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Mushkin 3dmark Contest Comments Thread


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How many of those setups do you see here at OCC :)

It seems like there are quite a few to be honest. :P My CPU and un-overclockable 4870x2 are going to make it hard to compete...doesn't mean I won't try though. :woot:

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without hardware classes this seems like a ati / i7 contest.


i just busted my butt hitting 20k , oh well maybe next time.


i run day to day at 18k the last 2k was a push good luck to the rest of u guys i guess

That score makes me feel crappy about my system...a 4870X2 and Q6600 @ 3.5 GHz just barely fall short of 17k. :lol:



EDIT: Apparently there's a bug in the newer Catalyst drivers locking my second GPU at 2D speeds. I'm installing the older drivers to see if it helps things...BluePanda's 4830 crossfire rig scores higher with her two 4830s than my 4870X2 (yes, I did swap to see what was up...thought it was my mobo at first. :P).


EDIT2: 18600 with the older 10.5 drivers. Nice. SM 3.0 test 1 went from 82 FPS average to 116. :P

Edited by Waco

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I wouldn't worry so much about your scores guys. You all seem to be worrying about it don't!!!!


As long as you submit a score you have nothing to loose. We have no idea how this will turn out and if more prizes will be included so get what you can get and submit it. You never know what might happen now or later :)


The contest will be posted later this evening.

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So you mean there is no hardware class? Are there some restrictions at least? Road-Runner probably has quad-fire ready to go already. :(



Haha Damian. This one is good. :haha:



I do as well if its needed!


Dont worry about who has the biggest hardware budget just compete with what you have !

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I will just give you guys a bit of an update.


The top 3 scores will have a draw for the grand prize.


Spots 4-6 will have a draw for 2nd place


Spots 6-10 samething


11-15 samething


16-20 same thing.


There will be 5 prizes, however depending how many entries there is, old Bosco might throw a few prizes your way as well.


Even if you don't finish in the top 20 don't stop yourself from competing because you don't know how many people will enter so you could still have a shot at a prize.


The rest of the details will follow on sunday.


With it being a drawing for the prizes scores mean nothing really, that's just to get you in a category for the drawing so everyone should be entering I would think...

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I think we should split the scores into two groups, dual GPU/SLi/Crossfire/etc and single GPU setups.


If I had more prizes I would have done it that way. But I am doing it score based this time around because it will give me an idea for another one that I am planning.



its always nice for the guy in first place to tell everyone else that winning dosent matter.THX


If you read what he said the score means nothing even if he gets first or not because in the top group he still has to go against 2 other guys. Don't take offensive sheesh its a contest. You don't like it then don't enter but don't get hot about it. :rolleyes:

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