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Everything posted by gotdamojo06

  1. You could also use something like SecureErase or a kill-disk from the Ultimate Boot CD
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S97oUM_fjs8 I dont know French, but I have always enjoyed ETHS
  3. Thats the modem that I use, only pay for 6Mbps from Comcast, however I am always sitting at 12Mbps with the Surfborad modem! woohoo! so it gets my vote
  4. I posted that on the question you asked me on Facebook...maybe Waco was quicker at answering you than I was...lol But yes, we did change our benchmark lineup and Civ V took Crysis' place...
  5. if you need/want more room in the front...you can always do what I did with my SSD....I used zip ties and put it on the back of my 5.25" drive bay cage...opened up room for my pump and made it look much cleaner... Pictures were taken on my phone so they arnt the best of quality... Always a suggestion for the SSD if you needed more room up front
  6. check out where you are getting your student loan from...my ex got a free MacBook pro from her credit union when she signed up for her student loan there...so at that point, you cant complain at all!
  7. ive never waited to OC any video card... I usually do run benchmarks on it first at stock speeds and then clock the crap out of it!
  8. damn you comcast! They piss me off so much! ...but thats who I have :s
  9. it did for sure! It wasnt one of those holly cr*p whats going on things but it was one of those if you think about it things its pretty freaky and the whole base on true stories does give you a bit of a mind blowing thing...haha at least for me it did
  10. hmmm... if that didnt work, I would shoot Foxconn an email, make sure you pull the serial number off your board and include that with your email I have had to deal with Foxconn in the past and they were awesome, they do ask you a whole bunch of stupid questions. I had a BlackOps board that I used under DICE quite a bit and the memory controller kept going out on me, had to RMA it 3 times. Every time they were nice and helpful, but did ask me a whole bunch of questions that you would normally check before calling for an RMA, but they have to ask these questions...so its all good. I would try the RealTek drivers, what can it hurt? Go ahead and do a "system restore" point before you install them just incase something does go wrong and you need to get back to before you installed the drivers. Good luck and let me know what happens.
  11. Taking the "x" out of the model number you are going to be linked to 2 different boards, http://www.foxconnchannel.com/product/Motherboards/detail_overview.aspx?ID=en-us0000170 http://www.foxconnchannel.com/product/Motherboards/detail_overview.aspx?ID=en-us0000171
  12. yeah, real good attempt! im sure that some people will fill it out and reply...
  13. oh man this is going to look sick!
  14. Traded with Dr_Bowtie for a few items! I should have some more stuff added sometime soon guys!
  15. design looks really nice and the progress is coming along as well!
  16. not bad...if I didnt already have an Eee 1000HE I would pick this up
  17. interested...need myself a new PSU...if the other deal Im working on doesnt work out, I will send you a PM
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