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Omg Huge Ticket


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ahh good ole tickets, gotten 6 speeding, 2 of which were street racing (lucky i didnt get arrested), rest were going 20+, all were $197, so you do the math :/ that was all within 1st year of driving, now since my last ticket, almost a year ago, ive gotten none, 99% because of my Passport 8500 X50...lol

Edited by zigen

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In canada its twice the limit. but then again we drive alot slower. our speedlimits are about 60 km/h





We drive alot slower????? How do you figure?. Most highways are 100kmh speedlimits. In most cities there are roads that have a 60 kmh limit.


I think they can take you license if you are doing more than half of speedlimit over the limit is. For example, I got stopped doing 160kmh(100mph) in a 100kmh zone(60mph). So the officer said that he could take my license right then and there but he was good about it and dropped it down to a ticket that was 120+, which was still expensive but I got to keep my license then. This was in Alberta, it may vary province to province though.

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$155, disobeying road sign (stop sign)


wasn't paying attention cuased a 3 car collision, i was the onlyone hurt

happened a month after i got my lisence

2 points off

200 fine on my license, had to pay for a 255 coure to keep my lisence

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never been caught, but the other night I was doing... well... a sensible speed for the conditions and some plonker (in a beemer) went past at around 120-125mph - stright through a speed camera. (flash, flash) lol.

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hahaha 110 in a 60? yep you got what you deserved lol. I have never gotten a ticket only a couple warnings. Around here the cops allow 5-10 miles/hr over the speed limit.

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ticket #1:


tires not street legal

front bumper exceeding max legal height

rear bumper exceeding max legal height

excessive noise

no seatbelt (this is my favorite part of this mess)

obstructed view

removal of 3rd break light

and a bunch of other tic-tac crap


ended with $2000 in total violations. and for what? pulling out of an ORV park across a public street 20 feet to a gas station!


judge TOSSED that one out the windows in court :) it's good to know that some public officials actually understand the common man... cuz they do the EXACT same stuff. now I go offroading with that judge at least twice a year :)


the other one was for driving thru a puddle... yeah you read that right. i696 has a habbit of flooding between work and home. all these other cars are pulling off to the side and driving thru the shallow point on the shoulder and even up on the grass enbankment. not me... oh no. the truck is MEANT to cross rivers if needed. this 3 foot deep puddle (at the most) was nothing. I slowed down to about 10mph and plowed thru the 500 yards or so of it. sitting on the other side was a police car. he wrote me for "wreckless driving". went to court, he never showed up, case closed.

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on my birthday, 2004, me and 2 friends were driving somewhere i forget where, i was in the backseat and he was going 110 down the interstate which has a 55 mph speed limit due to construction.... luckily the copy only caught him doing like 80.. i was scared.. i was like oh god hes goin to jail..

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Airman, I have absolutely no sympathy for you unless you were speeding someone to the hospital and their life was on the line.



Which I doubt you were.



So, no offense, but you acted carelessly and idiotically, and you deserve to pay the ticket in full. You should have your license revoked if you pull that . again.

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you noob drivers and your accidents/foolishness! GARRR its people like that that make young safe drivers look bad. Ok ill admit i drive around 80 sometimes in 65 but thats still pretty safe cause i only do that in low traffic on clear days. This is the reason why young people have such high insurance

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only got one ticket and it was for a 80 in 70 in a 55, but i did get pulled on my way to work (I work for security at unc chapel hill) and was caught doing 63 in a 35, luckily i was in uniform and told the officer i was running late for work (which wasn't a lie) and he let me off with a warning.

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