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"Why Are You People Defending Apple?"


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I like my Macbook and iPhone, but I don't really purchase a lot of content from Apple to put it nicely. As far as my experience has been it has been awesome with great hardware, great service, and no hassles what so ever. However, they cannot expect content publishers to give up a third of their revenue to be on iTunes/AppStore and the business model will only work to some extent. It will bring in publishers who aren't making a ton in the first place and are trying to get to a bigger audience, but people like Rhapsody will leave the Apple world all together because it's not worth it for them.

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I think Apple hires people to post in forums to defend Apple... or maybe they just own Apple stock. :P


Either way, I own an iPod Touch (8GB 4th Gen on sale for $180 - $50 Best Buy Rewards Certificate, and received a $50 gift card when purchasing it), so it was $80. Definitely worth it at that price. It was an upgrade from a 32GB iPod Video my brother got me 6 years ago.


No other Apple product really interests me, though perhaps because they're pretty expensive toys. Heck, if I can't get myself to buy a GTX 580...


Apple products may be overpriced, but if people buy it at that price, then it must not really be a big deal to them. Much like Monster HDMI Cables that sell for $130... my $2 Nippon HDMI cables work fine, thank ye very much.

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other than the ipod/phone i don't like apple products. everything they make is slower and more expensive. also Macs are not better for video editing/photoshop and 3d programs, in fact OSX gimps most software and hardware. when will people learn...


simply put Macs are prefect for people who just check email and browse the web. its useless otherwise.

Edited by hornybluecow

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I don't care much for apple (and haven't read the article yet, just adding my two cents prematurely) but did just get myself a 32GB iPod Touch (newest generation). It can do so much stuff and what do I have on it... music. Seriously, I use it for listening to music almost exclusively. I found the Microsoft OneNote app and put that on, as something like that is useful to me (it lets you make a note and have it synced to you Live webspace and accessible by your computers with OneNote), but have used it once for that (I was on the bus so I couldn't write it down any other way).

Personally, I don't care much for the interface, much prefer Android, especially with the menu button. I'm impressed by the camera on it either. It's a nice toy, but personally I don't think I'll ever get another iPod. It's nice, but at the price I paid, I don't know if it would be worth it again in the future. Now, I don't regret getting it, I didn't anticipate liking it much, but I want the peripheral support it offers (need to replace a CD player, but for now using it's AUX in, eventually will get something with an iPod dock) and I wanted to learn the interface. That's the same reason I'd ever get a Mac computer, to learn the interface, and if I ever have some money I want to burn. Of course, if I ever had that much money, I'd probably just build a folding rig that literally would burn money (Quad SLI Hyperclocked GTX 895's with dual Intel I-11 1390X's running at 4.9 GHz (because who needs 5GHz) across all 18 physical cores (per CPU) using 24GB of DDR6 RAM). In case you couldn't tell by the parenthetical comment, I don't think I'll have enough money to burn on a Mac for quite some time.

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