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Ya Know What Really Grinds My Gears???


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I think you are thinking that i am talking about that guy you think i'm talking about that i am talking about


windows seven is awesome! especially compared to my current pc which takes 8 mins to start up compared to a one and a bit mins on a laptop...


also at the the title - a gear grinder?


http://video.adultsw...ding-gears.html Thats just one of them. There is a whole episode about it.

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Mrs. Phil made burgers for lunch, and the pickles ended up on the opposite side of the burger from the ketchup. Up is down, down is up, it is messed up. That is just wrong on every inhabited planet in every solar system in the known and unknown universe. :glare:

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What really grinds my gears the most? Overprotective parents. :pfp:


There is a big difference to overprotective and Sheltering. Overprotective usually means from a teenagers perspective that they do not have the slightest clue what they are getting into.


Sheltering parents will not let there kids do things because they are under the belief that there child should be kept away from that stuff cause they are not ready to see what said issue is all about. This is wrong. I am certain that every time I need to shelter my child from something (which should be very seldom) ill just take the little whiporsnap there with me so he can understand first hand why.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The R Word. Retard. By definition, it means "to slow down." In music, the Italian equivalent of ritardando is used to indicate that the tempo is to slow down. Its most common use however, is as a harmless insult. "You retard!" "Wow, you're retarded!" "How can you be so retarded?" I'm sure you've all used such insults. I know I have. The mentally retarded individuals we would see in school or out in public were hilarious to us. They couldn't speak right. They would often have repetitive hand motions that we would mock. Some would make sounds that we'd liken to Chewbacca. And they didn't know anything. They had to be lead around by "'tard guards", who we didn't think were much smarter than the retarded people. Discrimination against them was nothing, sometimes it was encouraged. One individual, who I'll call Bill, dropped his pants in our high school gym. The very next day, parents were sending angry letters and phone calls to the school board for allowing such a person to be around their children. "I pay my taxes, get those retards out of this school and back to the asylum!" was one I heard. One person that I looked up to even said "They don't deserve to be in our schools. All they do is disrupt the classrooms and cause problems." And of course, they had no defense. Some of them couldn't even talk. I mean, "how stupid do you have to be to not know how to talk, right? No one even bothered to ask WHY he had dropped his pants. They couldn't see past the fact that he was retarded.


In the health care industry, Mental Retardation has been changed to Intellectual Disability. Yeah, it sounds better. We attach this tag to people who fail to function at the same rate or level as their peers. We even have different categories: Mild, Moderate, Severe, and Profound. This is the way of science, to classify and make order of things. And too often, we can't see past these labels. Heck, it's perfectly fine to discriminate sometimes. Look at the Dumb and Dumber movies, look at Step Brothers. These films focus on mentally challenged individuals and their hilarious misadventures as a result of their lack of intelligence. It's perfectly fine to laugh at them, they're just retarded, right?


Call a person of African origin the N word. You'll be lucky if you get away with just a dirty look. Go call a person of Asian origin a work that rhymes with "sink". Call someone with Hispanic heritage a word that rhymes with "pick." All of this is considered extremely offensive. Do this in your workplace, say good bye to your job. But to use retard as an insult, that's fine. Nothing wrong with that at all.


Let me tell you about Steve. Steve loves to bowl, he enjoys Wii bowling greatly. He works out and has a goal of losing weight and learning to eat healthy, though he loves to go to McDonalds every once in awhile. He has friends that he enjoys going fishing with in the summer. Right now, as soon as he loses five pounds, he's going to get a CD by Garth Brookes, his favorite musician. Steve lives with two other guys and splits the rent and utility bills with them. Sadly, the last time that Steve spoke to his parents, it was them telling him "Don't you ever call us again!". Steve has moderate intellectual disability. He has issues talking and has decreased cognitive abilities. His weight loss goal is one that was set up by his sister, who is his legal guardian. Why? He's five pounds above his optimum weight. He has a court commital, and may live in group homes for the rest of his life, according to his psychiatrist. He has people known as "staff" to come in and assist him with his daily living.


These staff keep notes on him known as Progress Notes. This are available to all staff who work with him, his case manager, his guardian, his program manager, et cetera. These Progress Notes detail how much assistance he needed with things. They detail what Steve did during the time that staff was with him. And of course, most of the focus is on things he does wrong. Why? Because the Department of Human Services and Department of Inspections and Appeals wants staff to justify their being there. Every time Steve fails at something, it's recorded. If he does things well, it may be recorded. He's given directions and guidance on how to live his life, and in order for him to ever be released, he has to live above the standard for a normal person his age for several years without any issues. No behavioural issues, no needing assistance with anything.


I used to mock Steve. I made fun of the way he talked, I made fun of the helmet he wore for his safety. I now work with him. I am among his staff. When you spend just one or two days working with individuals like Steve, you realize something. They're human. They have a heart, a brain, a mind, a conscience. They're just like you and me in the sense that we all have differences that make us unique. Some of them just have larger differences in their intellectual ability. They have the right to go to school and learn what they can. They have the right to go out and buy their groceries without being insulted or mocked. As Steve's staff and as staff for many other people with disabilities, I stand up for their rights. And every chance I get, I try to get people to realize all of this. There are some that listen and treat ID individuals with proper respect and dignity, and there are those that simply have an ignorant belief about it and refuse to listen otherwise.


Remember Bill? He had new staff that day, and he's also in the Severe ID category. To top that all off, he has autism. The only sound he makes is a loud "EEEEEEEH," which we used to mock all the time. His staff didn't know how to read his body language, and didn't have picture cards that he used to communicate with staff with. He had to go to the bathroom. He didn't want to wet himself, so to him, his only choice was to do it right there. And he didn't know any better, just like a child writing on walls or using your expensive printer paper instead of their notebooks.


Next time you see someone who is intellectually disabled out on the streets or at a store, don't say "Oh look, a retard," but rather, "Hi there!". Offer to shake their hand. Be polite, be respectful. It makes a HUGE difference to them, even though it's such a small thing. Most aren't used to a friendly community due to ignorance, and it just may make their day.


So, what really grinds my gears? People who are ignorance and discriminate against the intellectually disabled. People who think that "retard" is just a harmless insult. People who abandon their children to live in a strict facility and refuse to contact them, all because they can't see past the issues their children have and don't want to be "those people" that have the ID child, and cut them out of their lives entirely. Those who mock the individuals that I work with, the ones with whom I've developed strong bonds of trust. Those who think that they shouldn't have the same rights as everyone else. Those that want them locked away in institutions, instead of allowing them to grow and prosper in a community setting.


Tl;dr: Ignorant people who use the R word grind my gears.

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So, what really grinds my gears? People who are ignorance and discriminate against the intellectually disabled. People who think that "retard" is just a harmless insult. People who abandon their children to live in a strict facility and refuse to contact them, all because they can't see past the issues their children have and don't want to be "those people" that have the ID child, and cut them out of their lives entirely. Those who mock the individuals that I work with, the ones with whom I've developed strong bonds of trust. Those who think that they shouldn't have the same rights as everyone else. Those that want them locked away in institutions, instead of allowing them to grow and prosper in a community setting.


Tl;dr: Ignorant people who use the R word grind my gears.

i'm not sure about your country but overhere discriminating against those with "intellectual disabilities " is very much frowned upon in the same way calling an african american the N word. When i was in high school, my school used to share a fence with a school for kids with learning and mental disabilities. And we did occasionally make fun of them when one of them would do something "stupid". i on a rare occasion i'll call a friend the R word when they're being stupid but its not meant with malice. its one of habbits that is hard to break. I think schools should teach kids / teens at a younger age about ethical treatment of others, like not to call people the N word, the R word etc. and that people with disabilities are people too.


My girlfriend has a little brother who has autism. He's pretty close to being normal most of the time. i mean he can say somethings without thinking them through or act differently at times but he's a human all the same and as such should be treated that way. but of course some exceptions should be made in how you treat them. he gets bashed at school because he says things without thinking and thats not cool. the other kids should be taught to ignore the things he says and not react to them.


On a slightly related topic it grinds my gears when i hear "Don't be a Fag" or "You're such a Faggot". i have a friend who decided to "come out of the closet" last year and i admit i used to use the term "thats gay" as a synonym for "thats bad" or "that sucks" but again i did not ever use it as a form of discrimination. It just annoys me so much when you go online in games or even walk down the street and hear young teens using "You're a Fag" or "You're such a Faggot".


Political Correctness (PC) and not offending the minority really grinds my gears. I'm sick of Australia compromising our values, holidays and beliefs so not to offend the minority. Its in our constitution that everyone has a right to practise and believe whatever religion you want. If you go to Saudia Arabia or Israel or any muslim country you don't get to go to them and say i'm going to practice christianity and you're not allowed to go to Mecca on pilgrimage (or something equivalent). While our country is a very openly multicultural nation, as a nation we have the christian callendar and as such celebrate holidays like easter and christmas. A new law has been passed in which as of next year child care centres can be fined for activities such as Easter egg hunts or Christmas tree decorating. link sorry i couldn't find an unbiased version of the story. Sure we shouldn't / cant force you to participate in those things, but dont come into our country and prevent us from participating in them!


Quote: "The new laws will also see the end of the time-out corner, as supervisors will not be able to separate a child from the group “for any reason other than illness or an accident”" link 2 Its these kinds of moronic laws that get me really angry when there are far bigger issues in society than kids sitting in the "naughty corner". Bring back the days of being able to spank kids and stop letting them have rights. And stop preventing the majority of the country from practising their beliefs and holidays out of fear of offending the minorities. Hell i have a friend who is asain and is a bhudist but she still puts up a christmas tree every year!



- agreeing with KB on the use of the R word

- use of "Fag" or "faggot" as a derogatory term

- Political correctness and law makers who cater to the minority and offend the majority by doing so.

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- Political correctness and law makers who cater to the minority and offend the majority by doing so.


The drive to be Politically correct is going to ruin this nation. And probably a bunch of others too.

I know 'African Americans' who call each other niggers, i know of 'Native American People' who call themselves Indians. I think that alot of the time these PC laws are passed because one person complained and for whatever reason, perhaps money or power, Politicians wont ignore it they make rules for the rest of the country. The 'minorities' in question probably dont care nearly as much as the lawmakers think. Oh and on the Christmas tree deal, did anyone see the massive christmas tree in Saudi Arabia last year? Muslim Country right....

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I respect people with mental retardation, I respect homosexuals, I respect black people and I respect women however if I'm pissed off retard/faggot/nigger/whore may still slip out of my mouth.


Should I say these things?

Most certainly no, but I don't intend to actively try not to.


I wouldn't use these terms towards their definitionional targets under almost any circumstance.





- Political correctness and law makers who cater to the minority and offend the majority by doing so.

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Not using derogatory language when referring to another person or group of people shouldn't be about PC, it should be about respecting your fellow human beings. If being more aware of others is PC, I'm for it. I remember a time when people didn't consider the impact of their speech on others nearly as much as now, it generally went along with a feeling that people not like you were inferior. Mostly it was simple ignorance.

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These are pretty much my thoughts NSFW



I also don't believe in censorship of words on TV. It really makes no damn sense to me. Heck, I was talking to a German foreign exchange student at my school and he says that they basically lampoon us. They very rarely censor their words on TV.

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Chevrolet. Seriously, there is NO reason why CV joints should fail after four years and 33,000 miles when the boots are still perfectly intact. Thank god my Cobalt's still under warranty.


And for the love of God, no I am NOT GOING TO "MOD" MY CAR! I don't care what you saw online, I don't care that "a spoiler would look so tight on that!", and I don't care that the exhaust is nice and quiet instead of being obnoxiously loud. It's a base model Cobalt LS, and that is what it will be until the body rots away or the engine takes its final breaths.

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