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AMD(ATI) or Nvidia

which one do you have?  

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  1. 1. which one do you have?

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I guess both, technically, but I voted ATI since that's what's in my main rig. My HTPC is running a GTS250 and my internet machine has a 7800 GT. :teehee:

Edited by Waco

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Both, but prefer Nvidia after my HD 6970's in Crossfire stopped working and a P8H67-i Deluxe being able to find a GTX 460 1GB but not being able to find a HD 6970 (to just see the BIOS!). :(


I don't know what's up with AMD and their cards lately, I've had nothing but problems. I hope AMD is listening, because I'm only going to be buying Nvidia after these fiascos.

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Both, but prefer Nvidia after my HD 6970's in Crossfire stopped working and a P8H67-i Deluxe being able to find a GTX 460 1GB but not being able to find a HD 6970 (to just see the BIOS!). :(


I don't know what's up with AMD and their cards lately, I've had nothing but problems. I hope AMD is listening, because I'm only going to be buying Nvidia after these fiascos.

I'll take your 6970s if you're sick of them :rolleyes:

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Which one do you have? just wanted to see which gpu you had, please include the model

ThanX :thumbsup:



evga gtx 480 sc in main

dual 6870's in secondary

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I have them both and have no real preference although the game I usually play the most does better with an Nvidia card. It never has rendered right with an AMD/ATI card since 2007.

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AMD/ATI here but I am contemplating going to the green side just because they throw money at developers to optimize for their product.


Currently a HD5850


That is one of the reasons I go with ATI. They don't cheat. They just build a good GPU that does what it meant to do(affordable, runs fast,cool and quiet). Which something I see rarely done on the green team.

Edited by Black6464

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