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"PCs Are NOT Gaming Consoles!! PC "gaming" is a ca


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They fracking removed my comments .. the cheek! i made some damned good points in those! :mad: oh well knowledge is power and those 2 idiots don't have the knowledge or power to piss in a toilet.. :haha:

Edited by SenitaL

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Fanboys will be fanboys. What I don't understand is how someone can section themselves off to just one specific platform and bash the other.

I've heard it all from the console fanboys: "I prefer to play on my comfy couch." "Aiming with a mouse is stupid." "It just works."

Same with the PC fanboys (I'm guilty of saying some of these): "My executive chair rocks!" "Aiming with a thumb stick is clunky." "It loads much quicker."


They mentioned a PC can't play Mario games. Yeah, no kidding. I'll have to get a Wii for that; and I wouldn't mind getting one if I really wanted to play that game.


The same goes for every platform out there. If there is a certain title that is only available for a certain platform, well I'll just shell out the cash and play the darn game.

As a Pc enthusiast, I enjoy the ability of slapping together components and watch it come to life. Being able to game on it is just the payoff.

For me, it just all depends on what I want to play. Since my introduction to Quake on the PC, I prefer aiming with a mouse, so I play FPS' on the PC. Since my days of Rad Racer on the Nintendo, I prefer steering with a gamepad, so I play racing titles on a console. It's not at all about what is my favourite hardware, but my favourite games to play on that hardware that feels right.


I say bury these trolls, for they are missing out on the big picture. I'm all for staying true to what makes you happy, but spouting ignorance will just end you looking like a misinformed fool. Stating the obvious doesn't make you a genius either. It's over-indulged opinion.

BTW If that new Mortal Kombat game is console only, looks like I'll be making a hardware purchase. I freaking LOVE Mortal Kombat!!

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Wow! When I first saw the thread's title and it was from Andrew I was worried, thinking he'd lost his mind. I am much relieved that is not the case (well, he may still have lost his mind, but this isn't a symptom).

Yeah, these guys are complete idiots. Claiming that PC games are all released with bugs. Uh... Fall Out: New Vegas? Claiming that consoles shouldn't have hard drives. Great, then no bugs could be patched without completely replacing the disk, and you can't install the game to speed it up, if it has slow load times. Oh, also it can be added that with the hard drive you can download demos and such to the consoles to aren't available to the PC (the SWFUII demo comes to mind, as I have it on my 360 but not on PC). Don't forget also that the consoles are all running with out dated hardware and, like XP, are the reason why PC games haven't shifted to DX 10 and 11 yet. The consoles are running with support for DX 9 so if a publisher wants to release it to multiple systems they want to write it in 9 so they don't have to completely rewrite it. Of course, some publishers have put in that extra time and money, but not all. For example, SWFU one, when released to PC is using DX 9 despite DX 10 and 11 having been out for sometime by then.

I could probably go on, but I need to get ready for work.

Just thought of something else. What do you do with games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band? They need hard drives for additional songs and have not all released to PC too (some have though, right?). So, are those not games?

Edited by Guest_Jim_*

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You guys are all getting hardcore trolled...this is exactly the reaction they wanted from all of you.



Obvious troll is Obvious. While I do completely agree with everything that's been said here, it really is the most blatant instance of trolling I've seen in awhile.

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heres what i sent them in a private message. its crazy long

I do not know what is sadder, you writing a 500 word essay on why pc gaming is better TO A TROLL, or the fact that there are people with such pathetic life that they get enjoyment out of something like posting a rant video on utbue.

But hey, I guess trolls really must enjoy working at mcdonalds from 9-5 and then sitting on the computer rest of the night ;)


As for the pc-console argument, I actually see why a person would prefer a console game. Pop it in, and you're done. I've had countless times a windows error or something like that. Hell, I wasn't even able to play bc2 the whole first week because of some server bug.

I still would not give up PC gaming. There is simply so much variety to it. I also understand why PC gaming will never overtake console gaming, or vice versa. The people who just want to relax and not stress out on some errors, get a console.

If you like to tweak your games, get better gfx et cetera, get a gaming pc. Not to mention competitive gaming like ESL,CB etc. (Yes, I do know it exists on console, but it pc competitive gaming is always taken much more seriously)


And those of you who say RROD vs windows errorrs, I can assure you that there are much more pc-related errors than console errors.

Edited by Jump4h

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