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What's better ATI or nVidia?


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I can't argue with people who ignore the facts. Sorry.


I'm done with this thread.


Quitter. :P


Nobody remembers the $850 dollar 8800 Ultras?


whereas when Nvidia sets a price of $850 for a product that isn't worth that much in terms of price vs. performance, we have a right to raise our voices at them.
Edited by tkrow21

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You really don't understand the concepts of supply and demand or capitalism do you? :unsure:


Yes I do all to well! This is an example of capitalism at its finest!





Supply is low, demand is high, price rises.



I fail to see how that's confusing in the slightest... :unsure: As for asking my econ professor; I had economics about 9 years ago. No chance I'm going back to her for questions. :lol:


Its not! It the hypocrites that scream bloody murder when Nvidia has a high priced card come to market and then say nothing when the price point is on the other foot! The folks who bought early paid less of a premium than the ones who are buying cards right now got a better deal on the 5XXX series! I'm pointing out the fact that Nviidia always gets ripped for it when they do the same thing but people are not crying the blues when ATI does it! Who remembers the $700 1900XT Master card to run Crossfire?

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Its not! It the hypocrites that scream bloody murder when Nvidia has a high priced card come to market and then say nothing when the price point is on the other foot! The folks who bought early paid less of a premium than the ones who are buying cards right now got a better deal on the 5XXX series! I'm pointing out the fact that Nviidia always gets ripped for it when they do the same thing but people are not crying the blues when ATI does it! Who remembers the $700 1900XT Master card to run Crossfire?


Well, disregarding the fact that none of us here have been doing that, AMD is not price gouging. They launched there product at a reasonable pricepoint and had to raise prices due to too great of a demand to supply ratio. It's not hard to understand, and it's certainly not freakin' price gouging. People complain about nVidia because they artificially inflate prices. Both companies do it though, but nVidia has a slightly "worse" history of it (8800 Ultra, GTX 280, for example).

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Well, disregarding the fact that none of us here have been doing that, AMD is not price gouging. They launched there product at a reasonable pricepoint and had to raise prices due to too great of a demand to supply ratio. It's not hard to understand, and it's certainly not freakin' price gouging. People complain about nVidia because they artificially inflate prices. Both companies do it though, but nVidia has a slightly "worse" history of it (8800 Ultra, GTX 280, for example).




The reason you are seeing high prices now is different than the reason you were seeing high prices with the 8800 Ultra and the GTX 285, and people choose to understand this and not flip out.

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The reason you are seeing high prices now is different than the reason you were seeing high prices with the 8800 Ultra and the GTX 285, and people choose to understand this and not flip out.

haha yeah, I hate the 285

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Well, disregarding the fact that none of us here have been doing that, AMD is not price gouging. They launched there product at a reasonable pricepoint and had to raise prices due to too great of a demand to supply ratio. It's not hard to understand, and it's certainly not freakin' price gouging. People complain about nVidia because they artificially inflate prices. Both companies do it though, but nVidia has a slightly "worse" history of it (8800 Ultra, GTX 280, for example).


I understand Supply and Demand economics ! Short supply means you hold your price points. The demand is the justification for holding the original price point and not discounting your price point due to competitive pressure. No competition, No discount. Charging a premium on top of the original price for it is an added "Tax" on the consumer for the right to own said product regardless of what it is. You don't increase the price to lose business. It's like walking into the store and seeing the bag of chips that says 99cents on the package but being charged 1.25 because hey I only have 3 bags left ........





The reason you are seeing high prices now is different than the reason you were seeing high prices with the 8800 Ultra and the GTX 285, and people choose to understand this and not flip out.


If you say so ! Prices didnt go up they stayed the same or dropped.

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I think Nvidia has a better track record for artificially inflating the prices of their products, I also remember the 6800's being about $600-$700, because they were the first cards to support SLI.

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I understand Supply and Demand economics ! Short supply means you hold your price points. The demand is the justification for holding the original price point and not discounting your price point due to competitive pressure. No competition, No discount. Charging a premium on top of the original price for it is an added "Tax" on the consumer for the right to own said product regardless of what it is. You don't increase the price to lose business. It's like walking into the store and seeing the bag of chips that says 99cents on the package but being charged 1.25 because hey I only have 3 bags left ........


No, that's not how short supply works. When supply is low, you increase prices to curb off demand and make more net income. AMD has short supply on Cypress cores. They have to increase price to maintain the best income margins. I'm confident the HD 5000 prices would be lower if supply was higher, because AMD would have a great opportunity to grab market share. Unfortunately TSMC dropped the ball big time so AMD has to keep prices up in order to maintain decent profit margins.


On top of that they are throwing out tons of bad cores because of the TSMC issues, so that's even more money down the drain.

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I tip my hat to Nvidia for their aggressive stance on drivers and how quickly they add them or update them. It shows you they are providing the best support they can for their products to bad ATI doesn't follow suit.


Monthly updates aren't frequent enough? ATi will release additional drives in a month if they really screw things up. But how often does the average person update their video drivers? I'd say once every 10+ months.

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