dlx config copy files to Data Dir.

5) Set Up:-

Vcore v Change to SB(Sata)V

+12v Change to SB Vcore v

??? Change to FSB Termination Volts

+3.33 change to +5v


Sensor 24 to Core1

Sensor 23 to Core2


Will try update 2 to see what that gives

1, 2, 3, 4 are where as above

Vcore v Change to SB(Sata)V

+12v Change to SB Vcore v

??? Change to FSB Termination Volts

that's why i expected 2 see somethinh in voltages8 2 16, but as u can see from the links they show zilch.


Only voltage configurations i see is for Winbond W83791D/W83791SD

Is there an ini file or something that needs priming with the right sensors, much like the various setups for different mobos?? as i said my chip according to PC Wizard is W83627DHG.


Big tip of the hat from me and everyone for hosting the mirror to the DFI Config files. (Bows deeply)
No worries:D



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  • 2 weeks later...
New release, alpha...


This version will work only for nv users. It reads the temps from the nv driver so you will get the same numbers as in the nv properties...


Why use this version - becouse no external programs are needed - memory usage = 144K (rivatuner > 6000K)...


Install: copy to plugin dir, start plugin...

Note: uses sensors 25 & 26 (& 24 & 23 for sli), 21&22 for the clocks...


How to set it up:


| SaFrOuT's tutorial:

| http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showpost.p...1&postcount=554

| ncsa's tutorial:

| http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showpost.p...4&postcount=556




As always, use at your own risc - any damage to your pc is not my fault..



tested and based on forceware 77.72, Win XP pro - might/should work on other setups...


Credit goes to Alexander van Kaam (for mbm), Kyrre Aalerud, and to nVidia :), and to leadtek :)


Change log:

* added v7.1 - it should display mem & core clock - sensors 21&22 + everything from v7... This is experimental version for testing... Report if it works...

* added v7.2 - it allows you to change sensor names through mbm... It is based on v7.1 so read above...

* added source code for v7.x - yeah, I know it looks simple ;)

Removed v3 to make some space for the source code (you should use v7, anyway)

* added v7.0 again as it misteriously dissapeared :confused: (this has reset the download count to 0). This recompiled version allows you to change sensor names. Removed v7.1 as it is not needed any more.

* added v7.22 - bug fixes and minor improvements - fixes sli min/max bug, allows seting of offsets through mbm, fully configurable sensor numbers (nvPlugin.ini), one version for all configurations (nvPlugin.ini), better handling of "fahrenheit" clock values (this is still a bit off - it seems mbm uses a slightly different formula to make the conversion - I use the one from wikipedia and am always 1-3 MHz off),


Ignore GPU and GPU ENV sensors from the original config from soundx98- they are for ATI cards & ATItool.


If you don't see the temperatures in the NV display properties you won't see them with the mbm5nvdriver plugin... You might see them with the mbm5rivatuner plugin if you set rivatuner to use one of the specific plugings for the sensor chips, but this depends on your GPU card.


If you are having any problems with my plugins (if you are having problems and you don't do the following steps expect no help from me):

* please post exactly which version of the plugin you are using (zip file name is enough).

* Always let us know if you see the temperatures in the nv display properties and the forceware version you are using.

* Open the "PlugIn.txt" file from your mbm5Plugin folder. It should look like this (if it doesn't post here...):

 PlugInLoaded	: D:Program FilesMotherboard Monitor 5PluginMBM5NVdriver.dll

 PlugInType	  : 2

 PlugInName	  : NV driver temperature monitoring v7.2a SLI

 CPlugInInit	 : Found

 CPlugInInit	 : Executed

 PlugInStart	 : Found

 PlugInStart	 : Executed

 PlugInStop	  : Found

 PlugInPulse	 : Found

 PlugInPause	 : Found

 PlugInClose	 : Found

 PlugInMenuName  : Found

 PlugInOptions   : Found [About]

 PlugIn accepted

* If you see " PlugInStart : Not Executed" in the upper listing you didn't start the plugin

* Post if the install verification succeded (read below)

* Post if the GUI verification succeded (read below)


To verify if you installed the plugin correctly do this:

1) Set the names of the sensors 21, 22, 23 & 24 to "Sensor" (case matters, it can be anything that begins with "Sensor" -> mbm defaults "Sensor 21", "Sensor 22",..., are ok too).

2) Restart mbm

If you installed the plugin corectly the sensor names should be set to: "GPU ambient" & "GPU core", "GPU2 ambient" & "GPU2 core" for the temperatures, "GPU core" & "GPU memory" for the clocks.

If they don't it is not the fault of the mbm or the plugin - it is your fault (98% sure about this, 99% sure if your PlugIn.txt looks ok), you didn't configure the mbm correctly, try again and reread the first page of this thread. To find approximately what you did wrong read below...


To verify if you set up the MBM & plugin correctly do this:

1) Open MBM settings, click on the System Info. Click on the sys info button. You should get something like this (somewhere within the info):

--Sensor Chip Readings--


Temperature Readout[21]		: 1000 [I]// GPU memory clock (this is a comment - you won't see this :) )[/I]

Temperature Readout[22]		: 500 // GPU core clock

Temperature Readout[23]		: 0 // GPU 2 core

Temperature Readout[24]		: 0 // Gpu 2 ambient

Temperature Readout[25]		: 44 // GPU 1 core

Temperature Readout[26]		: 36 // Gpu 1 ambient


If any of the temperature readouts is missing the cause might be:

* the temperature sensor is set to none - set the temperature sensor to Custom in the temperature sensor settings.

If any of the temperature readouts is 0 (and the first installation verification procedure succeded) the cause might be:

* the temperature sensor is not set to Custom - set the temperature sensor to Custom in the temperature sensor settings.

* you installed the wrong plugin version (don't expect sli temps with the non-sli version, or the clocks without v7.2).

* the plugin isn't started (all of the readings are 0)

If the readout isn't 0, but you still can't see it on the dashboard or the OSD or 0 is shown:

* you have configured your dashboard/OSD wrong - read some of the helpfull linked posts on the first page of this thread (the most common reason of not seeing the values on the dashboard is the fact that the items can overlapp other items - maximize the dashboard and move some items around)



Problems that are not really problems:

* I can't see my temperatures for my 6600gt and I can't see them in the NV display properties as well - read http://www.ocia.net/articles/tempmonitoring/page1.shtml

* Extra geometry clock isn't reported in MBM for my 7800 GPU - it is hard to define real core clock speed as the 7800 has more then one, some tool show one, others another (read http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2005/07/07/g70_clock_speed/)




* 7.22 (MBMNVdriver_v7_22_ALL.rar) - new "unified" version - this is the one you should download and try first, but note it is still new and untested

Note: you must also copy the "nvPlugin.ini" file to you "Plugin" directory!


nvPlugin.ini content:

SensorNumbers entries - determines which value is outputed to which sensor in mbm

useSli - set to 1 if you have a SLI configuration, 0 otherwise (default is off (0))

useSli - set to 1 if you want to show the clocks in mbm, 0 otherwise (default is on (1))


Older versions:

* 7.0 - reads GPU and ambient temps

* 7.0 sli - sli version of 7.0

* 7.2 - reads GPU and ambient temps, core & mem clocks

* 7.2 sli - sli version of 7.2


As always, use at your own risc - any damage to your pc is not my fault..


hi managed to install plug in ok and it shows in the dashboard but both readings say zero... wondering which is best to use here... i used version 7.


figured it might be easier to ask here rather than try 4 different drivers....



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New release, alpha...


This version will work only for nv users. It reads the temps from the nv driver so you will get the same numbers as in the nv properties...


Why use this version - becouse no external programs are needed - memory usage = 144K (rivatuner > 6000K)...


Install: copy to plugin dir, start plugin...

Note: uses sensors 25 & 26 (& 24 & 23 for sli), 21&22 for the clocks...


How to set it up:


| SaFrOuT's tutorial:

| http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showpost.p...1&postcount=554

| ncsa's tutorial:

| http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showpost.p...4&postcount=556




As always, use at your own risc - any damage to your pc is not my fault..



tested and based on forceware 77.72, Win XP pro - might/should work on other setups...


Credit goes to Alexander van Kaam (for mbm), Kyrre Aalerud, and to nVidia :), and to leadtek :)


Change log:

* added v7.1 - it should display mem & core clock - sensors 21&22 + everything from v7... This is experimental version for testing... Report if it works...

* added v7.2 - it allows you to change sensor names through mbm... It is based on v7.1 so read above...

* added source code for v7.x - yeah, I know it looks simple ;)

Removed v3 to make some space for the source code (you should use v7, anyway)

* added v7.0 again as it misteriously dissapeared :confused: (this has reset the download count to 0). This recompiled version allows you to change sensor names. Removed v7.1 as it is not needed any more.

* added v7.22 - bug fixes and minor improvements - fixes sli min/max bug, allows seting of offsets through mbm, fully configurable sensor numbers (nvPlugin.ini), one version for all configurations (nvPlugin.ini), better handling of "fahrenheit" clock values (this is still a bit off - it seems mbm uses a slightly different formula to make the conversion - I use the one from wikipedia and am always 1-3 MHz off),


Ignore GPU and GPU ENV sensors from the original config from soundx98- they are for ATI cards & ATItool.


If you don't see the temperatures in the NV display properties you won't see them with the mbm5nvdriver plugin... You might see them with the mbm5rivatuner plugin if you set rivatuner to use one of the specific plugings for the sensor chips, but this depends on your GPU card.


If you are having any problems with my plugins (if you are having problems and you don't do the following steps expect no help from me):

* please post exactly which version of the plugin you are using (zip file name is enough).

* Always let us know if you see the temperatures in the nv display properties and the forceware version you are using.

* Open the "PlugIn.txt" file from your mbm5Plugin folder. It should look like this (if it doesn't post here...):

 PlugInLoaded	: D:Program FilesMotherboard Monitor 5PluginMBM5NVdriver.dll

 PlugInType	  : 2

 PlugInName	  : NV driver temperature monitoring v7.2a SLI

 CPlugInInit	 : Found

 CPlugInInit	 : Executed

 PlugInStart	 : Found

 PlugInStart	 : Executed

 PlugInStop	  : Found

 PlugInPulse	 : Found

 PlugInPause	 : Found

 PlugInClose	 : Found

 PlugInMenuName  : Found

 PlugInOptions   : Found [About]

 PlugIn accepted

* If you see " PlugInStart : Not Executed" in the upper listing you didn't start the plugin

* Post if the install verification succeded (read below)

* Post if the GUI verification succeded (read below)


To verify if you installed the plugin correctly do this:

1) Set the names of the sensors 21, 22, 23 & 24 to "Sensor" (case matters, it can be anything that begins with "Sensor" -> mbm defaults "Sensor 21", "Sensor 22",..., are ok too).

2) Restart mbm

If you installed the plugin corectly the sensor names should be set to: "GPU ambient" & "GPU core", "GPU2 ambient" & "GPU2 core" for the temperatures, "GPU core" & "GPU memory" for the clocks.

If they don't it is not the fault of the mbm or the plugin - it is your fault (98% sure about this, 99% sure if your PlugIn.txt looks ok), you didn't configure the mbm correctly, try again and reread the first page of this thread. To find approximately what you did wrong read below...


To verify if you set up the MBM & plugin correctly do this:

1) Open MBM settings, click on the System Info. Click on the sys info button. You should get something like this (somewhere within the info):

--Sensor Chip Readings--


Temperature Readout[21]		: 1000 [I]// GPU memory clock (this is a comment - you won't see this :) )[/I]

Temperature Readout[22]		: 500 // GPU core clock

Temperature Readout[23]		: 0 // GPU 2 core

Temperature Readout[24]		: 0 // Gpu 2 ambient

Temperature Readout[25]		: 44 // GPU 1 core

Temperature Readout[26]		: 36 // Gpu 1 ambient


If any of the temperature readouts is missing the cause might be:

* the temperature sensor is set to none - set the temperature sensor to Custom in the temperature sensor settings.

If any of the temperature readouts is 0 (and the first installation verification procedure succeded) the cause might be:

* the temperature sensor is not set to Custom - set the temperature sensor to Custom in the temperature sensor settings.

* you installed the wrong plugin version (don't expect sli temps with the non-sli version, or the clocks without v7.2).

* the plugin isn't started (all of the readings are 0)

If the readout isn't 0, but you still can't see it on the dashboard or the OSD or 0 is shown:

* you have configured your dashboard/OSD wrong - read some of the helpfull linked posts on the first page of this thread (the most common reason of not seeing the values on the dashboard is the fact that the items can overlapp other items - maximize the dashboard and move some items around)



Problems that are not really problems:

* I can't see my temperatures for my 6600gt and I can't see them in the NV display properties as well - read http://www.ocia.net/articles/tempmonitoring/page1.shtml

* Extra geometry clock isn't reported in MBM for my 7800 GPU - it is hard to define real core clock speed as the 7800 has more then one, some tool show one, others another (read http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2005/07/07/g70_clock_speed/)




* 7.22 (MBMNVdriver_v7_22_ALL.rar) - new "unified" version - this is the one you should download and try first, but note it is still new and untested

Note: you must also copy the "nvPlugin.ini" file to you "Plugin" directory!


nvPlugin.ini content:

SensorNumbers entries - determines which value is outputed to which sensor in mbm

useSli - set to 1 if you have a SLI configuration, 0 otherwise (default is off (0))

useSli - set to 1 if you want to show the clocks in mbm, 0 otherwise (default is on (1))


Older versions:

* 7.0 - reads GPU and ambient temps

* 7.0 sli - sli version of 7.0

* 7.2 - reads GPU and ambient temps, core & mem clocks

* 7.2 sli - sli version of 7.2


As always, use at your own risc - any damage to your pc is not my fault..


hi managed to install plug in ok and it shows in the dashboard but both readings say zero... wondering which is best to use here... i used version 7.


figured it might be easier to ask here rather than try 4 different drivers....



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7.22 is the version to use.

If it shows the Plug-in is started in MBM5 you may be looking at the wrong settings.

The "boxes" labeled GPU and GPU env are for use with ATITool.

The boxes you are looking for are probably hidden.

You must open the Dashboard all the way (the little arrows on the right side) and also insure 21 and 22 (RAM and GPU clocks) and 25 (GPU temp) must be set to "custom"

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Talked with _xhp_ last week.

He's gonna try and get on it.

It's a work in progress my brutha and remember it's free.


Thanks for the in put. Workin' OK in XP 32?


It works great with XP, my kids PC is using the 7.2a plugin, they also have an ultraD, but with my old 7900. I just copied the data and plugin folder over to theres.


With Vista I have to run MBM as administrator, I still have UAC on.


The work is definatly appreciated......

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Dont know if you guys know yet or not but:


ATiTool 27 beta works with Vista 32bit, in x64 you got to shut off driver signing. Ported the temp to 25, so MBM reads it.

Doesnt pick up the GPU and MEM clocks, but monitoring GPU temps is more important I think.....heh

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