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The HUGE BIG-BIG Windows Vista Thread


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Anyone know if any stability testers work on Vista yet... I am fresh installing now the 32bit version....


It blue screened on me at 220x9...so I went stock for loading...memetested fine at both settings...


specs Abit AV8/ 3000venice/ 5700ultra/ x-connect 500watt psu/ 2x512 XBLK [email protected]/ 60gig HD

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I didnt have any trouble burning it.... I saved the download in my program files...winrar made it an associated file... so it looked like a winrar...but I knew it was an ISO so I opened Nero(6) and chose "express" on the left... then on the sub options on the right under "what would you like to do" select image to burn... browse to the download...burn it..then boot from it after it's burnt.... just like toast...

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Are you using nero express or the full edition. If you are using nero express it won't work and you should PM me.
should i use the 32 bit one or the 64?

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Either one will burn fine... I am using the 32bit version cuz I dont want to hunt for drivers AND it enables glass automatically with my card...64bit does not....


Edit... I burnt both versions in nero without a hitch... back to back...

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Are you using nero express or the full edition. If you are using nero express it won't work and you should PM me.

HEY thought you said ya was gonna help me :nod:

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I am only using a 25Gb partition for Vista x64, I guess that lowered my rating somewhat. I am going to uninstall x64 and install x32 and see what happens on a larger partition.

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Need to take back what I said about HDD size being the big factor in the Performance Rating. Been trying to optimize both Vista and the Raid partition and scores have improved dramatically. Forgot that I needed to disable Read Caching in each OS




Quick stability test. Meeds more work :D




HD Tune run. Remember it scans the entire array and the end of 760Gs slows down quite a bit.



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The download is in the form of an iso. Doesn't need any extracting. Open nero and choose burn image, point to the download and hit open.
thanks CPDMF ;) it worked for the 32 bit Im still confused why i got a key when i downloaded 32bit but didnt get one for the 64 bit




WoW does it really use 15 gig to install? Or is that mim HD space?

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I'd consider the install at least average.

It does have the MS Office 2007 Beta loaded, all the Futuremark 3D apps, but the benchmark programs and utilities are otherwize pretty small.

No movies or MP3s stored on the Vista partition.

Everything else is stored on the remaining 600G of the array or the 200G IDE.


Also, the built in DVD movie player isn't that bad but does not have hardware acceleration.

(Wish someone would have told me before I spent hours messing with Power DVD) :D

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Well here is my rating as far as vista running slow it somehow after few restarts been runnin pretty fast now happy thats fixed cant find a few drivers tho :/ for webcam or for my G5


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