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Well, I Pre-ordered An Xbox 360


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I preordered mine back in June, so I will be getting it launch day. Since there aren't any excellent games coming out at launch and just a bunch of metiocre games I think you might find mine on ebay. :( I hope its like the N64 when that came out.... I remember some of those selling for 800 bucks!


What?!?! Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion!


I was going to get one, the "premium" system of course... then I realized that I'd only play one game: Oblivion. Since that's coming out for PC anyways, I just decided to try to upgrade my system a bit so I can actually play it. Spend $500 on an Xbox360 and a game, or spend $550 on a PSU, mobo, and watercooling for my PC..... tough choice.

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sorry buddy but your a lieing sack of crap, the games havnt been put into mass prodction yet, the 360 is only in gamestop and walmart right now and they only have the demo that has COD2 and King Kong playable.

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I have four games on my list, Perfect Dark 0, Elder Scrolls, Full Auto, and Quake 4.  All look to be great games. 

OH def get elder scrolls 4, oblivion!!!!!!!! im getting it for PC, it looks so cool


I fail to see why any pc gamer would buy a console game that is also available on the PC at the same time (or earlier). PC has better graphics and better controls. Oblivion and Quake 4 indeed look like great games, but not for the 360. Only games that play better on consoles (besides console-ports) are sports games (eg. Madden)


They said something about this on the Inquirer. It's called price gouging and you have just fallen vitim to it. :blink::bah: 


I have learned not to ever preorder anything whatsoever, because chances are that they will have an abundance of consoles etc. when it is released. The same thing happened with Halo 2 and Doom 3. It took literally days for the supply to run out. Sure you can be 100% sure that you will get your console, but I would rather save $100 and be 90% sure. :typing:


uh, that's a load of crap. you don't pay more to preorder (although I can't speak for what they do in other countries), and usually you get a little something extra. I normally don't pre-order just because I'm never that certain I'll purchase a product (only game I ever preordered was HL2 because that was a given, I wanted to play CS:S a month early, and preloading thru Steam was awesome), but if you're positive you're getting something right away there's no reason not to. The prices of the 360 aren't going to drop for many months after release. And if it's anything like the ps2 release, once the supply ran out, they were actually selling for much more than retail on ebay. As long as demand is high (and competition nil), prices won't drop.


I work for best buy, ive played all the x360 games..


they all rock...the best by far though, quake4...


pwnage in the face. the 360 rocks the ps3...i know from playing them side by side.


LMFAO! first post on the boards and you're lying out of your butt, lol. Thanks for the laugh before bed.

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I hope you guys realize that Oblivion has been delayed until Q2 06. Meaning at the very earliest we're gonna see it is February. (both pc and xbox360) Basically I'm totally hyped about 360, but the reasons for the hype aren't coming until next year. :( Oblivion, Gears of War and Halo 3 explain all my reasoning.

Edited by Ghost2520

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well i found a list on xbox-scene.com




there ya go! release games!


if i had to pick one i would go with gears of war, looks like a sweet game with sweet graphics.


Well that list is already outdated since it says Oblivion's December, when they released a statement saying Feb-Apr.


According to gamespot.com, only 5 games will actually be available on the day of launch, and they're all sports games.

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I fail to see why any pc gamer would buy a console game that is also available on the PC at the same time (or earlier).  PC has better graphics and better controls. 


Well for me it's a matter of that nasty little RSI called carple tunnel syndrome. Sitting at my comp for hours on end playing a game makes my hands and arms HURT bad! Sitting infront of the TV with a gamepad does not. So, there you go. Besides everyone has their pref. I just happen to be taking the console on this one. Also what's wrong with having a console(s) AND a PC?







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Well for me it's a matter of that nasty little RSI called carple tunnel syndrome.  Sitting at my comp for hours on end playing a game makes my hands and arms HURT bad!  Sitting infront of the TV with a gamepad does not.  So, there you go.  Besides everyone has their pref.  I just happen to be taking the console on this one.  Also what's wrong with having a console(s) AND a PC?



nothing wrong with having both a console and PC, but what I'm saying is, if a game's available for both (and isn't just some crappy port) you're better off getting the PC version. I have a gamepad for my computer. It's dual analog and has the same basic layout as a ps2 controller.

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nothing wrong with having both a console and PC, but what I'm saying is, if a game's available for both (and isn't just some crappy port) you're better off getting the PC version.  I have a gamepad for my computer.  It's dual analog and has the same basic layout as a ps2 controller.



I do the same thing. Logitechs gamepads are downright nice. I have no complaints playing Madden on my PC with a gamepad. I still console... but only because I have to since not all the great games get realeased to the PC. But my preference will always be the PC. If I paid that much to get it up and running I better dang well use all that hardware for something other than internet, music, etc

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