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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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Is there a Mirc channel? If not make one faster then i can go to the moon!


Btw, i made a thread last night about Boot Screens and next day it was gone..

there is no IRC channel anymore


you can thank some people who screwed that up for everyone else



as for your thread...it didn't get deleted...it got moved...you should pay more attention instead of just making new threads

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no, but it is always good to have a woman's perspective...and momma is a woman who loves hockey, video games, nerdly stuff, NPR (National Public Radio for you dorks who don't know what it is...give it a listen sometime), etc



do you love hockey, video games, nerdly stuff, NPR?

if so.. she's like you but in a woman form :)

so does it make a diffrence?

where is thegeekmistress?(wrong question) :cat:

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do you love hockey, video games, nerdly stuff, NPR?

if so.. she's like you but in a woman form :)

so does it make a diffrence?


i love the things she loves and vice-versa


so being with her is like being with a clone of myself except she has womanly parts instead of manly parts ;)

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i love the things she loves and vice-versa


so being with her is like being with a clone of myself except she has womanly parts instead of manly parts ;)


That's always a good thing (in all meanings)


Now, how long did it take to get DFi to let you make this board (how many months of begging)?

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That's always a good thing (in all meanings)


Now, how long did it take to get DFi to let you make this board (how many months of begging)?





they are so....Eastern culture


they are afraid of their own shadow honestly


here's a short history of DFI-Street/Happy_Games



I bought an Epox from newegg...my first NF2 ever...Tom's Hardware said it was awesome...this is before I realized Tom's Hardware smokes crack and takes it up the rear from Intel willingly. (yes you can quote me directly to Tom's Hardware on this as everyone knows it is true...just look at their AMD vs Intel dual-core fiasco where we CAUGHT THEM RED-HANDED LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH AND FUDGING SCORES/RESULTS)






the Epox never worked.


I really wanted the DFI Lanparty KT400A but I didn't want to spend the extra for it...but when the Epox wouldn't work with my HyperX, I sent it back, paid the 15% and got the KT400A LP board that I wanted the first time.


I bugged the moderators at amdmb.com forums to start a DFI section because when my LP board arrived, I realized that DFI would quickly become a very very popular mainboard.


After the mods agreed and made a DFI section, I took it upon myself to make a few threads with all the info I could gather about the boards, the KT400A chipset, etc, how to do this, how to do that, blah blah blah, and the mods stickied it.


Soon, Frank Wong, my future bossman, came rolling through asking if anyone in the Bay area wanted a job...and I told him screw living in the Bay area, I would work from home on the forums for $25 a week.


Well, they paid me $50 a week for a couple months, and saw the crazy amount of work I was putting in (I didn't have a lot else to do, I was taking care of my mom who was quickly succumbing to bone cancer). They doubled that and offered me a REAL job as support manager after the first of the year, and I agreed.




Well, as reality always happens, DFI DID become crazy-popular. Soon, all the people on earth were showing up at AMDMB forums in the DFI section. At one point, the DFI section had more users than all other sections combined. Me and a few good members did everything we could to make DFI even more popular by doing the great things we do here...but there was a very ugly problem going on.


Being that it was not our forum...we had ZERO control over some of the things being posted...useless rumors, lies, flaming, cursing...too many bad things that should not have been there.


When I complained to the moderators, they shrugged and said they couldn't give me any mod powers as it was a conflict of interest. I agreed, but begged them to do SOMETHING about the situation as it was causing harm to the company I worked for.


They ignored me, and it got worse, and finally I told them to go %@#$#@ themselves, and moved to intelforums.net for a while...


The funny thing is...from about 3 months after I started, I begged DFI to make their own forum...for DFI only.


Begged and begged. Pleaded with them. Even when I took trips to the office, I kept at it, and they always resisted.



Finally one day I decided this was utter bs, and I just bought dfi-street.com domain, had a dude put the vbulletin forum together here, and we moved as much info over as we could, and told DFI'ers all over the net that this was our new home.



I'd had enough of jumping forum to forum, Rgone and I covering about 15 different forums per day, answering the same damn questions over and over and over, and having very little control anywhere.




DFI was crazy mad...until they realized the power of the Street, and how popular it was becoming.


That's when they tried to steal it from me, and even flew me and Rgone out to the office to basically threaten to take it from me.


You can guess what I told them...






I think they finally understand that it is a better thing that I control and own this place, and not them. We all know that the instant corporate takes control of something, they destroy it, ruin it, and end up . everyone off.


Plus...as you can tell, I can do and say things that corporate could never do or say...and if they get too angry with me about the things I do or say, I always get an email or angry telephone call from them...but I remind them that THEY didn't want this place, and THEY fought it tooth and nail, and now THEY are making millions in profits from the place while I am still without a raise after 3 years...and so sometimes it is a power struggle between me and the one bossman (not Frank, he's awesome), but in the end, I get my way because though I do some things wrong, and though I do some bad things that I shouldn't, I keep making DFI more and more popular.


Well, not just ME making them popular...but I've done all the RIGHT things here at the forum to make you guys make DFI more popular.



Without YOU, the great members, DFI-Street would be nothing. Great members encourage me to continue making little videos and tutorials and taking pictures and putting crap in the SSDB and OCDB and such to make it even better.





Oh, yes there's a very unhappy group or two around the net that absolutely hate me. There's a group at pcper.com that still hate me pretty bad, and there's a nice big group of them at xs forums that hate me pretty bad...and you know what?


I'm ok with that...because I know who they are...they are members that were told their bs wouldn't be allowed here, they are members that were told to follow the Street's rules, or they are members that think they know it all and live inside a little fantasy world with each other and have nothing better to do than sit around hating me and/or DFI.




I don't expect any of you to like me...if you don't like me....that's a personal problem for you if you let it become one I suppose. It ain't no skin off my back.


However, you are expected to follow the rules and be good members...and that's really all that is expected of you.


I have a knack for smashing your parade float at times, and you don't like it and feel it is unwarranted...and that is ok too...because just like me when I get a nasty phone call or email from DFI about something bad I have done, you too need to be brought back to earth and reality once in a while when you get out of control.





Anyway...DFI hated the Street at first, but now Taiwan realizes it's potential, and they are definitely ok with it (they actually finally acknowledge it's existence!).


Me, I have grown tired of always smacking rulebreakers down and being Angry so for a while, I've instructed my terrible mods to be ruthless and mean in my place while I focus on being happy and handing out big fuzzy hugs to all of you.

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Ah Hell-- DAMN --- what the hells wrong with you? you taking happy pills or somthing? that allmost made me cry. now slap yourself and snap outta it. Real hockey players dont talk like that. DAMN it snap outa this night mear. you keep talking like that and there gonna kick you out of that red neck state :D

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