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good JOKE for ya...


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yknow when you go to a party, and everyones hooked up except one guy and one girl

and so they look at each other like.. do we have to?

intel & nvidia must be lookin at each other like that right now


After the party nvidia goes to the emergency room and claims date-rape; "I told him I didn't want to..."

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^^^Ouch, thats like one of the jokes my old Bio Teacher used to tell...


Candiru: A tiny catfish of the Amazon basin that pisses people off.

(Note: The candiru is the fish to swims against a urine stream...)


Lol, you ain't seen nothin' yet!


How 'bout this one:


A guy walks in a bar holding a piece of asphalt. He goes up to the bar, sets it down, waves to the bartender and says, "Two whiskeys, one for me and one for the road".


(plz don't ban me)

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An elderly couple take a trip to Israel and whist there the wife has a heart attack and dies. The husband goes to a funeral director to enquire what he should do. The funeral director states "We can package her up and have her shipped home for a funeral in your own country for $5000... OR you can have her buried here in the Holy Land for $250."


The old man ponders for a while and finally says, "Ship her home please".


"What??" enquired the director, "You'd rather pay all that money to send her home? Wouldn't it be nice for her to be buried here and save all that money? Can I ask why?"


The old man took a deep breath and said, "After much thought, I think I'll have her shipped home because I remember that a long time ago a guy was buried here and rose from the dead three days later. I don't want to take that risk!"

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