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2009 OCC Christmas Contest


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Signing up worked perfectly for me; Gmail didn't filter the message or anything.

ok well now i'm creeped out....bosco did you get an email from me ? :huh:

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My newsletter signup email took quite a while to arrive, patience will prevail I think.


6 hours since I sent it and no reply :( Is there anything I can do?

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6 hours since I sent it and no reply :( Is there anything I can do?

All I know is I waited for it last night then finally went to bed and it was there in the morning.

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I'm astonished by the HUGE amount of prizes! Best luck to everyone.



Just one thing, I thought the "609-894-8789" was some type of postal code so I haven't added my number. Shall I resend the e-mail with the phone number?



Wait you need the Phone number too?! DAMN! will ill have to re-send you my 2 emails with the phone number, or can i just Send you a PM with it? (i had no idea what that last number was either, and phone numbers look totally different here)


Just PM me

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