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Everything posted by gotdamojo06

  1. you dont need a super fast connection for a lil game like that. I use my dual processors as a server for my clan every once and a while. I have the standard comcast cable internet and i have had up to like 16 people in there, my max. they only had a ping of around high 70s to low 90s. Not too bad for a standard comcast cable connection. Think to keep in mind is that you do not want to host a server and play cs:s on the same machine, it will screw everything up. I have a laptop that I play on. My setup works nice. http://gmail.google.com/gmail?view=att&dis...027b38200e2747f
  2. what are some good temps for the cpus if they are not overclocked with the standard hsf? http://xoxide.com/thervol9cool.html this one looks nice!
  3. yea but that comes out to be $92 for 2 of them with the fan! LOL EXPENSIVE! Im not that rich!
  4. well i had them at like 1.4, i was hoping for 1.8ish area
  5. Hey guys I am in the process of overclocking my dual processor system. I know I have been told it is very crazy and I should not do it but....I want to. What CPU Fans should I get? I have a newer thermalake cpu cooler one one processor and the other has the standeard heat sink and fan. I was looking at this one to get for both of them...is this a wise choice? And I know it is out of stock but I will wait till it gets back in or look at what you guys think I should get! http://xoxide.com/coolermaster-aero-7-lite.html Please get back to me ont his one guys! I do not want to spend a fortuine on them, thats the thing I have to keep in mind when Im looking, I have to get 2 of them! Also what is a good temp for the processors to be running at? is 30C ish good? or should it go lower. Is it going to hurt it if it goes to 43-15? Thanx
  6. ok thank you guys! Sry about the whole 2 threads in one thread thing!
  7. I have a kd7 Master, i think i posted that befoer. so for freebsd i can do the same as that version of linux? i can boot the os from the cd?
  8. Alright guys, thank you for all the help that you have given me and I hope that it will work well, hey markiemrboo, do you think you could send me a link to where to download FreeBSD? Also I have heard that there is a version of Linux that you can burn to a cd and just put the cd in the drive and it will boot to the cd drive and it will open linux, basically making the cd a removable harddrive! This is cool, does anyone know of this? And if you do where to get it?
  9. No i dont use FreeBSD....yet i was wondering how it was...is it better than Windows? What all does it have on it? Thanks for calln me crazy for the ocing thing...I was just taking some advice from a friend. So what should I do for the settings in the BIOS? Can you help me find an updated BIOS? I would try to do all this right now but I am over at a friends house and I decided to try to get some help and get some more advice in the overclocking scene! I will get back to you about the voltage when I get home. Please and thnk you!
  10. please look at the updated post before this one that i sent.... For the updating firmware? What do you mean? The BIOS? Or what? What should I update to? My motherboard is a K7D master Markiemrboo....how is FreeBSD 4.10?
  11. No the secondary processor is not a dud, I know this because I have switched the processors up in the diffrent processor slots. If you know what I mean, hard to understand what I was trying to say. The reason that the other processor is so high, is because I have a better CPU fan on the first one. I have been trying to get the better CPU fan on processor number two. But do you know whats going on with my problem? Its not stopping because its overheating because I have the whole if it reaches 50C it will shut down turned off. I do not think that the processors are locked because they will let me change the multiplyer. If they dont have to be unlocked to change the multiplyer can you tell me how to unlock the processors or find out if they are locked? Thank you for the help with the cassis....I apreciate it. My powersupply (PSU correct?) is a 480 Watt so i dont think thats the problem. I think that I have a gig of 2700 DDR ram installed. What should i set the voltages to? Thank you for the help.
  12. Hey guys I have a set of AMD Athlon MP 1.2s and I tried to set my mutiplyer to 11.5, but when I do this, it boots past post and it goes to a blue screen but it goes too fast for me to read it and then it just restarts, with out booting windows xp. I go back into BIOS and set it back to 11 and it goes to windows xp. This happens also when i try to set the fsb higher than 133MHz. Could this be a problem with my voltage settings? I have it set at auto, but should i define it to something? When I go into CPUZ and look at it, the voltage is at 1.7 something. What should I do? Thank you for the help...O yea...this is my first time overclocking. The temps are very stable, the proccessor 1 is aound 28 and the second is at 35 and the chasis is at 35 as well. Thank you for the help. One more question....What is the chasis? I have heard that it is hte motherboard but i have also heard that it is the case! could some one please clear this up or me?
  13. My friend just bought a water cooling system and likes it alot...he bought a kit because he didnt know what he was getting himself into. Here is what he got.... http://xoxide.com/swiftech-h2o-120-sb-blue.html ENJOY
  14. Hey guys i have a MSI K7D Master and 2 AMD MP 1.2 Ghz for each. I have a gig of ram. the MSI board is a M Server. I dont know anything else about it really....i can find out if there is anything else you guys should know. I dont want to screw up my computer and burn out some processors...but can someone help me overclock it? I have the 2 cpu fans, a case fan and an extra cpu fan screwed on the part of the case where you put the cards in at. Didnt know what to do wit it, plus why not put it to use? Anyways, thank you for reading and i hope to hear back from you guys about this. What programs should I use to monitor the CPU's as well. I have a program called SpeedFan and with the drivers, I have a program called PC Alert III. There is an old burnt copy of Sandra somewhere if that should be installed.
  15. Hey there guys I have an ATI Radieon 9200 AGP monitor. It has the standard blue monitor plug, a yellow RCA TV plug, and an S-Video Plug. I also have a generic PCI Video card. I was wondering with that setup if i could be able to run some dual monitors, weather its extended desktop or its just 2 displays of the same desktop and same thing going on. Thank you for the help.
  16. gotdamojo06

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