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The please explain your HANDLE thread.


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is that the guy that made Ichi the Killer?



Nah, there is a new Zatoichi movie made by "Beat" Takeshi that overshadows the older and much better (IMO) series that starred Katsu Shintaro. Takeshi Miike is the one that made Ichi the killer. I'm not a big fan of modern japanese cinema so much but love older samurai movies.

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ah i see, yes older samurai movies kick butt.... i also saw both the new zatoichi (with cgi blood splatter lol!) but i like the older, black-n-white, version much better!


only a few modern movies that i like, and i saw ichi, and...well.. cant really say i enjoy it......

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i play comand and conquer for a long time....and when zero hour came out i had to find a nickname to play online.....

i wanted something with strength....steelballs was to obvious....

so i found this steelballzz pretty good....asked a few friends and they liked it

now i used it in all the foruns

combined with my ugly face avatar





here at the street i use this fantastic avatar that angry found for me....

and thats it

nothing special

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  • 4 weeks later...
Before I moved to China, I was an avid falconer (training falcons, hawks, etc to hunt...you know, the guy on horseback with a bird on his fist). Years ago, I spent some time living in a Nepalese community in the Himalyayas, which was where I first had the chance to learn and practice the skill. The Nepali word for falcon is baaj.


Wow! having lived in Saudi Arabia for alot of my life and seem many falcon handlers, I've always wanted to do something like that. I'm just going to daydream for a few minutes now...


So many good stories here that I think I need to change mine. I chose it on the boringly pragmatic basis that not many people in world, even of my own nationality have my surname, so that:


1) I never have to choose eliatamby1778__2 to register with some site, and

2), if it's ever registered somewhere, there's a 95% chance it's either by me or someone from my family

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Cheers to the Yukon Jack! I only drank it once, some cowboys were in town at a bar where my friend works, and wanted her to show them around town. She had me come with her as I had stopped by to say "hi" and have a drink before she got off work. So, we took the two cowboys to a bar called The Cowboy, and they bought us many shots of Yukon Jack and several beers. To this day, I can barely choke down a shot of Yukon Jack.


I've gone by various versions of yukon jack for many years. I'm 36 now- but i first used yukon in my early 20's- because it's all that i used to drink in my college alcoholism days. i rarely drink now but the name has stuck with me. also- if you're playing battlefield2- and you see YuKoN[killed](your name here) you'll know it was me :D


My handle has been with me ever since we had the internet about 12 years ago or so. Our ISP didn't allow for everyone in the family to get their own e-mail address, so I signed up for hotmail. I was a competative swimmer since the age of 5 (I actually didn't stop competitively swimming until I was 22 and done with college), and it is:





A bit corny, but at the age of 12 I thought it was great. Being as lazy as I am, I've used it for everything online where possible. The two exceptions were/are my college e-mail simply first initial and last name, and my corporate e-mail for work.


Surprisingly, for gaming I go with Goose or some form of it wherever possible due to a nick-name I had gotten in the late 90's. I wear aviators, and have worn them since about '97. A friend started calling me Goose, and it stuck.

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