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"PCs Are NOT Gaming Consoles!! PC "gaming" is a ca


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Those guys are .ing tools, "I buy my games and its all there on the disc" um what? Then why do they release all this DLC on day one for your console games you .ing tools. Its because of console games that "DLC" costs money, before consoles were connected to the net, developers would release map packs and stuff for pc games that were free. Now we are paying $15 for 4 maps that are just imported from a different version of that game. I am really getting sick of these console fags that think that pc gaming is destroying there console games, they need to realize that its the other way around all of our good pc games are becoming consolised crap. Those 2 morons really need a reality check.

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Oh what idiots here. Had it not been for the computer there would be no Xbox, no PS3, etc.


As for the "additions" who started the DLC trend first? We had expansions on the PC that added TONS of content (SFIV vs SSFIV). This is NOT a PC problem, it was started on the new consoles.


I started gaming on the NES, progressed all the way up to a 360 currently and I am a PC gamer. Let me ask you this: have you seen the true abilities of a computer? Crysis could not run on a console douchebags!


Taken straight from what I said on YouTube.

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heres what i sent them in a private message. its crazy long


just a response to your PC cancer video

this thing is too long to post. so ill just send it to you. read the whole thing.


You got to be kidding me "The Truth" and "Wilover07"


You two know absolutely nothing.


1) You say we dont have God of War and Uncharted on a PC. But neither does Xbox 360, does that mean xbox 360/wii arent gaming consoles either. Point is, every console including PC have their own exclusives. PC's have an exponentially larger list of exclusives than all of your consoles combined.. idiots.


2)You say we're limited by the mouse? please make another video explaining this. because i have much better movement/control with my mouse then i do with a slow joystick on a controller. also you classy lady about pressing buttons on a keyboard...what do you think your doing on a controller? pressing a bunch of buttons. on my keyboard i use the same amount of buttons than you do on a console. mine are just placed more strategically. idiots


3) Nobody says a graphing calculator is a gaming console. dumbasses. You can play music and videos as well as get on facebook and do plenty of other things on a xbox,ps3,wii, so does that mean those arent gaming consoles either? idiots


4)That dumbass in the Orange shirt got it right. he said PC's are "always evolving" thank you for that. Thats what makes this platform so great. Developers can always implement make their games better because their platform is becoming better and better. The current gen consoles (xbox,wii,ps3) are VERY limited in what they can do because they are the same thing from launch till death. idiots


5) Back before this current gen of consoles, PC gamers were receiving FREE updates/Maps. Now we're all having to pay for these updates because you stupid console gamers keep gobbling up $15 map packs. idiots


6) You may be right on one thing. Your so ignorant and just plain stupid that we probably CANT convince you that console gaming = bad, PC gaming = good. and thats fine by me, that means your stupidity wont take up any slots on our dedicated lag free servers. idiots


7)nobody wants to play PC games with a controller. One of the biggest upsides to gaming on my "personal console" (lol) is that i get to use my mouse/keyboard. it isnt genre limiting, it expands the possibilities. Look at Mass Effect 1 and 2. the UI (thats User Interface , for you two) is completely whacked out on the xbox 360 because they are so limited by the controller so they have to make a cumbersome Wheel.(just one example of many) idiots


8) Console gamers dont have to buy extra .? extra controllers, wireless adapters for $80!!! (xbox), batteries/recharge docks, higher priced games, xbox live, psn + (not necessary tho), and im sure there are others im forgetting. idiots.


9) Your saying Open World games are stupid? I can understand that coming from you. You two obviously dont agree with platform freedom. which is why your on a restricted console. which is why you dont like open world games. you like to be spoon fed, you wouldnt like to have to actually think to complete a game. idiots.


10)Nobody says THE SIMS is HARDCORE!! i do not understand how you can just make this . up. its amazing. So becuase 7 million people have been playing WoW for years and years, that means its not real gaming. So your saying we should just play a game for a few months then get rid of it? PC gamers are very loyal, nothing wrong with that. idiots.


11 and final) PC gaming is all FPS, RTS, and RPS.. okay, what does that leave you console gamers? hmm. . Simulators? no thats PC. Adventure , no thats PC. Strategy, no thats PC as well. Doesnt leave you with very many options. idiots.


Please post a follow up video to that but this time try to have valid points and actually make sense.

Stop being so ignorant. do some research. stay off of PC servers please. good day



sucks to suck.. idiots

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I thought about PM'ing them but posted publically, so that everyone can see. Also make sure to Thumb down the video and report it for "Violent or repulsive content> Disgusting content"



Edit: also please vote my comments up ^_^

Edited by SenitaL

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