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The HUGE BIG-BIG Windows Vista Thread


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I've been having the worst problems with Aero in Vista. My computer gets laggy as hell with it enabled and I know it shouldn't. My specs are:

  • Lanparty NF4 SLI-DR
  • AMD 64 3700+ ( tried at stock 2.2Ghz and 2.8GHz)
  • 2 GB Ram
  • 6800 GT PCIe 256MB


I have done 2 fresh installs of 32 bit Vista on my machine and both have had the exact same Lag issues. I have tried getting the new updates for DirectX, I have tried both the video driver from Microsoft and from Nvidia, and all updates are current.


My Performance Rating is at 1 and it says I have some performance issues for which it has no solutions.


Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong or is anybody else having the same sort of issues?

hey i have the same problum !!! windows vista is cool and all but its got too many backround prossesses and handles i shut off all services and im still at 347 of 1200 thats relly high just for idle im running plain jain win xp 1st ed and i idle at 67 mb its the same story with 64 bit ed runns a sky high page idle the less used by the os the more gain in performance is what ive expreanced as for the drivers u have to go to 3dguru and get the z tweekd they work well ..later

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i still dont have my 7.1 sound and ive also noticed stuttering wen playing MP11 but didnt take much notice. i have an external 5.1 sound box (usb) for use with my team speak wen playing games but for some odd reason if i use it after about 5 - 10 seconds of sound coming through it, it just stopps. it has a light on it that flashing wen it is in use but that also goes dead. and i tried running MP11 through it to test it and wen it stopps working media player also locks up. it is really weird. anyone have any idea?

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Still trying to figure that one out, does the sound cut out in Media Center as well?


Is anyone using any 3rd party players? I still think it's driver related.


This is what I got when I checked last for problem drivers.



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This is a clean install with the latest drivers installed and no services disabled or tweaks applied. The only things I did were to allow unsigned driver installation and disabled UAP temporarily. My system is set to stock settings (not auto) atm.


Opteron 170 200MHzx10 704 2BTA 1.35v AMD cooler / CoolerMaster 80mm fan

Corsair XMS PC4400 1:1 200MHz 2.7v Orange slots 1T - 2.5 - 4 - 4 - 8

DFI LanParty SLI-DR VC-RE chipset cooler 80mm PWMIC fan added

Rosewill GeForce 6600 256Mb SLI version Top Slot

SilverStone Strider 600W SLI PSU (4x12v) Bareley taxed

Western Digital Caviar SE 200Gb Sata II nVidia Sata port

Stock Karajun 8CH Audio Module nVidia drivers



These are issues I have with my internet connection including IE;


My connection drops out randomly, so I powercycle my router, which usually fixes it.

Sometimes the site I was viewing atm can't be found in DNS, while others come up fine. I have to restart to get that to work again.

I have read to disable IPv6 and to uninstall Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper IO Driver and Link-Layer Topology Discovery Responder, but that seemed to make it worse actually. This happens on the nVidia LAN port as well as the Marvel one.


On this install, IE seems to not remember any of the passwords I told it to remember, and my links icons are all mixed up, with sites' icons which I visited after opening a link from the links toolbar.


My issues with audio are these;


Visualizations are disabled and the Library is not scanning.


Sound cuts out after medium CPU activity and when scrolling web pages the sound stutters real bad. This is in 2 Speaker setup. I have to reset my audio device (change some settings) to get it to work again temporarily.

Error reporting issues;


Vista should be able to determine that fresh installed drivers will cause slow boot up times as they are actually installed during boot up.


.........more to come for sure........

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where do you see 347 of 1200 processes...?


I loaded it to my box...checked the Task Manager and sitting idle I get 44 processes... with Defender off....


I played MP 11 for 2 hours and had no issues other than the screen saver turning it off... I rip the latest Buckcherry cd and played it...fine no pop or crackle...I have it set to 5.1 surround....did the test and it's fine...sounds great...


Only thing I noticed off the bat was it rips the cd really slow...other than that visuals are nice...oh yea almost forgot...It couldnt connect to the internet to retreave album info....I kept getting that error about not being connected... in 10 all I would do is open a page behind it and it would go... did work for 11...


EDIT....REEL...I have none of those issues you speak of...but I am on a VIA chipset with this install I wonder if that makes a difference....if you need I can test that theory later...just let me know what/how to test... like what your listening to and where you are browsing when you get the sound problem....

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45 processes including Windows Defender.


I tried several mp3, once I realized the issue I started browsing several sites scrolling back and forth, and checking Windows Updates at the same time to recreate the sound problem.

I don't think it's necessarily caused by CPU activity, as browsing should not be that processor intense, but nontheless it seems to happen more with graphic and flash intense sites. I was thinking it might all be related to my connection dropping out, but it happens on both LAN ports.......


I will do another clean install today and leave the system as is, to see if it happens "out of the box". If that doesn't solve it, I have 2 other systems (1 VIA & 1 nForce 2) that should be able to handle Vista that I can use for a side-by-side comparisson. I will install the same drivers and then different ones to see what happens, as I tried every audio driver on this machine.


Thanks Dr. let me know what happens.


Edit, just realized one of those machines is in pieces, so I will slap it together tonight and install on them tomorrow.

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I havent put it on any Nforce yet only via.... seems fine I havent had any sound issues...only issue I have had is the slow start-ups with the nvidia graphics driver...and I did install the vista beta driver...


I tried on the old box updating the geforce2 mx-400 and it wouldnt take...

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...I tried on the old box updating the geforce2 mx-400 and it wouldnt take...


Do you mean MX-4000? I have one of those in one of my other rigs, I was planning on using for testing Vista. What was the problem?


I figured out on one of my earlier installs that the SM-Bus drivers are for nForce PCI System Management. Some were wondering what it was for. Made no difference though.


Can't get ReadyBoost to work, with Sandisk Cruiser 256Mb stick, might not be compatible though, still researching it. Anyone try that yet?


To get a link that'll automatically take you to the last post of this thread.


create a link in the link toolbar and set the url to;





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Well it installed by default the 56.73 drivers...


It gave me the normal error about the driver causing slow start-ups... no biggy I think thats normal...atleast now I do..


So I went to the nVidia site and tried to download the latest Vista Beta driver and installed it... during instalation it couldnt find a card to update...


I used the GeForce-TnT option and I know my card is a Geforce2 MX-400 4x's agp... other than that it works fine....


I did NOT do the tweakvista for enabling glass as I read that it would really slow the system down.... I have a spare fx5200 I thought about swapping in just to see what it would do... but the board i have the card in doesnt like the FX series of cards.... it works great for anything but games... most games are unplayable at any setting... so I leave the MX-400 in it..

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As requested, here are some screenshots of the errors that vista reports.


Yes, my performance rating did go up to 3 after a reboot but Aero still skips and lags.


The Problems Causing Slow Boot



The Problems Preventing Hibernation




The issue seems to be that 3d stuff just doesnt like to work with my computer for some reason. The performance adjuster demo thing in the Nvidia Control Panel also lags even when Aero is not activated.

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