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That's great to hear another outlet recognizes your talent, Isaiah!

Have some good news for those that enjoyed my science-y news items as I will include one at the end of the video game item tomorrow. (I don't think I'll be able to stretch the science news to be long enough for its own item.) Turns out white graphene can be made ferroelectric, which has potential then for data storage in something literally just atoms thick.

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20 minutes ago, Guest_Jim_* said:

That's great to hear another outlet recognizes your talent, Isaiah!

Thanks Jim! I might be a bit over my head. But I knew what I was getting into when I applied. TPU is the major leagues :). I'm still here though in a support role to help out the next person that takes my position.

I'll try and visit my old stomping ground more. I miss OCC 2008-2012 era. But I think a lot of forums are dying and moving to discord. Its the sad truth. Computer tech has slowed way down and playing on a game console is my preferred method. No drivers, hardware updates or windows to deal with. It just works. The benefit of PC is of course you get better graphics, higher frame rate and resolution. Not to mention RTS games just do not work on game consoles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm necroing the thread and I don't care because I feel like sharing and maybe it'll get some of the conversation going again.

For the first time for any of my primary builds, I am running an air cooler. The Corsair H110 I'd been using on my Threadripper build is fairly old and with one of the fans having died, I decided to order a Noctua U12 TR4/SP3 cooler, along with a couple A12x25 fans for it. With some help from my dad, we just installed it. Every other build I've done except the test system I put an AIO in from the start, originally with this build I used the Enermax AIO with the TR4 block, but as some of you may know, these had a faulty design. That was why I went to using the H110 that I had around from a prior build.

Did a couple Cinebench R20 runs and it looked like the temperature may top out around 70 C. It got to around 66-67 C and was slow to go warmer which is why I think 70 C may be its limit.

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Lol, well, I was pretty much away from it all for for 4-5 years (once my wife was pregnant with our 2nd kid), and pretty much outright for 3 and a half years. My last graphics card purchase was a GTX 1080Ti. I come back, and my GTX 1080Ti now sells for $750. This world has gone mad!

Btw, it's nice to see a lot of familiar faces!

The three computer forums I came back to were: Overclockersclub.com, Overclock.net, and Hardforum.com

Overclock.net got revamped, but I don't particularly like the new look. There seems to be less people everywhere. I still see and trust the people who buy/sell/trade in Hardforum, but I haven't done anything like that in ages.

I'm still sporting my i7-3930K from a long time ago. I built a few cheap servers using the C602 chipset, but that's about it. Prices are just outrageous. People are buying high-end parts for mining, which is funny, because people are building systems in order to not actually use them.

The state of the game industry is also a big contributor. Prices for games are still ridiculous when released, and still loaded with bugs. Games that utilize the latest "cool" stuff like ray-tracing are still uncommon, and if they're in a popular game, they're turned off if people are playing them competitively. And if people are playing competitively, they're going against people who spend insane amounts of money monthly just to play the game with hacks, and there's nothing the developers of games can do about it.

I can rant on and on, but anyways, how ya'll doin'? :)

Edited by El_Capitan

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  • 2 weeks later...

I start this thread then I forgot about it for almost a month, way to go me................

I've been spending the vast majority of my time on my other money pit hobby, rc cars. I can't even remember how many cars I have without listing them all out it's somewhere around 20.

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life definitely seems to keep us busy. I definitely dont have the time I used to. Now living in michigan everything seems based around planning for winter. Still working in Indiana so I'm not home often.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice to see some familiar faces in this thread. I've also not been as active as I would like.

I know some of you might remember me as that teenage kid who used to upgrade many times a year! Those days are gone, but I still upgrade every few years or so. 
Running an i9 9900K with a RTX3080 right now. The upcoming Alder Lake hybrid desktop architecture as well as DDR5/PCIE 5.0 are definitely exciting, keen to see how things mature over the next couple years.

I still enjoy PC gaming, especially for multiplayer games, but these days most of my gaming is on console.
I find it more relaxing now to press a button and get into a game on the couch. 

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I still see most of the regulars and staff on here once in a while... haven't seen waco/panda in a bit, ...we all get busy I guess! 

I'm still driving trucks, moved back home to Texas, bought my own place, and the chores are never-ending... we all doin our own things but still pop in once in a while...


is dave still alive ? what about frank ?? LOL

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