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Everything posted by gotdamojo06

  1. check out my FS thread, I have a few up for sale in there PM me with an offer and we can talk about it
  2. yup, there is a side button on each side, you use the one of the left for back and right for forward @ Clay...my comment was aimed at Dave not the mouse
  3. yeah, you have to get the windows tinted! lol here is what mine looks like with limo (5%) on the back windows and 35% on the front two... crappy camera on the cell phone, but you get the idea...car is a little dirty as its been raining and drove on a dirt road last night or I would take a better picture right now with my camera...
  4. im anxious to see what it looks like...but I would go ahead and do it right and add at least another layer
  5. neither do I...only thing I use my TV for is watching movies be it on Netflix, DVD, or BluRay... 42" Plasma with surround sound beats the 30" with 2.1 speaker setup...oh and a comfy couch
  6. I remember when I first bought my current house...man oh man! I went about two weeks without the internet (didnt want to buy it) and was occasionally "borrowing it" from houses near me...the speeds that people had were soo slow! It was a blessing however because I was able to get a bunch of stuff around the new house setup, like my TV and all the painting done and everything else. Most of the painting I did do before I actually moved in but there was a little left over after I decided to move my stuff in. Ended up going with Comcast and its like 50$ a month for their best internet which give me up to 20Mbps download and does include basic...and I mean basic cable...like channels 2-14
  7. me too...guess that means I do have to go to work tomorrow...damn!
  8. whats wrong with it? If it is not working well on Steam, just re-validate the files on local machine...or uninstall and reinstall it I had an issue with L4D doing some weird things for me, and once I re-validated the files it worked just fine
  9. yeah, you would never get a review out of me if I had that desk...there would be drool stains all over the place...and no they wouldnt glow under the black light sicko!
  10. sounds like fun to me! Thursdays would be the best night for me, I have class until 10pm so I can get on by 10:30. Cant stay on much past midnight tho, because most likely I will have to be to work at 5am
  11. depends on what you like as far as looks, the Inferno and the Naos 3200 all performed quite well for me. Here is the review for the Naos 3200. I am selling the Naos 3200 for 55$ in my FS thread...so I am going to vote for that one
  12. Totally depends on what the customer is looking for. I did vote yes because your every day user will see that the CPU is at 3.5GHz and when comparing it to a CPU at the next store it is only at 3.2GHz, they will come back and buy yours
  13. I would go with the 5830 because it is new and the price of the 5770 is not that high. you should also be able to clock the 5830 pretty good I did a review on the Xtreme edition from Sapphire here and was able to get 964MHz/1198MHz on the GPU/Memory Good luck and hope this helped
  14. this thread makes me want to go play some Super Mario Brothers...
  15. I have a PS2 and a SNES I play the SNES more than the PS2
  16. def GPU issue...happens to me all the time when I am overclocking GPUs you need to check the stability of your GPU clocks, either reduce your clock speeds or increase your voltages a tad Good Luck!
  17. just saying, you dont want to see me shirtless or pantless...
  18. trust me, you dont want to see me unboxing anything on video...especially since Im usually just getting out of bed when I start a review...or after a 10 hour day at work...lol
  19. i might jump in tomorrow night depending on how my day is going
  20. your not missing much with 2...the campaign mode is less strategy and more aimed at run-and-gun but is still fun with a group of people you play alot with, only reason I have it is a friend online bough tit for me so we could try it out when it first came out, however we usually play 1 still
  21. L4D BFBC2 every once in a while L4D2
  22. i love the ackward silence from 0:33 to 0:43 and the look on his face...then again from 0:54 to 1:03, until he finally just gets up and walks out...
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