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"Why Are You People Defending Apple?"


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This just further proves that they have contempt for the community they have created. Its just a shame that people are like lemmings when it comes to Apple. Where are the derogatory comments about apple people!


Its about greed and creating a new revenue stream.



I guess Steve Jobs has to pay for his cancer treatments somehow..........

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If iTunes had a subscription service it wouldn't be too bad.


I had an iPhone but I couldn't put any music on it so I was forced to buy a Windows Phone since I already had a Zune, and I don't really regret the decision.

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Apple products may be overpriced, but if people buy it at that price, then it must not really be a big deal to them. Much like Monster HDMI Cables that sell for $130... my $2 Nippon HDMI cables work fine, thank ye very much.

I take it you didn't read the full article, as the analogy made to Monster cables was to an entirely different point, and not what's at contention here.


This isn't about the (high) cost of Apple products and whether people are willing to pay - these subscription fees are not going to be seen by the consumer.


In a nutshell, Apple will take a 30% cut for all in-app and subscription fees from the app developer. Do they have a right to do so? Yes. Are they being complete pricks? Yes. And in an even more prick-ish move, Apple is telling developers that they can NOT account for this cut when pricing their product. So, for example, if Amazon is selling a book for $1 on its store, it has to charge $1 on the Apple store. For ease of calculating what this means, I'll disregard all other costs - Amazon would make $1 on every sale of the book through its store, but only 70 cents on every sale for those sold on iTunes.




As for me, I own an iPod, iPhone 3GS and iPad. The funny thing is, I didn't pay for any of them. I got the iPod for free via freeipods.com (back when that was all the craze), my company paid for my iPhone, and I won the iPad in a contest. I have hundreds of apps, but I've never paid anything - I wait until apps are free. I would never actually pay for an Apple product because they don't deserve my business.

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In soviet russia apple defends the people.


Lol wouldn't that be nice.


I never have and never will own any Apple product. And after watching my former roommate, who owned an ipod argue with their customer support over the phone because they wouldn't help him unless he owns an ipod touch or iphone, I have solidified my view of Apple. They try to wring every dollar they can from everybody around them, they have a complete lack of interest in their consumers, and their customer service may as well not exist.

Edited by malmsteenisgod

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I tried to read the article but it just wasn't holding my attention very well. Thank you Clay for summing it up!

Yeah, that's not very smart I think, especially if Apple intends to say anything about having such an open app store in the near future. I do understand they have the right to do this, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. Now one thing has dawned on me that's kind of funny (to me at least). Isn't the hardware selling well enough that they don't need this to keep the money coming in? Naturally that question is foolish if you put it in the light of iGreed. (I'm tempted to change the Apple logo to have more bites missing from it for an iGreed logo, but I'm not sure that would fly with trademark laws.)

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i only read the replies on here not the article.

so my 2cents in this is apple = piece of over priced ..

i have never had an ipod pad phone or mac product nor will i ever get one.

the only people i really see buying the iphones lately are teen's that just want what they see on tv and think its cool without having a clue what the phones are about.

as for ipod im sure they where great when they were just for music.

i would never buy from app store or itunes store.

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Its not that they are overpriced its that they are confiscating a 30% share of the revenue stream generated by items sold through its apps vs outside its apps. Its basically holding an etailer hostage for a 30% stake of the profit stream. The way I see it there will no longer be an incentive to offer a sale through an iphone app for the merchant since their slim margin is effectively taken from them it they sell through an apple application. The consumer is none the wiser since they pay the same price either way. What this will do is effectively raise the cost of doing business with an apple application since the price has to either increase or the merchant has to stop selling through the app.



This proves yet again that apple have no respect for their consumers or partners. They only respect the all mighty dollar and feed off the lemmings who think that if its a mac it has to be great.

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It's complete and utter bull is what it is. 30% cut of a subscription to an app.. ridiculous. The funny thing is, Apple rejected the Sony e-reader app for the iPhone/iPod because Sony more than likely didn't want to let Apple get any pay from purchases within it. Sony's app had in-app purchases, but not through the iTunes system which would have netted Apple some bread. That was just earlier this month too, then Apple decided it need a 30% cut of the profit from in-app purchases.

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