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United States Presidential Election 2008


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    • Barack Obama
    • John McCain

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Well, I can definitely say I'm satisfied with the results. I truly hope rich old white men are quaking in their boots, but the funny thing is, they don't have any reason to (other than Hannity and Limbaugh screaming nonsensical hatred to keep them ignorant).


Finally after all this time, Americans have possibly grown up. There will be plenty of you who can't accept it, and will be hateful, and that is an unfortunate legacy we live with.


Peace to all.

Coming from an avowed Socialist this seems appropriate.


I guess you and Michelle Obama can finally be proud of your country.


Americans haven't "grown up" Angry. Quite the contrary, a vote for Obama was a vote for someone to take care of them. Someone to put gas in their car. Someone to pay their mortgage. Someone to give them a job. Someone to punish the "rich old white men" for creating jobs and building wealth. Someone to take those mean old talk radio conservatives off the air because free speech is only good when it serves the liberal purpose.


Hope and Change. Change and Hope. Just a bunch of platitudes from the least vetted, least known, least experienced Presidential candidate in modern history.


I hope we make it through the next four years without too much damage done to our Constitution since he seems to think it's flawed.


I hope we make it through the next four years without loosing too much on the Supreme Court since he thinks Justice should have en eye out for the poor instead of Justice being blind.


I hope the Drive-By-Media realizes what it's done to keep the Citizens ignorant while they push their liberal agenda.


Peace is a good thing!

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Coming from an avowed Socialist this seems appropriate.


I guess you and Michelle Obama can finally be proud of your country.


Americans haven't "grown up" Angry. Quite the contrary, a vote for Obama was a vote for someone to take care of them. Someone to put gas in their car. Someone to pay their mortgage. Someone to give them a job. Someone to punish the "rich old white men" for creating jobs and building wealth. Someone to take those mean old talk radio conservatives off the air because free speech is only good when it serves the liberal purpose.


Hope and Change. Change and Hope. Just a bunch of platitudes from the least vetted, least known, least experienced Presidential candidate in modern history.


I hope we make it through the next four years without too much damage done to our Constitution since he seems to think it's flawed.


I hope we make it through the next four years without loosing too much on the Supreme Court since he thinks Justice should have en eye out for the poor instead of Justice being blind.


I hope the Drive-By-Media realizes what it's done to keep the Citizens ignorant while they push their liberal agenda.


Peace is a good thing!

No, I completely disagree, and so does the majority of this country. I know it is hard to be on the losing side, but typical of the losing side, you still don't understand where you went wrong, and you won't, because of ideology. Meanwhile, your fellow republicans are starting to get the idea, and have finally realized teh ultra-conservatives are ruining republicanism. The FACT is, Republicanism now is not true republicanism. I bet you didn't even know that the original "classic liberal" is *GASP!!!!* a REPUBLICAN.




But then again, you people rarely paid attention in history class, and probably not a one of you are going for a history/poly sci degree, so of course you wouldn't know since you only know what Rove, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, and Hannity tell you.


The unfortunate truth Roadie, is that you nor your pals are republicans. You've grown into something else but still use the republican tag because...well I don't know why, but again, the fact is (and you can argue it but once more it doesn't make it any less of a fact) republicans today are not real republicans. The party of Jefferson would be appalled, much like the majority of this country is, at the actions republicans have taken.


Now, let's talk about constitution. Let's talk about how many times republicans in the last eight years have tried to change the constitution to take away our rights. Oh, we don't want to talk about that do we?


As for the Supreme Court, I'm hopeful that in the next eight years it can be filled with centrist-liberal justices instead of the conservatives that have been put in lately. See, it goes back to your lack of understanding about what a republican really is. It's funny that you argue so much but still don't even know what a republican really is. And yet you back a party that claims to be republican but has zero republican values (other than values claimed, like fiscal conservatism, which has happened a total of ZERO times in 8 years, another fact you can argue but it won't change it from a fact). Any government official that wants to spy on it's own citizens in direct violation of the constitution is not a republican at all, since real republicans, from the dawn of the party in Jefferson's time, is all about less government, individual and states' rights.


How about you explain to me how the current 'republicans' are fiscally conservative, for individual rights, and for states' rights. Ah ah ah ah ah...using what republican SAY is not going to be allowed though. Anyone can SAY anything. No, only what you (or your party) DOES is allowed in this argument. You SAY your party is fiscally conservative, but yet your party has put us in a depression of a serious nature (please, don't bother saying it is democrat fault when even your own republicans have charged that it is the fault of the republican party ideology). You SAY you are for individual rights, but then pass sweeping legislation like Patriot Act, FISA, and numerous other bills and laws that restrict American individual freedoms. You SAY you are for states' rights, yet your party has been trying to consolidate federal power in the eight years Bush has been in office. Top that with things called "signing statements" (I urge all of you to look into this abuse before you speak) and "executive privilege", and you can see what a two-faced lying bunch of hawks have done to the grand old republican party....you've soiled it with your Rovian one-liners, sound-bites, and out-of-context personal attacks.


So yes, this country has grown up. We've grown up because finally, with all the ammo and attacks and bombings and nastiness that your GOP tried to smear democrats with, we've finally grown beyond your sound-bite attack ads. You didn't get to "swift boat" obama this time because we *the USA* are smarter than your typical uneducated, overly religious southern racist. I mean, it is no secret that you can't stand blacks (yet you back-pedal constantly to fool others into thinking you do, but all they have to do is listen to you in confidence). It's no secret that majority of whites in the south feel the same way (yes, I know this, I served my 12 years down there).


We've grown up by electing someone who is young, vibrant, and speaks of change. You hate change, as does your GOP, because it represents fear and uncertainty for your rich white racist pals. You keep talking about how having both houses of congress + president is "OMG TOO POWERFUL!! DANGEROUS!!!! EVIL!!!" yet you conveniently forget that for 6 long years, republicans owned both houses of congress + the president and gee, look where it got us.


A war based on LIES. Iraq never was part of 9/11, it never had WMD's, and it was NEVER a threat to the security of the USA (especially since Al-Queada didn't have a single presence in Iraq. EVER.) Explain that one without trying to smooth it over saying how he (Saddam) was a dictator. Don't try to squelch the FACTS. Fact is, Iraq was a lie, and there's nothing you can say to make it otherwise.


An economic disaster. Hey, let's all deregulate all kinds of industries so our CEO pals can milk trusts, pensions, and retirements just so they can have new boats and mansions while thousands lose their jobs and lose their 401k/IRA. Oh but somehow that isn't republicanism that is at fault, gee no.


See, here's what i think happened this election...I think America finally got tired of the lies. We finally saw through your bs and scare tactics, and we elected someone who may be inexperienced, but is smarter than probably 99% of the population. We want someone who is smart because smart people surround themselves with other smart people and usually get the job done. We no longer want some retard beer drinking cowboy or some semi-retarded woman who claims foreign policy experience because she lives near a foreign country and CANNOT NAME A SINGLE SUPREME COURT CASE THAT IS IMPORTANT. We no longer want someone who claims faith in Jesus but has no real-world plan to fix the problems the republican party got us into. The fear of terrorism is no longer a fear, we aren't falling for the banana in the tailpipe trick anymore from your kind.


No, America grew up. America finally is putting their faith in someone who is an intellectual instead of someone who is a religious half-wit (as well as those who spew hatred, which is pretty near the top of the republican agenda).


I'm proud of this country. Michelle Obama is proud of this country. You can sound butt-hurt all you want, but it just makes me laugh. See, we don't need to rub your nose in the victory like you repubs did to us for the last 8 years. We are a proud nation, and the quicker we can silence zealots and half-wits (that seem to make up the majority of the republican party, especially down south...don't you pay attention to statistics? statistics show that majority of your pals the conservative republicans are uneducated or low-educated persons who easily fall into the trap of propaganda, especially when based around religion...).


No, we grew up. We WOKE up. You can cry all you want, but it won't change the fact that this country is moving away from ultra-conservative religious nonsense. We are part of the global economy as well as the global political power structure. We have to look beyond abortion and gay-marriage and take care of the REAL problems. Republicans have no plans to do this since their goal is money money money. So they move factories to foreign countries all in teh name of cheap labor (aka profits), and then complain that taxes are too high in this country (ironic since big businesses don't pay taxes anyway).


You know what else we are sick of? $2.50/gal or higher gasoline when oil companies are making $14 BILLION in profits PER QUARTER.


Yes, I am a socialist. I believe that every single citizen in this country has the RIGHT to health care. It is a RIGHT, not a privilege...except right now it is the exact opposite. I believe that every single business making over $1 million a year in profits should pay their taxes. I believe that every single citizen in this country should be allowed to attend college/university no matter what.


Wow, I didn't realize health care, education, and EVERYONE FAIRLY PAYING THEIR SHARE OF TAXES was socialism!!!! OMG!!! IM A SOCIALIST!!! YAY!!!


Republican tactics of divide and conquer caused republicans to become divided, and they were conquered. A few good repubs are recognizing that they are not longer real republicans and have decided they let too many Rovian influences steer them away from classical liberalism, which is actually true republicanism. A good number of republican conservatives though still don't get it, and they still think Palin in 2012 is magically going to bring them back into power. By 2012, this country will have moved far beyond one-liners from ditzy beauty queen governers. They still don't understand how they lost. They never will, and soon enough republicans will leave you and your kind far behind.


America doesn't have time for divisive politics anymore, and the American voters have proven this. You can cry all you want about it Roadie, but the people have spoken. You can attribute any excuse you can fantasize about it, but the reality is (and I know it has to be bitter for you, which makes it all the more tasty for me) that your party is in trouble and the American people see through your bs, lies, and nonsense, and made a choice to turn the country in another direction. Too bad for you, good for me.


I love socialism and Obama. I love this country too, thank you everyone who voted for Obama and your local democratic senator and house reps!

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No, I completely disagree, and so does the majority of this country. I know it is hard to be on the losing side, but typical of the losing side, you still don't understand where you went wrong, and you won't, because of ideology. Meanwhile, your fellow republicans are starting to get the idea, and have finally realized teh ultra-conservatives are ruining republicanism. The FACT is, Republicanism now is not true republicanism. I bet you didn't even know that the original "classic liberal" is *GASP!!!!* a REPUBLICAN.

Once again Angry you're just plain wrong.


I am not a Republican. I am a conservative.


But that's OK since you got all the liberal talking points right on the money. The blind leading the blind is an appropriate description of the Drive-by-media and liberals. You rail against conservatives and talk radio like it's some kind of threat to your liberal sensitivities. Why so scared? You guys just won the Presidency of the United States.


When the people working hard to pay their share of taxes get tired of working hard to pay for those that don't produce, you will wish you had paid attention to ExRoadie when he told you socialism has never worked and will never work as long as human beings strive to be free.


Then again you don't have to believe me...



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I wasn't going to post these thoughts but after that especially bile filled rant from Angry_Games I thought I should go ahead.


Watch what happens in the House and Senate during the next session.


Democrats will start making fundamental changes in how the congress works.


They'll change the rules to get around not having a super-majority.


The next stop will be the mislabeled Fairness Doctrine to silence their critics.


Along with the drive-by-media, any member of Congress that isn't "working with" the President will be called out as an obstructionist and the crazies on the Internet will be mobilized against them.


I truly hope I'm wrong!

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Yes, I am a socialist. I believe that every single citizen in this country has the RIGHT to health care. It is a RIGHT, not a privilege...except right now it is the exact opposite. I believe that every single business making over $1 million a year in profits should pay their taxes. I believe that every single citizen in this country should be allowed to attend college/university no matter what.


Wow, I didn't realize health care, education, and EVERYONE FAIRLY PAYING THEIR SHARE OF TAXES was socialism!!!! OMG!!! IM A SOCIALIST!!! YAY!!!


Republican tactics of divide and conquer caused republicans to become divided, and they were conquered. A few good repubs are recognizing that they are not longer real republicans and have decided they let too many Rovian influences steer them away from classical liberalism, which is actually true republicanism. A good number of republican conservatives though still don't get it, and they still think Palin in 2012 is magically going to bring them back into power. By 2012, this country will have moved far beyond one-liners from ditzy beauty queen governers. They still don't understand how they lost. They never will, and soon enough republicans will leave you and your kind far behind.


America doesn't have time for divisive politics anymore, and the American voters have proven this. You can cry all you want about it Roadie, but the people have spoken. You can attribute any excuse you can fantasize about it, but the reality is (and I know it has to be bitter for you, which makes it all the more tasty for me) that your party is in trouble and the American people see through your bs, lies, and nonsense, and made a choice to turn the country in another direction. Too bad for you, good for me.


I love socialism and Obama. I love this country too, thank you everyone who voted for Obama and your local democratic senator and house reps!


I can agree with you that the Republican party is a mess right now and has gotten so far off base its not even funny. Thats why I wrote in Ron Paul instead of putting my vote to the main two idiots that ran for office. The Republican party needs to really wake up but to try and make the Democrats seem like holier than though...now that is funny. Both parties suck and both have the greasy hands in the pie of this disaster we are in. I sure hope Obama proves me wrong and can actually do something for our economy, but I'm honestly not holding my breath.


I'm still confused by people saying healthcare is a right? I guess your also going to say that driving is a right not a privelage? Or where does it end? Socialism plain sucks and to even think that the ever efficient government can run anything is beyond me why anyone would think that.


I love how you say the American voters see through this and that..yet the popular vote wasnt exactly a landslide victory..still pretty split. Attack me if you want, I'm a registered Republican but I didn't vote the party line and am disgusted with the party...but I don't see anything better in the Democrats. JMHO

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I wasn't going to post these thoughts but after that especially bile filled rant from Angry_Games I thought I should go ahead.


Watch what happens in the House and Senate during the next session.


Democrats will start making fundamental changes in how the congress works.


They'll change the rules to get around not having a super-majority.


The next stop will be the mislabeled Fairness Doctrine to silence their critics.


Along with the drive-by-media, any member of Congress that isn't "working with" the President will be called out as an obstructionist and the crazies on the Internet will be mobilized against them.


I truly hope I'm wrong!

Either, you have an EXTREMELY wild imagination, or you are plain crazy! I totally agree with Verran! :blink: I should quote this whole thread into a Word Document and bring it into my future politics course at Uni, that would give everyone a good laugh, especially Roadies, Incrysis and that other dude from the other Election thread.


[Edit] Camaro, drop the gun argument, you don't see any of the points people question about gun ownership. You just plain want to keep your guns, fine with me, I have a shotgun as well, but when I hear you talking about a bedside weapon, seriously dude...

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Either, you have an EXTREMELY wild imagination, or you are plain crazy! I totally agree with Verran! :blink: I should quote this whole thread into a Word Document and bring it into my future politics course at Uni, that would give everyone a good laugh, especially Roadies, Incrysis and that other dude from the other Election thread.

I tell you what buddy. How about you come back to this thread in 18 months and compare what has happened to what I predicted. I'll be around so you'll know where to find me.


But then again, let's let the media speak for its self...


Appearing on Morning Joe, Chris Matthews says his job is to make the Obama presidency a success.



That would never happen in America.



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